Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Fr.Serafino Lanzetta, Roberto dei Mattei and the web blog interpret Vatican COuncil II by confusing the red passages as being a break with the blue passages and the rest of Tradition. They are politically correct wityh Pope Francis.

 Fr.Serafino Lanzetta, Roberto dei Mattei and the web blog interpret Vatican COuncil II by confusing the red passages as being a break with the blue passages and the rest of Tradition. They are politically correct wityh Pope Francis. -Lionel Andrades

"Upon this rock...": But what about the present situation? Fr Serafino Lanzetta has answers

What does it mean to say that the Apostle Peter—and each of his successors—is kepha, the rock on which Christ has built His Church? Could this rock ever be allowed to crumble, without the Church herself crumbling? Can a successor of Peter fail in his office, or even in his faith, without negating the Church’s indefectibility? What are the nature—and limits—of the pope’s infallibility and primacy? Has the role of the supreme pontiff sometimes been exaggerated or distorted? Today questions like these are asked with greater urgency than ever, owing to the pontificate of Pope Francis.

Fr Serafino Lanzetta's new book Super Hanc Petram: The Pope and the Church at a Dramatic Moment in History has just been released by Os Justi Press. The author is a Marian Franciscan based in Portsmouth, UK, a lecturer in Systematic Theology at St Mary’s University Twickenham and at the Theological Faculty of Lugano, and an author of many articles and books. He is becoming increasingly well-known in Anglophone circles. (Not long ago, Os Justi published another work of his: God's Abode with Man: The Mystery of Divine Grace.) twitter

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