Thursday, September 7, 2023

It is obligatory for Pope Francis to accept Vatican Council II and he is not doing this. The Council must only be interpreted rationally with Feeneyism and not Cushingism. Even Alberto Melloni of the Bologna School (FSCIRE), whom the pope supports, must affirm Vatican Council II.


It is obligatory for Pope Francis to accept Vatican Council II and he is not doing this. The Council must only be interpreted rationally with Feeneyism and not Cushingism. Even Alberto Melloni of the Bologna School (FSCIRE), whom the pope supports, must affirm Vatican Council II.

Also the SSPX District Superior, Albano interprets Vatican Council II, the Creeds, Councils and Catechisms just like Melloni and Pope Francis.This is modernism.

The SSPX sends its seminarians to the modernist universities in Rome where they do not accept Vatican Council II interpreted rationally.

Alberto Melloni is being financed by the Italian Government in a kind of parallel Catholic Church in Italy. If he interpreted the Council honestly would the Italian Government still give him one million Euros annually?

Now the issue in the Church is no more Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).For when a Catholic affirms Vatican Council II, interpreted rationally, he is also affirming the dogma EENS according to the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) and Fr. Leonard Feeney, for whom there were no visible cases of the baptism of desire (Bread of Life).The Council is dogmatic and Feeneyite.

The simple Catholic with no pontifical university theology degree and college education understands. He understands that the Council is no more a rupture with the popes and saints over the centuries, whose teachings are clear.


Melloni should make it known in public that he interprets invisible cases of LG 8,14, 15, 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc , in 2023, as being 1) visible examples of salvation outside the Catholic Church in 1965-2023 and 2) they are objective exceptions for the dogma EENS, which  has been made obsolete, for him.

He should also inform the public, that for other Catholics,rational Catholics, physically invisible cases of LG 8 , 14,15,16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, are1) not visible examples of salvation outside the Church and 2) they are not objective exceptions for the dogma EENS, which is not obsolete in the post Vatican Council II, Catholic Church.


 Also for Catholics who interpret Vatican Council II rationally, Melloni and Pope Francis’ 60 year old irrational interpretation of the Council, is now obsolete.The Church has moved forward. The Church has returned to Tradition and the Council is ecclesiocentric. Vatican Council II is rad-trad and traditionalist.

The FSCIRE and the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican, must issue a clarification on this issue. The Italian Ministry of Education and the Congregation for Catholic Education, Vatican, are interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and are teaching this error to students.

It must be obligatory for the 21 new cardinals approved by Pope Francis, to only interpret the Council rationally, in harmony with Tradition. A future pope must be honest on Vatican Council II.  - Lionel Andrades

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