Saturday, September 9, 2023

The presentation by Catholic scholars on Christianity and Islamism at the Pontifical Institute of Islamic Studies (PISAI) are not authentic. Since there are two versions of Vatican Council II to choose from and they depend upon the dishonest one.


The presentation by Catholics scholar on Christianity and Islamism at the Pontifical Institute of Islamic Studies (PISAI) is not authentic. Since there are two versions of Vatican Council II to choose from and PISAI depends upon the dishonest one.

 The conclusion, of the itnerpretation,  is based upon how the scholar interprets Vatican Council II. There is liberalism or tradition. The scholars at PISAI interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and unethically and so there is liberalism. But they are obligated to interpret the Council rationally and so present the traditional understanding of other religions not being paths to salvation from Hell. By choosing to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally they present a rosy picture of other religions and life after death in Heaven for all. 

One such scholar is Diego Cuccarella, the President, at the PISAI. 1

 - Lionel Andrades



Academic rankPresident, Senior Lecturer

Phone06 58392611


CoursesIslamic Studies, Arabic language

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