Tuesday, August 22, 2023

How can you have 21 new cardinals who change the Creeds with Cushingism and accept all the books on Vatican Council II interpreted with irrational Cushingism? They approve changes in Church Documents and have a New Missal based upon this error. They reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) by interpreting Vatican Council II with Cushingism.


How can you have 21 new cardinals who change the Creeds with Cushingism and accept all the books on Vatican Council II interpreted with irrational Cushingism? They approve changes in Church Documents and have a New Missal based upon this error.

They reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) by interpreting Vatican Council II with Cushingism.

According to Canon Law they must at least affirm the Creeds in their original. But the Athanasius Creed is rejected and the Nicene Creed is re-interpreted politically by them.

From whom do they get their authority to support this error? The Creeds are  always only Feeneyite.

They have an obligation to interpret the Creeds rationally and so affirm the dogma EENS. Even if Rahner, Ratzinger, Congar, Murray, Balthazar and Lefebvre were Cushingites we can today interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism.Then there is no rupture with Feeneyite EENS. There is no break with the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors. Our philosophy and theology is Feeneyite.

The SSPX bishops say they accept the Syllabus of Errors but they are Cushingites. So they  are not correcting the Cushingism of the 21 new cardinals. They also interpret the Syllabus of Errors with Cushingism and not Feeneyism. This is modernism.

Why should be attend Mass offered by a cardinal who is a Cushingite in public?

How can he support polygamy, LGBT-sex etc in the name of Vatican Council II, Feeneyite? He cannot! The Council, Feeneyite, no more supports liberalism.

Cardinal Arthur Roche says there is a new magisterium with Vatican Council II, Cushingite.He wants everyone to follow him. His ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue is false. It needs to be based upon Vatican Council II, Feeneyite.Then it will be missionary in the traditional sense. It will be mission and out reach, based upon there being exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church. This would be the Conciliar teaching and not just the pre-Conciliar teaching. It will be mission  according to Vatican Council II (Feeneyite).

Cardinal-designate Victor Manuel Fernandez cannot approve homosexual unions in the name of Vatican Council II, Cushingite. Morally, the Council has to be interpreted only with Feeneyism.

 Cardinals Grech and Hollerich also cannot approve polygamy in the name of Vatican Council II, Feeneyite. The theological opening for liberalism is no more there.    - Lionel Andrades

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