Thursday, November 16, 2023

The Ave Maria Meditation


At Medugorje, Our Lady says ‘pray with the heart’ or ‘pray from the heart’. How does one pray from the heart?

For me it is being in the present moment, aware of Jesus and Our Lady and being, often, aware of the heart-region in the chest. I usually stay there and draw upon power and force. It helps me to be recollected. It is often, not always, connecting with one’s being and praying from that level of being.

But to be recollected in being I have to often stay for hours in silence before the Blessed Sacrament.In this interior silence there is tremendous joy . There’s  a feeling of well being. There is a connectedness. It’s like the whole system ( body, mind and spirit) is connected. One is anchored in God in the Eucharist, in the present moment,  with simple awareness, past the surface-intellect. I am aware of the surface-intellect and there is an  understanding and and communication, with God, with no words; no audible words, neither at the finer, subtle, thought-level, we humans are familiar with.

When I am alone I am usually praying the rosary recollected and slowly, in silence, with the awareness of God-Jesus and Our Lady in the present moment.There is a sacred space in the present moment. When I am with a  group, for example, before Holy Mass in the church, I start from the surface-mind, and move towards gradual recollection, even while reciting the words vocally, along with the others. At times I have to say the words slowly or even not say them aloud, as I try to connect with being, in  my space where they are.

This is my experience with prayer. Others do not necessarily have to pray like this. God can give a simple old woman with a rosary, the highest levels of contemplation, experienced by my favorite saint, Teresa of Avila.- Lionel Andrades

NOVEMBER 16, 2023

On Union with God 📚 Saint Albert the Great / Feast Day 15.11.2023

The word 'anchor' refers to the word/words  chosen to go to the deeper level of the mind and to one's being. My anchor originally was , AVE MARIA. I would 'center' with this phrase. Now I do not necessarily have to use the phrase AVE MARIA. So there can be a watchfullness, a simple awareness which is non religious. Or, there can be a watchfulness, a mindfulness, with the words AVE MARIA  which is sacred, a prayer, a state of being, in which one can communicate with God with an understanding only and not the intellect. This is explained well by St. Albert Magnus, St. Albert the Great, in the video, Union with God.-L.A

In rememberance of St. Albert the Great.

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