Tuesday, December 26, 2023

So in 1965 thousands of religious, priests and nuns, left their religious profession. They did not know that Pope Paul VI was interpreting the red passages irrationally and so producing an artificial and false break with Tradition.


It is the red hypothetical passages which determine if there are exceptions for the  blue orthodox passages in Vatican Council II, or there are no exceptions.The exceptions- make the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and the past exclusivist ecclesiology obsolete. So it is then said that Vatican Council II is a break with the past ecclesiology, it is a break with Tradition, it is a revolution in the Church, it is a new revelation in the Catholic Church.

So in 1965 thousands of religious, priests and nuns, left their religious profession.

They did not know that Pope Paul VI was interpreting the red passages irrationally and so producing an artificial and false break with Tradition.

The lack of exceptions, would produce the hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition. But no one told them about this.

No one is talking about this. 

So today we have Amoris Laetitia based upon the false interpretation of the red passages.

We have had Traditionis Custode based upon the irrational way of looking at the red passages.

We have had the Synods and recently the approval of homosexual unions, by interpreting the red passages in Vatican Council II, dishonestly.

But the red passages can be interpreted honestly and then the Catholic Church would still be saying, once again, that outside the Church there is no salvation. This would be the official teaching of the Church. This would be the Magisterium and it would be the main line Church affirming Tradition and not just those who go for the Latin Mass.

-Lionel Andrades

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