Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Public mortal sin is not in step with Vatican Council II


St.Alphonsus Liguori says do not go up to receive the Eucharist at Mass from a priest in public mortal sin. He would be referring to a bishop, cardinal and pope.

In is Teologia Moralis he says that since the is on the way to Hell and by going up to receive the Eucharist you are telling him that all is O.K.

He suggests that unless you cannot fulfill your Sunday obligation go elsewhere for Mass.

Going up to receive the Eucharist from a priest in public mortal sin for him is a sin against charity and religion.

With Vatican Council II interpreted rationally we are back to the old moral theology and we can tell when a priest is in public mortal sin. The Council does not contradict the past exclusivist ecclesiology and the old way of looking at sin and eternal death.

We can no longer say that we cannot judge the intention of a person. We can judge, Pope John Paul II tells us, in Veritatis Splendor.

Public mortal sin is not in step with Vatican Council II ( rational ).        - Lionel Andrades

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