Thursday, September 14, 2023

Sr. Mary Ephrem's Vision of Hell


Sr. Mary Ephrem's Vision of Hell

The evening of the 24th of Feb. 1958, as I was composing myself to sleep I underwent a strange and horrifying experience. 

As I was not yet asleep I do not think it could have been a dream. It came suddenly without sign or warning, and as such left an indelible impression on my mind and heart.


 I found myself on a lonely road one of course, I had never seen or been on at any time. Before me was a large structure somethin similar to a giagantic cathedral or castle. It was huge somber and forbiding. I was obliged to walk toward it, though something inside of me held back in a kind of dread.Then at my side on the right I felt the strong presence of St. Michael, he did not speak. 


We continued on our journey and at last came to what appeared to be the front enterance to the strange building. As we drew nearer the two great doors which had the qualities so it seemed of some sort of glass work, opened of themselves. I saw no one. The interior revealed an odd indescribable darkness pervaded by a weird sort of light, which was not really light. We entered and without looking back I knew that doors had closed inexorably behind us, and that we would never leave the same way we had entered.


When I said that the light was not really light, I meant it was more like the distant glow of a raging fire. What appeared to be openings in this vast and horrible place looked more like huge windows, painted a vivid red, solid and impenetrable like an un-breakable wall of fire.  Yet they did not have the usual accompaniments of fire, like flames or smoke.  I felt the frightening certinty of where we were. Just the same I could not help asking my companion, "What is this place?" Gravely solemnly he replied, "This is hell." He said this in a way I will never forget.


I wondered that except for the red openings, there was no appearance of fire anywhere. Answering these unvoiced thoughts my companion explained, "The fire is in the souls of the lost, not an outward but an inword fire that never dies.


I did not see these lost souls, but I knew thet they were all about us, and I thought of the horror that was theirs and that it would never end.


The silence was appaling, it was the silence of death without hope. As we continued our journey there was not a breath of sound. The intense and penetrating silence, or rather stillness was terrifying beyond description. Yet that very silence screamed with the undying voice of despair, nothing nothing nothing, lost lost lost, forever forever forever. I was filled with the most terrible fear that I would never get out of this dreadful place. And Oh how I missed the light. When explaining then to my companion,"But there is no light" he made answer,"How can there be light where God is not" I kept begging St. Michael not to leave me. Never have I experienced such fear such horror.


As we walked on we came upon to what appeared to be a large body of water. It looked like an enormous circular pool. It all but overflowed with some sort of dark substance. What that was I do not know, but it was not water. I was too terror-struck to investegate further. Lying about in a rather scattered manner were, what appeared to be dead objects of some sort. We did not go close enough for me to see just what they were.


 I cannot imagine anything worse or more horrible than what I felt and saw in this place. I was told or at least I understood it, that this was the least part of eternal punishment. What then must the rest be like? I understood that no one could experience the full sight of hell and live. 


When we left this we came upon another aspect of eternal punishment which made a deep impression on me. On what appeared to be a wide ledge on the side of a mountain, I saw many many people going back and forth, searching and searching. They were surrounded, engolfed in flames of fire. They seemed themselves to be a part of the fire as though it came from within them. My companion then explained to me that these were they who had no time for God while they lived upon earth. Now they were condemmed to spend an eternity seeking Him whom they would never find. An endless search wihout hope, without ever the joy of finding and possessing. What a torture this must be! Oh the justice of God!


On the morning of Feb 20,1958, during Holy Mass the thought of the lost ones, especially the chosen grieved me. Then Our Lord appearing to me at that moment spoke these words to me: "Beloved spouse I condemn no one, if a soul is condemned it has condemned itself." And I knew in my  heart this was so, though my eyes filled with tears.



Sister Mary Ephrem and The Prayer to the Indwelling Most Holy Trinity

In a letter to Father Paul Leibold, Sister writes of sitting by the kitchen table when seized with an indescribable impulse; hence, she snatched a piece of paper and wrote. Her whole desire tended toward adoration and praise. Thoughts of the Trinity and being conformed to the likeness of Christ filled her mind and her heart, a theme repeatedly stated in the prayer. She writes:
I was not thinking of myself, my needs, of petition or reparation. My whole longing was to live a life of complete adoration, in union with Christ. That which seems to take on the appearance of petition is simply a desire to put on Christ, that my life of adoration may be the more perfect and thus give greater glory to the Most Holy Trinity. 

I was suffering a great deal for I was inconsolable at the thought of my own ingratitude and of the crimes which sin commits against God. ... I couldn’t keep back the tears though I am not one to give in emotionally. 

This was something different and impossible to explain. In the midst of it Our Lord said to me:

 “Thou art the daughter of My Heart. In thee My Heart is well pleased.” 

But those words, far from consoling me, made the tears flow more than before. I feel my ingratitude all the more when He lavishes upon me such goodness and mercy. Later, Our Lord spoke these words to me while I was praying for the sanctification of the community I so dearly love. 

“Thou shalt be the light of the Community. Thou shalt follow in My Way and be blest forever.” ... “Thou art a  paradise wherein the Trinity takes its delight. My little paradise, I thank thee for giving me shelter in thee.” 

[She wrote further...] We are, each one, His paradise, Father, and He takes so much delight in dwelling in us. How sad, Father, that so few souls know this. And of those who know, what a small number make use of it. What a mission is ours, Father, to make souls conscious of God dwelling in them and live a life of continual adoration. There is so much to be done, time is so short. Yet, what a consolation to know that even in eternity we can continue this glorious work of love. 


MOST HOLY TRINITY O my Love, my only Good, Most Holy Trinity, I adore You, hidden in the depths of my soul. To You, to Your honor and glory, I dedicate my life. May every thought, word and deed of mine be an act of adoration and praise directed towards Your Divine Majesty enthroned in my heart. O Father, Infinite Goodness, behold Your child, clothed in the likeness of Your Son. Extend to me Your arms that I may belong to You forever. O Son, Divine Lord, made man, crucify me with Yourself that I may become, in union with You, a sacrifice of praise for the glory of Your Father. O Holy Spirit, Fire of Everlasting Love, consume me on the altar of Divine Charity, that at the end of life, nothing may remain but that which bears the likeness of Christ. O Blessed Trinity, worthy of all adoration, I wish to remain in spirit on my knees, to acknowledge forever Your reign in me and over me, to Your everlasting glory. Through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the pure heart of St. Joseph, I consecrate my life to Your adoration and glory. At the moment of death, receive me, O my Triune Love, that I may continue my adoration of love through all eternity. Amen. (200 days) Nihil Obstate: ----Daniel Pilarczyk, S.T.D. Imprimatur: ------Paul F. Leibold, V.G. Cincinnati, Jan. 25, 1963

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