Catholics in conscience can refuse to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally : Pope Francis is offering Holy Mass while interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally


Pope Francis is offering Holy Mass while interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and so is rejecting the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), changing the Nicene Creed and putting away the Athanasius Creed. He is closing down seminaries which do not reject Tradition by interpreting Vatican Council II(irrational).He is issuing encyclicals and alleged Apostolic Letters while looking at the Councils and Catechisms falsely and politically. This is heresy and schism and mortal sins of faith at Mass. There is no denial from Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican. We have a political pope promoting political doctrines which are not Catholic. Instead they are sinful. So why follow him when he commits sins and error?

These are not permanent errors. He can correct himself.

With these errors Pope Francis is not apostolic. He is not in communion with the one and holy Catholic Church. This is not the Catholic Church.

There is no denial from the Vatican.

We now have two interpretations of Vatican Council II, one is rational and other irrational, one is traditional and the other is nontraditional, one is heretical and the other is non heretical.

If LG 8, 14, 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are invisible cases in 1965-2023 then they are not objective exceptions for Tradition.

If they are visible cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church, then they become practical exceptions for the dogma EENS, the Athanasius Creed, the Syllabus of Errors and the Catechisms.

There are two conclusions of Vatican Council II. It depends upon LG 8 etc being physically visible or invisible.

This problem has come into the Church with the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston relative to Fr. Leonard Feeney. The 1949 Letter confused invisible cases of the baptism of desire (LG 14) and being saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16) as being visible exceptions for Feeneyite EENS i.e. the Fourth Lateran Council (1215).

Vatican Council II (rational) is a discovery in the Church. We can now interpret the Council rationally irrespective if we go for the Latin Mass or the Novus Ordo Mass.So we can  affirm Feeneyite EENS which is not contradicted by Vatican Council II interpreted rationally.

We can have traditional mission and an ecumenism of return to the Catholic Church which are not contradicted by Vatican Council II interpreted rationally .

Catholics in conscience can refuse to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally. - Lionel Andrades

The Association of United States Catholic Priests (AUSCP) is politically correct like the Most Holy Family Monastery, Lepanto Institute and Church Militant TV


The Association of United States Catholic Priests (AUSCP) is politically correct with the ADL and the rest of the Left. Since if they interpreted Vatican Council II rationally, they would be accused of being Anti Semitic etc. They would not be allowed to speak at conferences nor have their books published by Amazon etc. Since with Vatican Council II interpreted rationally, there are no exceptions in the text of the Council for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). Vatican Council II does not contradict the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) on EENS. While Lumen Gentium 14 and Ad Gentes 7 say that all need faith and baptism for salvation, indicating that the vast majority of people outside the Catholic Church are oriented to the fires of Hell, without Catholic faith and the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.

So affirming EENS with Vatican Council II interpreted rationally would be politically incorrect for those who are working for a one world Marxist Government and a one world religion with a false worship in Jesus Christ.

So the AUSCP interprets Vatican Council II irrationally and so avoids the Anti Semitic charge. But even traditionalists and conservative Catholics do the same. Brothers Peter and Michael Dimond at the Most Holy Family Monastery, New York, USA also interpret Vatican Council II irrationally like the AUSCP. 

In this way they avoid the Anti Semitism charge and do not lose their tax exempt status. They remain a charitable organization.

It would be the same for Church Militant TV and the Lepanto Institute.- Lionel Andrades


Priests’ Group Praises Synodal Synthesis

September 20, 2022


We are gladdened by the release of the national synthesis outlining the common themes raised in the Synod listening sessions. Our joy is a companion of our ongoing concern for our Church, that we may continue to listen to each other and accept the challenges of change.

As Bishop Daniel E. Flores said in releasing the document from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, “The synthesis is, among other things, an expression of the common joys, hopes, and wounds the bishops have heard and are hearing from the wider body of the Church.”

We members and leaders of the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests are encouraged to find the report shares concerns we have been addressing since our beginnings: a welcoming Church, the role of women, Catholic social teaching, racism, ministry to and with the LGBTQ community, improved education and formation of seminary students for the priesthood, and the heartbreaking divisions in our Church and society.

Although not addressed in the synthesis, we would emphasize other major issues facing the Church: creation care for our common home, an end to the death penalty and renewed witness to Gospel Non-violence.

We are heartened by the release of the synthesis and the acknowledgment of the bishops that this phase of the synod must lead to action.

We continue to offer our support for our bishops and for all who continue to participate in this new way of being Church.

All the Working Group Members of the AUSCP are interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and dishonestly. Their interpretation of the Council is political and obsolete.

 From the AUSCP website

Vatican II

AUSCP announces three focus areas related to Vatican II for the coming years. We pose the following questions to consider in pondering the three texts below:

1.    Can you give fundamental support to the three statements as they relate to present day issues in Church and world and to the fundamental teachings of Vatican II?

·         People of God, 

·         Religious Freedom,

·         Church in Present Day

Lionel: Yes but with Vatican Council II interpreted rationally and not irrationally.


2.    Can you see yourself working with others to make one or another of these statements truly alive in today’s Church and world? What specific initiatives could you and others take to make these Council teachings more prominent in the current life of the Church and society?

Lionel: I would clarify on my blog and through other media that the Council supports the past ecclesiocentism of the Catholic Church. It is traditional. The Council can only be interpreted rationally. This is being ethical. There is no other valid option.

I would clarify that the AUSCP is dishonest.

It interprets Vatican Council II irrationally and then justifies any type of liberalism. With the Council interpreted irrationally, there are exceptions created for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). This false interpretation of the Council is called ‘revolutionary’ and ‘a break with Tradition’. So homosexuality, married priests etc are rationalized. This reasoning is dishonest and political.

When Vatican Council II is interpreted rationally it supports the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, the Catechism of Pope Pius X and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (845, 846, 1257 etc). There is no development of doctrine.

3.    Do you agree that these three statements help to promote Pope Francis’ vision of Vatican II present in today’s Church and world?   Comment?

Lionel: Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II irrationally like the AUSCP. His interpretation of the Council is now obsolete. Catholics have a rational choice. Why should Catholics, in conscience, interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and dishonestly when they have a rational choice which is traditional, non heretatical and non schismatic ?


AUSCP Vatican II Working Group Members

Consistent Work Group Participants

  • Louie Arceneaux, CM [New Orleans, LA Archdiocese]
  • Bob Bonnot [Youngstown, OH Diocese]
  • Harry Bury [St. Paul/Minneapolis Archdiocese]
  • Kevin Clinton [St. Paul/Minneapolis Archdiocese]
  • Joe Gosselin [Atlanta, GA Archdiocese]
  • George Hundt [Patterson NJ Diocese]
  • Clyde Foster [Cleveland, OH Archdiocese]
  • Joe Graffis [Louisville, KY Archdiocese]
  • Bob Nee [Boston, MA Archdiocese]
  • Tom McCarthy [Youngstown, OH Diocese]

Work Group Advisors

  • Don Conroy [St.Paul/Mpls psychotherapist]
  • Michael Agliardo, PhD, S.J. [Berkely, CA]
  • Jan Michael Joncas [St. Paul/Minneapolis Archdiocese]
  • Leo Jacoby [Friend of AUSCP, Wisconsin Layman]

Lionel: All the Working Group Members are interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and dishonestly. Their interpretation of the Council is political and obsolete. The Church has returned to the past with the rational interpretation of the Council. We are not obliged to choose the irrational and dishonest New Theology of Massimo Faggioli and the Bologna School of Alberto Melloni. The Church has returned to the old exclusivist ecclesiology based upon Vatican Council II interpreted rationally.- Lionel Andrades


JUNE 17, 2023

Church Militant’s Download does not mention that the AUSCP like the Synods justify their liberalism with Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally, which is a break with Tradition. So if CMTV and Lepanto Institute object, the AUSCP would simply say that they are following Vatican Council II ( irrational) just like CMTV.CMTV cannot object since they are also interpreting Vatican Council II politically like the AUSCP.

 Church Militant’s Download does not mention that the AUSCP like the Synods justify their liberalism with Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally, which is a break with Tradition. So if CMTV and Lepanto Institute object, the AUSCP would simply say that they are following Vatican Council II ( irrational) just like CMTV.CMTV cannot object since they are also interpreting Vatican Council II politically like the AUSCP.

If the Lepanto Institute was interpreting Vatican Council II rationally, it could then say that the Council is traditional and does not support any innovation. - Lionel Andrades

Church Militant’s Download does not mention that the AUSCP like the Synods justify their liberalism with Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally, which is a break with Tradition. So if CMTV and Lepanto Institute object, the AUSCP would simply say that they are following Vatican Council II ( irrational) just like CMTV.CMTV cannot object since they are also interpreting Vatican Council II politically like the AUSCP.

 Church Militant’s Download does not mention that the AUSCP like the Synods justify their liberalism with Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally, which is a break with Tradition. So if CMTV and Lepanto Institute object, the AUSCP would simply say that they are following Vatican Council II ( irrational) just like CMTV.CMTV cannot object since they are also interpreting Vatican Council II politically like the AUSCP.

If the Lepanto Institute was interpreting Vatican Council II rationally, it could then say that the Council is traditional and does not support any innovation. - Lionel Andrades

Pope Francis and the CDF support Cushingism in the interpretation of Magisterial Documents and then justify their liberalism With Feeneyism there is no 'development of doctinre', the Council is no more ' a revolution' in the Catholic Church


JANUARY 13, 2018

Repost : When an irrational premise is used I refer to it as Cushingism. When there is a rational premise, I refer to it as Feeneyism.

 NOVEMBER 2, 2016

When an irrational premise is used I refer to it as Cushingism. When there is a rational premise, I refer to it as Feeneyism.

The irrational premise is that invisible things or persons are visible.
The rational premise is that invisible things or persons are visible.
The irrational premise is that hypothetical cases are objectively visible in 2016.
The rational premise is that hypothetical cases are objectively invisible in 2016.
The irrational premise is that the baptism of desire refers to personally known cases in 2016.
The rational premise is that the baptism of desire refers to an unknown cases in 2016.There is no personally known case.
The irrational premise is assuming there are objectively seen and known cases of being saved in invincible ignorance and without the baptism of water in 2016.
The rational premise is assuming others (in general) cannot see invisible cases in the present and the past.It is assuming that the baptism of desire refers to an unknown and invisible case in the present or past.

When an irrational premise is used I refer to it as Cushingism.
When there is a rational premise, I refer to it as Feeneyism.
-Lionel Andrades

Pope Francis was interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and dishonestly when he closed the Holy Mother of God seminary in Argentine and the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate seminary in Rome : there is no denial from the Vatican


 JUNE 14, 2023

Pope Francis was interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and dishonestly when he closed the Holy Mother of God seminary in the Argentine diocese of San Rafael, in the province of Mendoza.There is no denial from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican.


The frank exchange — spelled out in letters obtained by ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language sister news agency — sheds new light on the Vatican’s controversial closure of Holy Mother of God Seminary in November 2020, and the resulting tension that still plagues the Argentine Diocese of San Rafael.

The seminary controversy

The San Rafael seminary, located in the province of Mendoza, was one of the most successful in Argentina and all of Latin America, with many vocations.

It figured prominently in tensions that developed in mid-2020 between some priests and faithful of the diocese and its bishop at the time, Eduardo María Taussig.

Pope Francis was interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and dishonestly when he closed the Holy Mother of God seminary in the Argentine diocese of San Rafael, in the province of Mendoza.There is no denial from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican. 

He also was interpreting Vatican Council II with the fake premise and inference to produce a false break with Tradition, when he closed the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate seminary in Boccea, Rome, Italy in 2013.He has also closed thriving religious communities in the South of Italy which had many vocations.- Lionel Andrades

JUNE 13, 2023

When Pope Francis closed down the seminaries in Argentina and Rome he was interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally. So there was a false rupture with the past. He calls that past rigidity. If he interprets Vatican Council II rationally his conclusion would be rigid


Don't we have a place in the Church?’: Read pope’s response to Argentine priest on seminary's closure

In Rome with one of our favorite popes,
 Pope Boniface VIII



FEBRUARY 5, 2020


-Lionel Andrades

NOVEMBER 2, 2016

When an irrational premise is used I refer to it as Cushingism. When there is a rational premise, I refer to it as Feeneyism.

The irrational premise is that invisible things or persons are visible.
The rational premise is that invisible things or persons are visible.
The irrational premise is that hypothetical cases are objectively visible in 2016.
The rational premise is that hypothetical cases are objectively invisible in 2016.
The irrational premise is that the baptism of desire refers to personally known cases in 2016.
The rational premise is that the baptism of desire refers to an unknown cases in 2016.There is no personally known case.
The irrational premise is assuming there are objectively seen and known cases of being saved in invincible ignorance and without the baptism of water in 2016.
The rational premise is assuming others (in general) cannot see invisible cases in the present and the past.It is assuming that the baptism of desire refers to an unknown and invisible case in the present or past.

When an irrational premise is used I refer to it as Cushingism.
When there is a rational premise, I refer to it as Feeneyism.
-Lionel Andrades


The mainstream Church is liberal today because of the fake premise. Let them use a rational premise and the liberalism falls off from the whole Church


The mainstream  Church is liberal today because of the fake premise. Let them use a rational premise and the liberalism falls off from the whole Church.

Fake premise

Lumen Gentium 8,Lumen Gentium 14, Lumen Gentium 16 etc in Vatican Council II refer to physically visible cases in 1965-2021.

Fake inference

They are objective examples of salvation outside the Church.

Fake conclusion

Vatican Council II contradicts the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).The Athanasius Creed(outside the Church there is no salvation) and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX ( ecumenism of return) were made obsolete.
Here is my interpretation of Vatican Council II in blue.

Rational Premise

LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc in Vatican Council II refer to physically invisible cases in 1965-2021.They are only hypothetical and theoretical. They exist only in our mind and are not solid bodies at Newton's level of time, space and matter.

Rational Inference

They are not objective examples of salvation outside the Church for us human beings.

Rational Conclusion

Vatican Council II does not contradict EENS as it was interpreted by the Jesuits in the Middle Ages.It does not contradict the strict interpretation of EENS of St. Thomas Aquinas( saved in invincible ignorance is invisible), St. Augustine and Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston.

The Letter of the Holy Office(Congregation for the Doctrine 

of the Faith) 1949 made an objective mistake.-


The irrational premise is that invisible things or persons are visible.


The rational premise is that invisible things or persons are visible.



The irrational premise is that hypothetical cases are objectively visible in 2021.


The rational premise is that hypothetical cases are objectively invisible in 2021.



The irrational premise is that the baptism of desire refers to personally known cases in 2021.


The rational premise is that the baptism of desire refers to an unknown cases in 2021.There is no personally known case.



The irrational premise is assuming there are objectively seen and known cases of being saved in invincible ignorance and without the baptism of water in 2016.


The rational premise is assuming others (in general) cannot see invisible cases in the present and the past.It is assuming that the baptism of desire refers to an unknown and invisible case in the present or past.

When an irrational premise is used I refer to it as Cushingism.

When there is a rational premise, I refer to it as Feeneyism.Lionel Andrades




MAY 5, 2022

If Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise then the Council becomes Traditional and he supports Tradition and the Catholic Church becomes Traditional

 If Pope Francis pinterprets Vc2 with the Rational Premise then the Council becomes Traditional and he supports Tradition, and the Church becomes Traditional.- Lionel Andrades 



Lionel Andrades

Catholic lay man in Rome. Writer on the discovery of the two interpretations of Vatican Council II, one is rational and the other is irrational, one is interpreted with the false premise and the other without it. One is Magisterial and the other, the common one, is non Magisterial.How can the Holy Spirit make an objective mistake ? So it is human error and not the Magisterium.

 Vatican Council II is dogmatic and not only pastoral.

It is the same for the Creeds and Catechisms. There can be two interpretations.Catholics must choose the rational option.

Why should Catholics choose an irrational version which is heretical, nontraditional and schismatic, when a rational option is there which is traditional?

It is unethical when the popes, cardinals and bishops choose the Irrational Premise to interpret Vatican Council II and other Magisterial Documents.

Blog: Eucharist and Mission (eucharistandmission)


Twitter : @LionelAndrades1
