Friday, December 22, 2023

The two young priests whom I met this week would see the mistake being made by Pope Francis and the cardinals


The two different young foreign priests whom I met this week on Via 20 Settembre understood immediately what I was saying and agreed with me. They saw that the red hypothetical passages which referred to physically invisible cases in 1949-2023, could not be practical exceptions for the orthodox blue passages in Vatican Council II, which support the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the past exclusivist ecclesiology.

So the Council had the hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition for them too. It was too obvious.

They did not have to throw out Vatican Council II and neither Tradition. They did not have to choose from the two.They simply had to interpret the ‘red passages’ rationally and honestly and they were secure within Tradition.

The religious superiors of these two priests,  also would have to agree with them. Since the  ‘red passages’ are always only theoretical and speculative. For there to be exceptions for the Council of Florence and the Fourth Lateran Council on EENS, there would have to be real cases, known people, saved outside the Church. But we know that if anyone is saved outside the Catholic Church, it can only be known to God. Even Pope Francis and all the cardinals cannot physically view any exception in Heaven or on earth.So there are no exceptions, is the bottom line.

How can Pope Francis justify homosexual unions in the name of a Vatican Council II, in which the red hypothetical passages are alleged practical exceptions for the dogma outside the Church there is no salvation, which has been defined by three Church Councils ? Invisible cases are visible for him and so there is a New Theology, which says outside the Church there is known salvation.But if there are no exceptions then how can there be a New Ecumenism? A new ecclesiology also depends upon visible exceptions.

How can Cardinal Arthur Roche support Traditionis Custode which was based upon the red passages being exceptions for the blue orthodox passages and the rest of Tradition?

How could Cardinal Walter Kasper support Amoris Letitia when the ecclesiology of the Church does not change when ‘the red is not an exception for the blue’? There is no new ecclesiology in Vatican Council II, for me.

There is no liberalism for the Synod-Cardinals Hollerich etc and also for the dubbia cardinals Burke etc, when they stop interpreting ‘the red as being as exception for the blue’.

This would be clear to the two priests I spoke to this week. I told one of them who offers the Latin Mass and is with the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, that Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre made a mistake. He  interpreted Vatican Council II as a break with Tradition. The red was an exception for the blue for him and the SSPX bishops.

For this priest there was a hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition.


We now know that all the theological journals, Catholic and non Catholic, coming out of Germany still interpret Vatican Council II with ‘the red being an exception for the blue’. Of course, this is ignorance. We cannot blame them.  - Lionel Andrades

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