Tuesday, October 10, 2023

For Father Paulo Boumis there are no physically visible cases of the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance but he will continue to have adult catechesis today in which he will interpret BOD and I.I as being physically visible non Catholics saved outside the Church, in the present times, who are practical exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus


For Father Paulo Boumis there are no

physically visible cases of the baptism of desire (BOD) and being saved in invincible ignorance (I.I) but he will continue to have adult catechesis today in which he will interpret BOD and I.I as being physically visible non Catholics saved outside the Church, in the present times, who are practical exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This is also the theological position of the SSPX and the sedevacantists.

Cardinal Angelo Donatis, Vicar General of the Rome Vicariate, and his Auxiliary bishops know the same, as does the National Catechetical Center, Italy, but they will teach Catechism, with this objective error,since this is what Pope Francis wants, in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.

They are not concerned about the truth 

or the faith, but, the political Left.



So if I was presenting the Catechism in the parish of Sant Agapito, Rome, I would say outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation and I would cite Ad Gentes 7,

Lumen Gentium 14 and the Catechism of 

the Catholic Church (845,846). For me, LG 8, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc would not be objective exceptions, for Ad Gentes 7 

and the dogma EENS.

Fr. Paul Boumis avoidS a discussion on this subject.He does not say that he will  interpret Vatican Council II rationally.

I base what I am saying on Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.Yet the priest could tell other religious to avoid me? Yes. Since the priest will also affirm Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church but interpret hypothetical cases of LG 8, 14, 15, 16, UR 3, NA2, GS 22 etc, as  referring to objectively visible cases. For me they are invisibile.

For him there are visible examples of 

salvation outside the Church. For me they

are hypothetical only.

For him this refers to known non Catholics saved outside the Church. For me they are invisible cases.

So our premises and inferences are different. Our conclusions would be different, they would be traditional 

or non-traditional.



So if I was presenting the Catechism in the parish of Sant Agapito, Rome, I would say outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation and I would cite Ad Gentes 7,

Lumen Gentium 14 and the Catechism of 

the Catholic Church (845,846). For me, LG 8, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc would not be objective exceptions, for Ad Gentes 7 

and the dogma EENS.

Fr. Paul Boumis avoided a discussion on this subject.He did not say that he would interpret Vatican Council II rationally.

I base what I am saying on Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the priest could tell other religious to avoid me? Yes. Since the priest will affirm Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church but interpret hypothetical cases of LG 8, 14, 15, 16, UR 3, NA2, GS 22 etc, are referring to objectively visible cases. For me they are invisibile.

For him there are visible examples of 

salvation outside the Church. For me they

are hypothetical only.

For him this refers to known non Catholics saved outside the Church. For me they are invisible cases.

So our premises and inferences are different.

So of course our conclusions would be different, they would be traditional 

or non-traditional.

He is interpreting Vatican Council II, Creeds, Catechisms and Councils like the Missionaries of Charity, men and women, nearby. When they make their Final Profession of Vows they agree to be obedient to their superiors who interpret Vatican Council II etc, irrationally and as a break with the historic Magisterium.They are following Pope Francis.- Lionel Andrades

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