Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Understand this. It means all the books authored on Vatican Council II have a fault line

Understand this. It means all the books authored on Vatican Council II have a fault line. They are written with Cushingism i.e. what is invisible is confused as being  visible. These books are irrational and not rational. New books have to be written on the Council and the old ones discarded. 

Understand this. It means all the encyclicals, apostolic letters etc of the popes from Pius VI to Francis were written with Cushingism. The popes from Pius XII did not check Cushingism in the Catholic Church. It has spread.

Understand this. All the videos and websites, secular and those of the Vatican, have interpreted Vatican Council II with Cushingism and not Feeneyism. -Lionel Andrades


 AUGUST 15, 2023

She has broken through the mess in the Church. I am only reporting it.




AUGUST 15, 2023

She has broken through the mess in the Church. I am only reporting it.




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