Monday, September 25, 2023

Giorgio Napolitano joins Silvio Berlusconi


Giorgio Napolitano the former Communist President of Italy has died and his funeral will be held tomorrow. He is expected to join Silvio Berlusconi. It is not known what will be their communication and relationship.

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church all it takes is one mortal sin, un-Confessed and without absolution, for a soul to go to the fires of Hell. The Catechisms interpreted rationally are not contradicted by Vatican Council II, also interpreted rationally.

What a heavy price to pay for glory on earth with the wrong political party.

Giorgio supported Satanic laws as do the Partito Democratico and the Communist Party of Italy.

He is to be given a state funeral which he will not be able to enjoy.

He was preceded by the politician Silvio Berlusconi who was given a religious funeral even though there was no public conversion and regret for public sins.  - Lionel Andrades

STUFF HAPPENS...GO TO CONFESSION NOW WHILE YOU CAN : There are millions of people in Hell today who thought they had one more day to repent.

There are millions of people in Hell today who thought they had one more day to repent. 
from Dympha Road

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