Friday, January 26, 2024

I met my Parish Priest this morning


I met my Parish Priest this morning, Don Paolo Boumis, at the church of San Agapito Rome. He was concerned about the posts on this blog which referred to him. He is under some pressure from the Left.

I met him a few months back and mentioned that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance referred to only hypothetical cases. We could not meet or see someone saved as such in the present times. He agreed with me. I mentioned that for me LG 8, LG 14, LG 15, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc referred to invisible people in 2023. In the past I would interpret them as exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), In other words I implied wrongly that they were objective cases, physically visible examples of salvation outside the Church. This I now know is irrational but did not know this in the past. He agreed with me. It made sense. He did not have objections.

I then mentioned on my blog that I met him and he agreed with the obvious. There were no physically visible cases of LG 8 etc.

So Don Paulo Boumis when he says there are invisible cases of LG 14 etc, implies, that there are no practical exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the rest of Tradition, in Vatican Council II. The Council supports the dogma EENS with Ad Gentes 7, I told him at subsequent meetings,This was he held talks on the Middle Ages in his series on Church History.There are no objective exceptions for Ad Gentes 7, mentioned in the Council-text.

He cited Nostra Aetate and I said that there is nothing in Nostra Aetate to contradict Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation. We cannot cite Nostra Aetate by excluding Ad Gentes 7.Also the Catechism of the Catholic Church says outside the Church there is no salvation and there are no exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II, in CCC 845-846,  when LG 8 etc are interpreted rationally.

He sent me an e-mail asking  how could I attribute so much to him when we spoke briefly. I told him that I could conclude all that, when he agreed that çG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, Gs 22 etc were only hypothetical cases for us and known only to God. This is common knowledge.

I also sent him blog posts mentioning that the priests of the Missionaries of Charity of Mother Teresa in Rome, in the parish, also agree that LG 8 etc refer to hypothetical cases only in the present times..

I said in reply to his e-mail to me, that he still did not deny that LG 8, 14, 15, 16, UR 3, NA 2, and GS 22 etc refer to physically invisible cases. If they happened it would only be known to God. He still today does not deny that LG 8 etc refer to invisible cases and I agree with him. They are invisible cases for us humans.

I posted a report in detail about the conclusions which arise when he says that LG 8 etc are hypothetical cases only.I then posted the blog posts to him and also the Missionaries of Charity of Mother Teresa and others. There was no communication from Don Paulo Boumis.

 I would go to the church every morning where I would put on my ‘badge’ and often I would meet him. We never spoke about this issue, for months.

Now there is some pressure on him and he says that he does not want to discuss theology and he does not want to be quoted on this blog.

If he could tell me specifically what he wants to say and what he does not, it would be helpful.  Also if he would issue a clarification which is specific I could post it on this blog.

-Lionel Andrades

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