Wednesday, October 25, 2023

There is only a hermeneutic of continuity with Vatican Council II, rational. With Vatican Council II, irrational there can only be a hermeneutic of rupture. The dubbia cardinals Brandmuller and Burke missed this point a second time


There are, still, those in the traditionalist camp who criticize the cardinals for not having explicitly stated that the synod's deviations are a consequence of the errors of the Second Vatican Council. Of course, it is true that the working group that assisted the cardinals, especially in the dissemination of the document is made up of clergy and lay people who are followers of the so-called "hermeneutics of continuity." However, the dubia do not express this line, which has historically failed and is incapable of aggregating around it an authentic resistance to the process of self-demolition of the Church, and can be shared by a wide array that includes, not only traditionalists and conservatives, but also every Catholic who judges the events of the Church in the light of true faith and sound reason."The Synod, the Dubia, and the Pope to come" - by Roberto de Mattei

So Catholic religious communities in Rome must be ready to follow, and die for, the teachings of the Catholic Church. These teachings have   a continuity with the Magisterium over the centuries. It is not just a hermeneutic of continuity with the past but a hermeneutic of continuity with the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. This was not known to Pope Paul VI, Rahner, Ratzinger, Congar, Lefebvre, Mattei, Hildebrand, Davies and the SSPX bishops Fellay, Richardson.It is still not known to the new SSPX bishops consecrated over the last 25 years.

OCTOBER 24, 2023

When I say that other religions are not paths to salvation I am following Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church which are Magisterial and official Church Documents. This is not just a personal view.I choose to interpret them rationally and honestly and expect others to do the same. So a priest or religious sister should not be punished for the doing the same. We are following our Catholic Faith in Rome. We are not traditionalists who reject Vatican Council II ( rational).

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