Thursday, January 25, 2024

Why should the priests in Covington interpret Vatican Council II dishonestly? Why is it obligatory? They have a choice whose conclusion is traditional.


Kentucky bishop removes two priests' faculties for denigrating post-Vatican II Mass

Covington, Ky. — January 24, 2024

The bishop of Covington has rescinded permission for two priests to minister in his diocese after they publicly dismissed the contemporary celebration of Mass in the Roman rite as "irrelevant."

Lionel: The Mass is relevant with the past ecclesiology supported by Vatican Council II, interpreted only rationally.


Bishop John C. Iffert Jan. 16 requested the resignation of Fr. Shannon Collins as pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Park Hills, a Covington suburb. Fr. Sean Kopczynski also has been removed as the parish's parochial vicar. The bishop also removed the priests' faculties to teach, preach or celebrate sacraments.

Lionel: The bishop interprets Vatican Council II irrationally at the Novus Ordo Mass. This is dishonesty. Without the false premise, inference and conclusion, the Novus Ordo Mass would have the exclusivist ecclesiology of the Latin Mass and the old Roman Ritual. It is the bishop who should not be allowed to preach and celebrate the Sacraments until he receives absolution in the Confessional and ends the scandal. He is presently also interpreting the Creeds irrationally and non traditionally.


While they are not permitted to celebrate the Mass publicly, the priests may celebrate Mass privately for themselves, immediate family members and members of the Missionaries of St. John the Baptist, a fledgling religious community in Covington they founded.

The Missionaries of St. John the Baptist is a public association of the faithful dedicated to the celebration of the liturgy and sacraments according to the 1962 Roman Missal. Bishop Roger J. Foys of Covington, who retired in 2021, formally erected the community as a public association of the faithful in 2019, although the priests have been serving in the diocese since at least 2011. The priests were working toward eventual recognition of the Missionaries of St. John the Baptist as an institute of diocesan right within the Diocese of Covington.

Lionel: The community however is interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally like the bishop.


Iffert, who has led the Covington Diocese since 2021, said in a Jan. 17 letter to members of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish that he removed the priests' faculties after learning that Collins "had preached in the parish that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, as celebrated in the current Roman Catholic liturgy, is 'irrelevant,' preserves 'literally nothing of the old,' and that the reform of the liturgy was motivated by hatred towards traditional Catholics and the ancient liturgies of Rome."

According to the letter, "Both Father Collins and Father Kopczynski maintain these errors and refuse the opportunity to renounce them. This disqualifies them from being granted permission to publicly celebrate the Sacraments using the 1962 Missale Romanum and from leading a personal parish like Our Lady of Lourdes."...

Lionel: The priests are correct. Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally rejects the past ecclesiology. There cannot be a reform of the Mass with the Council interpreted dishonestly for political –left reasons.


...In his letter, Iffert wrote, "I did not take this action lightly" and said he consulted with the diocese's vicar general, deans, judicial vicar and other bishops as he determined how to handle the situation.

Lionel: The pope, cardinals and bishops cannot interpret LG 8, 14, 15,16,UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc as referring to physically visible non Catholics saved outside the Church in 1965-2024. This is a false premise. Then it cannot be inferred that these visible non Catholics, known in particular cases, are objective examples of salvation outside the Church. So the conclusion is that the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the past exclusivist ecclesiology are made obsolete. This is dishonest. LG 8,14,15,16 etc always refers to invisible people in 2024. They cannot be practical exceptions for Tradition.

So for example, Pope Francis could not issue Amoris Laetitia based upon interpreting Vatican Council II in this irrational and dishonest way.

He could not issue Traditionis Custode with the same deceptions. Instead if he interpreted the Council rationally, then he would have to support only the ecclesiology of the 16th century Roman Missal. This can be the only ecclesiology, of the Novus Ordo Mass today. In Covington they are all interpreting the Council irrationally, producing a non traditional conclusion and then they have dismissed these two priests from not accepting the lie.


"For some time now, I had serious concerns about the parish's pastoral leadership," he wrote. "I attempted to resolve those concerns in conversation and fraternal correction with these priests, who are brothers and sons to me. Regretfully I have been unable to do so."...

Lionel: Why should the priests interpret Vatican Council II dishonestly? Why is it obligatory? They have a choice whose conclusion is traditional.

-Lionel Andrades


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