Sunday, October 8, 2023

A conference on Fr. Matthias Gaudron's book written with a false premise and inference is obsolete.


 MAY 7, 2023

Today on the book rack at the SSPX chapel in Rome the book The Catechism of the Crisis in the Catholic Church by Fr. Matthias Gaudron was being sold. This book is obsolete and should be removed.

 Today on the book rack at the SSPX chapel in Rome the book The Catechism of the Crisis in the Catholic Church by Fr. Matthias Gaudron was being sold. This book is obsolete and should be removed. The writer did not know that Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church can be interpreted rationally and the conclusion is traditional.

The Sunday Missals in Italian which are being sold there would be useful. Since Vatican Council II interpreted rationally supports the ecclesiology of the 1962 Missal.

But the magazines on display interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and so belong to a past time. They are not useful any more.

Also the sermons must take into account that people now know that the Council can be interpreted rational and it is Feeneyite on EENS. So Catholics have a moral duty to only interpret LG 8, 14 and 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, rationally and not irrationally, as does Fr. Matthias Gaudron.

At the Latin Mass they must know that the problem for Pope Francis and the Left is not the Mass itself (the rubrics) but the 1962 Missal which says outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation.

So the Novus Ordo main line Church in Rome they must re –interpret Vatican Council II rationally and so also at the SSPX chapel. At the SPX chapel they must affirm Vatican Council II, rational, in harmony with Tradition and they must do the same at the churches where there is Mass in Italian. At the Novus Ordo Mass they must not cite Vatican Council II to support liberalism and at the SSPX Mass they must not cite Vatican Council II as supporting liberalism and rejecting Tradition. This of course, would be Vatican Council irrational, which is now obsolete. - Lionel Andrades


SEPTEMBER 13, 2016

Fr. Matthias Gaudron SSPX, Germany assumes subjective cases are objective, invisible cases are visible and then interprets Vatican Council II with this irrationality as does Bishop Bernard Fellay

Image result for Photo of Fr.Matthias Gaudron SSPX Germany Berlin seminaryFr. Matthias Gaudron was ordained a priest of the SSPX by Bishop Tissier de Mallerais in 1990. For 12 years he was rector of the International Seminary of the Sacred Heart in Zaitzkofen (Bavaria). He is currently serving at the Priory of St. Peter in Berlin it is reported.
He is the author of the Catholic Catechism of the Crisis in the Church (Angelus Press), and a consultant to the SSPX's Roman Commission responsible for the doctrinal discussions with the Holy See.

He criticizes subjectivism being interpreted as being objective, in Amoris Laetitia.Yet he himself interprets the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 and Vatican Council II with the same subjectivism. He  assumes there are known (objective) cases of the baptism of desire and blood and being saved in invincible ignorance.So it means that these cases are subjectively seen and known to him in the present times. So they are objective exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( Feeneyite).The exceptions are objective and are subjectively known in 2016 is his reasoning and that of the SSPX bishops and priests.
The Society of St.Pius X, Italy (Fraternità Sacerdotale San Pio X), Albano on the subject of ecumenism quoted a section of his book Catechismo della crisi nella Chiesa.It is being sold at SSPX  centers.

Once again, like the District Superior at Albano, Fr.Pierpaolo Petrucci, it is assumed that 'imperfect communion in the Church'(UR 3) is an explicit exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.How would they know? Subjectively of course.
The report on ecumenism by Fr.Matthias Gaudron is cited in Fr.Pierpaolo Petrucci's article on an ecumenical meeting at the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, when Pope Francis was present.
There is still no clarification from the Fraternita San Pio X on the factual error made in the interpretation of Vatican Council II and the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 with this irrational reasoning. 

Here are two passages translated from Fr.Mathias Gaudron's report on ecumenism.
What is the innovation in Vatican II? Vatican Council II has tried to find some sort of intermediate condition between membership and non-membership in the Catholic Church . The non-Catholic Christians , according to this view , would be in " imperfect communion " with the Church (cf. UR , n, 3 , Lumen Gentium , n . 15). This implies , of course , the possibility that members of non-Catholic communities may achieve eternal salvation even without the desire ( even implicitly ) to join the Catholic truth .

What is the traditional teaching of the Church on this subject?
The traditional teaching of the Church is this: to be saved we must belong to the Church either in re ( that is, actually , through baptism , profession of the Catholic faith and submission to the hierarchy ) , or at least in voto ( through what is called baptism of desire, which may be explicit or implicit ) [13] . Therefore those who do not have the Catholic faith or who are not submissive to the hierarchy , and that , moreover , they have within themselves no desire, not even implied,to seek the truth , they cannot , if they persist in this disposition, obtain salvation : this is the meaning of the adage extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( "outside the Church there is no salvation "), which therefore does not exclude the possibility that a person can be saved outside the legal boundaries of the Catholic Church , but the Church teaches that without , ie without being a part of , or at least be ordered to it, with the baptism of desire , men can not achieve eternal salvation.1
Passage above with comments. 

What is the innovation in Vatican II? Vatican Council II has tried to find some sort of intermediate condition between membership and non-membership in the Catholic Church . The non-Catholic Christians , according to this view , would be in " imperfect communion " with the Church (cf. UR , n, 3 , Lumen Gentium , n . 15). This implies , of course , the possibility that members of non-Catholic communities may achieve eternal salvation even without the desire ( even implicitly ) to join the Catholic truth . 

Lionel: 'This implies , of course , the possibility that members of non-Catholic communities may achieve eternal salvation even without the desire ( even implicitly ) to join the Catholic truth.'  So this would contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (Feeneyite) for Fr.Matthias, if there were known cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church.Yes it would -but only if UR 3 and LG 15 referred to explicit cases, objectively known in the present times.Then there would be a conflict with the dogma.
This is the error of  Cushingism.Hypothetical references are seen as being objective.Cushingites use an irrational premise ( visible cases of the baptism of desire) to create a false conclusion ( known exceptions to EENS, objectively visible in the present times which are a rupture with Tradition).

What is the traditional teaching of the Church on this subject?
The traditional teaching of the Church is this: to be saved we must belong to the Church either in re ( that is, actually , through baptism , profession of the Catholic faith and submission to the hierarchy ) ,
Lionel: The traditional teaching of the Church ( Feeneyism) is that one must be a member of the Catholic Church actually through the baptism of water, the profession of the Catholic faitha and the submission to the hierarchy.
 or at least in voto ( through what is called baptism of desire, which may be explicit or implicit ) .
Lionel:How can the baptism of desire be explicit like the baptism of water? We can see the baptism of water being given.It can be repeated.Who can see or know a baptism of desire case in 2016? This was the mistake of the Baltimore Catechism ( and subsequent catechisms) and the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.
So now in the Church there are two theologies- Cushingism and  traditional Feeneyism.
 Therefore those who do not have the Catholic faith or who are not submissive to the hierarchy , and that , moreover , they have within themselves no desire, not even implied,to seek the truth , they cannot , if they persist in this disposition, obtain salvation : this is the meaning of the adage extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( "outside the Church there is no salvation "),
Lionel: Correct. Agreed!
which therefore does not exclude the possibility that a person can be saved outside the legal boundaries of the Catholic Church,
Lionel: This is Cushingism.It is the cause of the problem. This is the new theology of Rahner and Ratzinger. By assuming there are hypothetical cases. which are explicit, an innovative new theology was brought into the Church.By assuming visible cases of the baptism of desire( false premise) are objective exceptions to the dogma EENS ( Feeneyite) a new non traditional conclusion was created within the Church. This is a new doctrine.With Cushingism there is salvation outside the Church.With the traditional theology ( Feeneyism) there is no known salvation outside the Church.Hypothetical cases, for example, cannot be explicit for us humans in 2016.
 but the Church teaches that without , ie without being a part of , or at least be ordered to it, with the baptism of desire , men can not achieve eternal salvation.1 

 Lionel: It is still hypothetical.We do not know of any person who 'without being a part of (the visible Church) is at least ordered to it ( without the baptism of water) and has been saved with the baptism of desire.Here something subjective is assumed to be objective by Fr. Matthias Gaudron. This is the same irrational reasoning which he criticizes in Amoris Laetitiae.
-Lionel Andrades
February 5, 2014
If Fr.Leonard Feeney was correct or wrong, still imperfect communion with the Church (UR 3) and the baptism of desire are not explicit for us : no clarification still from SSPX Italy

Don Mauro Tranquillo - Conclusioni del Convegno 2019

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