Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Bishop Joseph Strickland does not affirm the dogma EENS according to the Fourth Lateran Council, the Council of Florence and the Athanasius Creed. Why ? Has the teachings of the Catholic Church changed for him? - 2


Bishop Joseph Strickland’s interview by Terri Barber on Virgin Most Powerful Radio  was politically correct and a disappointment.

They both were interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and did not seem to know this. They were repeating the objective error of the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office. So they could not affirm the Fourth Lateran Council and the Council of Florence on extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). These Councils did not mention any exceptions for the dogma outside the Church there is no salvation. These Councils were Feeneyite. Bishop Strickland has made a major error in philosophy and theology and he calls for evangelization with this confusion.This is a common mistake in the Church and it cannot be Magisterial.

They interpret Vatican Council II irrationally by confusing what is invisible as being visible- the mistake of the 1949 Letter, then they project false exceptions for the dogma EENS of the Fourth Lateran Council. I avoid this mistake.

I interpret Vatican Council II rationally, unlike the popes and Prefects of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (formerly CDF), Vatican.

So they are forced to affirm Christ without the necessity of membership in the Catholic Church, for salvation. I am not restricted to this error- since Vatican Council II has no exceptions for EENS, for me.

So we have an American bishop who is outspoken and clear on moral issues but who repeats the common mistake on the salvation issue.

When what is invisible is confused as being visible I call it Cushingism. When what is invisible is accepted as being invisible, I call it Feeneyism. So we can interpret LG 16 as referring to an invisible or visible case.

Bishop Strickland is a Cushingite on LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc. I am a Feeneyite on LG 8 etc.

For me invisible cases of LG 8 etc are not exceptions for the Fourth Lateran Council on EENS. While Ad Gentes 7 in Vatican Council II supports the dogma EENS. It says all need faith and baptism for salvation.All. Vatican Council II is Feeneyite for me. I can affirm the traditional strict interpretation of EENS and also the Council, interpreted rationally (invisible cases of LG 8, 16 etc are always physically invisible).

So we have two interpretations of the Council, one is Cushingite and the other is Feeneyite. The bishop of Tyler, Texas, like the USCCB, is choosing the irrational, non-traditional version.

His evangelization would be Christocentric without being Ecclesiocentric since he cannot affirm the Fourth Lateran Council and the Council of Florence on EENS. This comes out clearly for me, in the interview.

If he affirmed the Fourth Lateran Council, the Jewish Left and the Vatican would protest. Since it would mean that he is not interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally, like everyone else. He is not politically correct like the USCCB. He is presently incorrect on  moral issues- LGBT, Synods… If he interpreted Vatican Council II rationally then he would be politically incorrect on also the salvation issue.

So now Bishop Joseph Strickland and Terri Barber have not affirmed the dogma EENS according to the Fourth Lateran Council and the Council of Florence, I repeat.This is even though they say in the interview that the Catholic Faith has not changed.

 For those centuries-old Councils, EENS has no exceptions but for Bishop Strickland, EENS has exceptions. For the bishop of Tyler, Texas, LG 8, LG 14, LG 15, LG 16 etc are exceptions for the dogma EENS. So Vatican Council II is a rupture with Tradition.Vatican Council II has the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition for them.

For me LG 8 etc are not exceptions for EENS. This is the EENS, defined by the Councils in the Middle Ages and now supported by Vatican Council II. So the dogma on no salvation outside the Church is not contradicted by Vatican Council II, for me.

Bishop Strickland and Terri Barber have changed the Catholic Faith. It has not changed for me.

They are Cushingites and I am a Feeneyite on the Creeds, Catechisms etc. We are all Catholic but our philosophy and theology are different.

My philosophy and theology are different from the liberal and traditionalist, Cushingites.It is the same as Sister Maria Philomena micm, the Director of the St. Augustine Institute of Wisdom (SAI), at the St. Benedict Center, Richmond, New Hampshire, USA. She interprets Vatican Council II rationally and also affirms EENS according to the Fourth Lateran Council and the Council of Florence.   - Lionel Andrades

SEPTEMBER 26, 2023

Bishop Joseph Strickland does not affirm the dogma EENS according to the Fourth Lateran Council, the Council of Florence and the Athanasius Creed. Why ? Has the teachings of the Catholic Church changed for him?

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