Young people do not have the Catholic Faith proclaimed to them since the liberals and conservatives are not proclaiming EENS


 MAY 28, 2023

Today at the SSPX Mass on Pentecost Sunday, in Rome, the priest in his homily mentioned that when the pope speaks ex cathedra it is a dogma. This is an infallible teaching of Vatican Council I (one).However he did not mention that extra ecclesiam nulla salus (outside the Church there is no salvation) is also a dogma of the Church. The SSPX does not affirm the dogma EENS in public

Community Emmanuel

A Happy and Holy Pentecost Sunday / Buona e Santa Proclamazione e Evangelizzazione


A Happy and Holy Pentecost Sunday.

Wishing you a happy and holy evangelization and proclamation of the Gospel. - Lionel Andrades

Buona e Santa Proclamazione e Evangelizzazione.


 by Alexander Karzon  •  •  May 23, 2023    

Detroit CM Resistance goes downtown

This past Saturday, members of Detroit's Resistance chapter spent some time speaking about the Faith with passersby in Plymouth, Michigan's Kellogg Park.


Detroit's Resistance chapter in

Plymouth, Michigan's Kellogg Park.

Evangelization is something all Catholics are called to do in whatever capacity they are able.

We don't want to channel the words of the servant in the Parable of the Talents who did nothing with the talent he was given: "I knew you were a demanding person, harvesting where you did not plant and gathering where you did not scatter; so out of fear I went off and buried your talent in the ground" (Matthew 25:24–25).

This idea of spreading God's word prompted the Motown Resistance chapter to invest in various catechetical materials to give away. To do this, they set up a large tent at the entrance to Kellogg Park in Plymouth this past Saturday. 

Resistance members Jeff and Cydney Domsic scoured local Salvation Army stores and resale shops and rescued Catholic Bibles and other books to give away, effectively repurposing and recycling for the Kingdom of God.

Many passersby to the tent took home these materials. One young teenage girl took a Bible to give to her father, and another older man took as many as 10 books to read.

Many passersby to the tent took home these materials. 

Rosaries, prayer cards and miraculous medals were offered to passersby, along with pamphlets explaining the basics of the Catholic faith and answering common objections.

Free Rosaries, prayer cards and miraculous medals.

Father Paul John Kalchik was in town and ended up spending the day with the Detroit Resistance chapter, passing out prayer cards and even praying with those who asked to do so. One newly married couple just walking through the park asked for a special blessing on their marriage.

Jeff and Cydney recently finished a course on evangelization and used their training well, making the day in the park a success.

One of the most challenging aspects of evangelizing is determining the best way to approach someone on the street without coming off as a too-pushy salesman.

One method they found effective was simply posing friendly greetings. Cydney approached many of the passersby by saying, "We're a group of Catholics and would like to know if there's anything you'd like us to pray for." The group also told those willing to listen, "We have loads of free books — take one or as many as you want."

Simple endeavors like this require sacrifice, but the fruits are immeasurable.

Given that most people — religious or not — go through a challenge on any given day, the offer to say a prayer or two was well-received. This allows further religious discussion to blossom.

Simple endeavors like this require sacrifice but the fruits of that sacrifice are immeasurable. Never forget the wise words of Abp. Fulton Sheen: "The surest way to get to Heaven is to take someone's hand and lead them there."

For more information on the Detroit Resistance Chapter, email

Today at the SSPX Mass on Pentecost Sunday, in Rome, the priest in his homily mentioned that when the pope speaks ex cathedra it is a dogma. This is an infallible teaching of Vatican Council I (one).However he did not mention that extra ecclesiam nulla salus (outside the Church there is no salvation) is also a dogma of the Church. The SSPX does not affirm the dogma EENS in public.


Today at the SSPX Mass on Pentecost Sunday, in Rome, the priest in his homily mentioned that when the pope speaks ex cathedra it is a dogma. This is an infallible teaching of Vatican Council I (one).However he did not mention that extra ecclesiam nulla salus (outside the Church there is no salvation) is also a dogma of the Church. The SSPX does not affirm the dogma EENS in public. At the chapel there were Italian police, non Christians, on duty today morning at the 11 o’clock Mass.


I was kneeling in front of him, in the center aisle  of the small chapel, with a colorful badge which says in Italian, that outside the Church there is no salvation is a dogma of the Catholic Church.

Like the priests at the Novus Ordo Mass, the SSPX priest did not mention the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) and the Council of Florence (1442) which defined EENS with no exceptions.He could easily have affirmed the dogma EENS but he did not want to be politically incorrect. He did not want to be Anti Semitic, fascist etc. These are the   leftist labels used to control and intimidate the Church.

Present at the Mass this morning, was the respected conservative politician Roberto Fiore, a political associate of    Alessandra Mussolini. She served as a member of Parliament with Berlusconi’s political party and was a member of the European Parliament.She is the grand daughter of the great Benito Mussolini..Fiore, who was there with his family, has not clarified his position on this issue. The website of his political party Forza Nuova does not mention that they affirm the dogma EENS in harmony with Vatican Council II, interpreted rationally.


The SSPX at Econe interprets Vatican Council II irrationally and produces a rupture with the Council of Florence etc. They also interpret the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance irrationally, and produce a rupture with the Fourth Lateran Council on EENS.

The New Concordat in Italy is based upon Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally and not rationally. Vatican Council II, rational, would be in harmony with the 1929 Concordat and the traditional ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.

The SSPX priests in Rome cannot speak to me about the Catholic Faith. Since for political reasons they cannot proclaim the dogma EENS according to the old Councils, which defined EENS ex cathedra.

Possibly if Bishop Bernard Fellay and Fr. Davide Pagliarani were in Rome they too would want to avoid me, like Fr. Federico Montani.

The popes from Pius XII have used the false invisible people are visible people to interpret the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance ( 1949 Letter of the Holy Office).All the popes from Paul VI have repeated the error. Even popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis have interpreted Vatican Council II with the error instead of without it.


The new Administration of the Franciscans of the Immaculate are also interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally, producing a false break with Fourth Lateran Council, which the SSPX at Albano, Italy do not want to affirm in public. This deception is approved by Pope Francis and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican. They are imposing this error upon the whole community including those who offer only the Latin Mass. They are also not affirming the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II, rational, which does not contradict the Council of Florence (1442) on EENS with no known exceptions. In public their position is the same as the SSPX.

Young people do not have the Catholic Faith proclaimed to them since the liberals and conservatives are not proclaiming EENS for political and selfish reasons.

Even at the Latin Mass of the FSSP at the church Santissima Trinita dei Pelligrini, Rome, Roberto dei Mattei, Hilary White and others, are interpreting the Creeds,  Councils, Catechisms, EENS, Vatican Council II etc, irrationally and non traditionally, since they interpret Vatican Council II irrationally.

They are expected to hold to the original understanding of the Nicene and Athanasius Creed, for example. How can they do this when they interpret the baptism of desire (LG 14) and being saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16) irrationally- and so produce heresy and schism, which is common at the Novus Ordo and Latin Mass.


Una Voce Int’l. Coetus Int’l.,Latin Mass Societies of England, FSSP and SSPX are all interpreting Magisterial Documents ( Creeds, Councils etc) irrationally. This is doctrinal chaos and they claim this is Tradition and the media call them traditionalists.

Roberto dei Mattei in Italy and Peter Kwasniewski in the USA are not going to affirm Magisterial Documents rationally and then be accused of being Anti Semitic etc. This is why all these years they have kept silent on this issue.


Cardinal Arthur Roche has cited Vatican Council II (irrational) to prohibit the Latin Mass. This is not Catholic and no one mentions it.

If Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II rationally then he can only affirm the old Roman Missal. Since the new missal is based upon the irrational version of the Council which creates a break with EENS. No one is telling him that Council supports the old Roman Missal, the Council supports the Syllabus of Errors, and the Council supports only Tradition. The Council is only traditional. So Pope Francis and Cardinal Roche are not Magisterial when they interpret the Council only irrationally.


There is no statement from Econe, the SSPX District Albano, the Institute of the Good Shepherd and other Ecclesia Dei communities saying that LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, always refer to hypothetical and invisible cases only in 2023.So they do not contradict the dogma EENS according to the Fourth Lateran Council and the Council which defined EENS in the Extraordinary Magisterium. So Vatican Council II has continuity with Tradition. It is not a rupture with the dogma EENS, the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors since LG 8, 14, 16 etc, are always invisible cases in 1949-2023.

I interpret Church Documents rationally. Please do not expect me to say that invisible people are visible for me, in the present times.For me LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc refer to only hypothetical and invisible cases. While Ad Gentes 7 says all need faith and baptism for salvation, affirming EENS. Lumen Gentium 14 is cited in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (846) under the title Outside the Church No Salvation.So for me Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church affirm the dogma EENS of the Fourth Lateran Council. The ecclesiology of the Church today is still exclusivist. There is no development of doctrine, no new ecumenism, new theology and new ecclesiology for me. Since the Council can only be interpreted rationally. -Lionel Andrades

St. John of the Cross


“Songs of the Soul

On a dark night,
Inflamed by love-longing -
O exquisite risk! -
Undetected I slipped away.
My house, at last, grown still.
Secure in the darkness,
I climbed the secret ladder in disguise -
O exquisite risk! -
Concealed by the darkness.
My house, at last, grown still.

That sweet night: a secret.
Nobody saw me;
I did not see a thing.
No other light, no other guide
Than the one burning in my heart.

This light led the way
More clearly than the risen sun
To where he was waiting for me

- The one I knew so intimately -
In a place where no one could find us.

O night, that guided me!
O night, sweeter than sunrise!
O night, that joined lover with Beloved!
Lover transformed in Beloved!
Upon my blossoming breast,
Which I cultivated just for him,
He drifted into sleep,
And while I caressed him,
A cedar breeze touched the air.

Wind blew down from the tower,
Parting the locks of his hair.
With his gentle hand
He wounded my neck
And all my senses were suspended.

I lost myself. Forgot myself.
I lay my face against the Beloved's face.
Everything fell away and I left myself behind,
Abandoning my cares
Among the lilies, forgotten.”

― Saint John of the Cross, Dark Night of the Soul

1.On a dark night, Kindled in love with yearnings—oh, happy chance!—
I went forth without being observed, My house being now at rest.

2. In darkness and secure, By the secret ladder, disguised—oh, happy chance!—
In darkness and in concealment, My house being now at rest.

3. In the happy night, In secret, when none saw me,
Nor I beheld aught, Without light or guide, save that which burned in my heart.

4. This light guided me More surely than the light of noonday
To the place where he (well I knew who!) was awaiting me— A place where none appeared.

5. Oh, night that guided me, Oh, night more lovely than the dawn,
Oh, night that joined Beloved with lover, Lover transformed in the Beloved!

6. Upon my flowery breast, Kept wholly for himself alone,
There he stayed sleeping, and I caressed him, And the fanning of the cedars made a breeze.

7. The breeze blew from the turret As I parted his locks;
With his gentle hand he wounded my neck And caused all my senses to be suspended.

8. I remained, lost in oblivion; My face I reclined on the Beloved.
All ceased and I abandoned myself, Leaving my cares forgotten among the lilies.

-St.John of the Cross, Dark Night of the Soul (poem).

EWTN must not continue to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally. This is dishonest.


                                                                     -Lionel Andrades

 MAY 21, 2023

CDF is not magisterial on Vatican Council II. This is not the Magisterium. The Magisterium would interpret Vatican Council II rationally, ethically, traditionally and so non schismatically


The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), Vatican is not Magisterial on Vatican Council II since it interprets the Council irrationally and not rationally. When it interprets the Council rationally, it will be  Magisterial. There will be a continuity with Tradition. Now with Cushingism; with the use use of the false premise the CDF produces a false break with Tradition. This is un-ethical. It is dishonest and not Catholic. The CDF interpretation of Vatican Council II is political and approved by the ADL and the rest of the Jewish Left.

So Michael Voris cannot say that they are Magisterial when they follow the CDF irrational interpretation of Magisterial Documents. Church Militant TV cannot say that they follow the Magisterium. The Holy Spirit will guide the CDF to only interpret Vatican Council II and the Creeds and Catechisms rationally and so honestly. The Holy Spirit will not create a break with Tradition by choosing a dishonest premise. The Creeds cannot be changed. They are de fide teachings. Every Catholic is obligated to accept them with their original understanding. The Creeds must be interpreted with Feeneyism only. The CDF presently interprets the Creeds with irrational and heretical Cushingism. So there is official schism which is supported by Pope Francis. There is a break with the ecclesiology of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Teresa of Avila, St.John Bosco…The CDF has lost the Four Marks of the Church. Catholics are obliged to reject the CDF interpretation of Vatican Council II in good conscience.-Lionel Andrades