Friday, August 11, 2023

There are articles/ reports by Brother Andre Marie micm, on the website in which he has interpreted Vatican Council II irrationally so he does not complain when Fr. Georges de Laire, Judicial Vicar in the diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire also does the same.The articles on Vatican Council II posted on the website are Cushingite and not Feeneyite.

 There are articles/ reports by Brother Andre Marie micm, on the website in which he has interpreted Vatican Council II irrationally so he does not complain when Fr. Georges de Laire, Judicial Vicar in the diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire also does the same.The articles on Vatican Council II posted on the website are Cushingite and not Feeneyite.

 Those reports are politically correct with the Left and the diocese. 1

Brother Andre Marie mic,  received his academic degree in theology, since he interpreted the Council irrationally and not rationally.He has also approved/recommended books on the webiste, written by Roberto dei Mattei, Mons. Joseph Clifford Fenton etc who interpreted the Council and other Magisterial Documents with irrational Cushingism. They were Cushingites.This is a common error in the Church. Cushingism has spread throughout the Church.

Brother Andre Marie micm and Brother Thomas Augustine micm, at the St. Benedict Centers in Richmond, NH and Still River, MA were respectively Cushingites on Vatican Council II and they were Feeneyites on EENS.

Also Brother Andre Marie’s Doctrinal Statement on the website, in response to the Decree of Prohibitions of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF/DDF), Vatican on the website of the Diocese of Manchester,NH does not mention if the Cushingism of the CDF/DDF and the Diocese of Manchester, is Magisterial or not.Is Pope Francis, the CDF and Bishop Peter Libasci Magisterial with public Cushingism?

The St. Benedict Center NH conferences have been held with Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally. Also there have been reviews and reports in general on different subjects in which the writers/commentators have interpreted Vatican Council II irrationally and they have been posted on the website, with no mention of the error.

It would seem as if Fr. Leonard Feeney and Fr. Francis micm, the Superior of the St. Benedict Center in NH, were only interpreting Vatican Council II, irrationally.There are no comments by Fr. Leonard Feeney and Brother Francis micm, on Vatican Council II interpreted rationally.

Brother Andre Marie micm, needs to issue a  clarification/correction on the website of and then point out the same errors on the website of the Diocese of Manchester, NH.  -Lionel Andrades


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