Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Academic dishonesty at the Angelicum


In moral theology taught at the Angelicum University, Rome a licentiate was given to a student who in her thesis supported the end of capital punishment, and presented revisions for the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The thesis was moderated by Michael Sherwin op and approved by the former American Dean of Theology at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome.

In the thesis there is a brief reference to salvation. It is stated that the baptism of water is sufficient for salvation. There is no mention of the need of Catholic faith. The Jehovah Witnesses have a baptism of water and so do the Episcopalians. The JWS do not believe in Hell and believe Jesus and St. Michael are the same people. The Episcopalians support abortion and contraception.They will still go to Heaven according to the today's Dominicans.

In the thesis of the years 2019-2020 there is a reference to the post Conciliar period, meaning, that Vatican Council II is to be interpreted irrationally and not rationally and that this is the accepted norm at this pontifical university, where the medium of study is English.There is no post Conciliar reference to the Council being in harmony with the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

There was a seminar held by Sister Catherine Joseph Droste op on the alleged development of the Church’s teaching on conscience. This is a reference to a development with the interpretation of Vatican Council II irrationally and immorally.

This is the moral teaching at the Angelicum.If Vatican Council II was interpreted rationally there would not be any development. Since with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus intact the Church would return to its past exclusivist ecclesiology and traditional faith and morals.

Even there is a reference to Fr. Charles Curran’s view on abortion.Why was this mentioned in the paper. It was important for the licentiate?

So the traditional teachings on abortion are not fixed and permanent for the Dominicans. The teaching on capital punishment has been changed radically.The teaching on exclusive salvation in the Church rejected completely. Vatican Council II is interpreted dishonestly.

This is academic dishonesty at the  Angelicum. Vatican Council II is a document which should not be falsified. Now the  understanding of the Creeds change, whenever there is a reference to the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance. New doctrines will emerge from the Catechisms.This is poltics and not Catholic theology.

-Lionel Andrades

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