Saturday, December 9, 2023

Michael Voris is expected to return to Church Militant TV

 Michael Voris founder of Church Militant TV(CMTV) and St.Michael's Media is expected to return to CMTV before Christmas as three Board of Directors of CMTV, it is reported have asked for his re-install. They include Susan Vance.

Voris had approved the appoinment of the other Board of Directors.The Board of Directors had not been meeting regularly which Christine Niles resigned in November.He is expected to apologise and pledge a conversion and a return to pray.

He will ask for pardon and the Board of Directors are expected to exhibit Christian charity.Voris has personally believed, according to his Vortex programs, that those who ask for pardon, must be pardoned and that we cannot condemn anyone.-Lionel Andrades 

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