Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was sincere but he interpreted Vatican Council II irrationally and not rationally.

 from Rorate Caeili

The extract  from Archbishop Lefebvre’s discourse held in Trent in June 1979  and entitled:

“The Second Vatican Council:  What would the Fathers of the Council of Trent  say about it?”

“Seeing the present state of the Church is a cause of great grief to us – and  I am sure it is the same for all of you.   How can it be that we have received official documents from Rome that are not in favor of the Catholic Religion?    That do not go along with the Tradition and the Catholic Faith? The answer is easy – the Church has been taken over; yes, it has been taken over; taken over by Modernists who defend [their] errors condemned by Pius X, who  said: “The enemy is now inside the Church -  it is no longer on the outside – it is inside the Church.”

Lionel: Please note that Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was sincere but he interpreted Vatican Council II irrationally and not rationally.


This enemy is found in the seminaries; in these seminaries the enemy of the Church will become a priest, a bishop, a cardinal with ideas that are not Catholic but modernist, laden with naturalism, rationalism, evolutionism and relativism in doctrine and morality.  This is Modernism. 

Lionel: He is not aware that his irrational interpretation of the Council is modernism.


Men with these ideas became bishops and cardinals.  Then the Second Vatican Council was ushered in and the Modernists wanted to have this Council to spread their ideas. And they held this Council with weak Popes.  Pope John XXIII was not a very strong man and even if he was a traditionalist at heart, he didn’t want to give the impression of not being up-to-date with modern ideas.

Under the influence of these cardinals he opened the Council, and, in my opinion, the poor Pope died of grief when he saw where the Council was heading.  That was my impression anyway. 

Lionel : Pope John XXIII accepted the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office  which interpreted the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance, irrationally. Pope Pius XII did not correct the mistake and neither did Pope Paul VI.


I knew Pope John well when he was Monsignor Roncalli in Paris, where,  as Apostolic Delegate in Africa, I went to see him many times. We spoke a lot. He  had the heart of a traditionalist – and when he saw how this Council was ruining the Church –  it is said he uttered before he died: “Stop the Council. Stop the Council!” 

Lionel : They still did not know that the Council could be interpreted with LG 8,14,15,16,UR 3,NA 2, GS 22 etc being only hypothetical. It would then not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. The Council would be in harmony with Tradition.


Regrettably,  the Modernists who took over the Church are still there, and have driven out all the traditionalists and now every great city in the world has a modernist bishop as cardinal: Milan, Madrid, Amsterdam, Paris and Chicago. 

Lionel: Even the traditionalist bishops were interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally. So they were liberals in theology and doctrine.


When Monsignor Bernardin, the newly appointed Cardinal of Chicago, was Bishop of Cincinnati, he was involved in a pacifist campaign and led a peace march.  [Subsequently  he was made Archbishop of  Chicago].

When I visited Chicago [some time before the actual appointment], I read in the newspapers that the press was not in favour of this Bishop becoming Archbishop of Chicago - the second most important city in America.  This was the opinion of both the leftist and the conservative-right newspapers – in short – all the newspapers. And what happened? Monsignor Bernardin was duly nominated Archbishop of Chicago! How can this be accounted for?  There was someone behind it all  - one of the modernist Cardinals  in Rome: Casaroli, Baggio, Pironio, Poletti –  they are all modernists.


Lionel: Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally produces modernism.

-Lionel Andrades

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