Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Second Vatican Council II when interpreted rationally only supports an ecumenism of return to the Catholic Church


Rome celebrates Christian unity week with joint prayers, and a woman preaching

Rome — January 25, 2024

by Christopher White, NCR.

Just next to the Basilica of Sts. Celso and Giuliano — a popular spot for the traditional Latin Mass here in the Eternal City — is Ponte Sant'Angelo Methodist Church, an English language congregation that proudly boasts, "Everyone is welcome, whatever their background."

Lionel: Ad Gentes 7 says all need faith and baptism for salvation. The Methodists do not have Catholic faith and they have not received their baptism in the Catholic Church. They are outside the Church (CCC 845,846), where the Catholic Church teaches today in Vatican Council II, 'there is no salvation'.


And on Jan. 21, the church gave lived expression to that when Xavière Sr. Nathalie Becquart, a No. 2 official at the Vatican's synod office, preached during its Sunday service.

Lionel: She is the Vatican Consultant to the liberal Synods where they all interpret the Council irrationally and then justify their liberalism, with this dishonesty. If she interpreted the Council honestly and rationally she would be affirming the old theology of the 16th century Roman Missal. It also says outside the Church there is no salvation.


Becquart's invitation to preach was part of a flurry of events taking place here in Rome this week during the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, an octave-long celebration that's been taking place for over a century.

As the Rev. Matthew Laferty, director of the Methodist Ecumenical Office in Rome, explained to me, the congregation has a custom of inviting a preacher or preachers from non-Methodist Christian traditions to preach on the Sunday of the annual week dedicated to praying for Christian unity.

That may be tradition, but there was a novelty about it, too.

"It certainly would have been the first time that a high-ranking Vatican official, who is a woman, preached at Ponte Sant'Angelo," observed Laferty. 

Lionel : The Reading from the Bible at Holy Mass in Italian today tells us that all must accept Jesus in the Catholic Church for salvation and that those who do not believe will be condemned.Jesus founded one Church, it was the Catholic Church. It's doctrines are the same from that time. It is apostolic.The numerous Christian denominations with different doctrines cannot say the same.

The Episcopalians help the poor but they support homosexual relations.

The Jehovah Witnesses do not believe Jesus and St. Michael the Archangel are different.

The Gospel of John tells us that Jesus told a group of Jews at that time that their father was the devil. He told others that if they did not believe in Him they would be condemned. This was also the message of St. Paul.

There are Protestant groups who beleive in Jesus and also support contraception.


During her remarks, Becquart, a French sister, reflected on the Gospel passage of the good Samaritan.

Laferty recalled that Becquart reminded the congregation that the Gospel asks the question: "Who do we identify as our sister and brother?"

"In recognizing each other in our common baptism as Christians, and seeing the text from that perspective ... that leads us into the action of the good Samaritan," said Laferty, who said that Becquart's words served as a reminder that "the path of Christ is also the path of unity."

Lionel: Yes unity is important but it has to be based upon Vatican Council II and other Magisterial Documents interpreted rationally. The Catholic Church now has doctrinal unity with Vatican Council II interpreted rationally.Bequart and Pope Francis are not part of this unity, with their irrational interpretation of the Council, which is political but not Catholic.The liberals do not have unity on doctrine in the Catholic Church.


Across town, on the evening of Jan. 25, Pope Francis and the archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will preside over a prayer service commissioning a group of 50 Anglican and Catholic bishops to go out into the world to be witnesses of Christian unity.

Lionel: Justin Welby is outside the Catholic Church where there is no salvation. The group of 50 Catholic bishops would have to interpret Vatican Council II rationally. This is obligatory morally.They would have to interpret the Catechism of the Catholic Church rationally. So their conclusion would have to be that the Anglicans are outside the Church, and on the way to Hell.

Welby is supported by King Charles of England who has pledged to support only Protestantism. He also protects Scottish Masonry, as his father did officially. How can God and Satan be supported at the same time?


The commissioning service will take place at the Papal Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls — not only the site of the tomb of the apostle Paul, but also the very location where on Jan. 25, 1959, Pope St. John XXIII announced that he intended to call an ecumenical council.

Lionel: When Pope St. John XIII announced that he intended to call an ecumenical council he had rejected the traditional interpretation the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus of the Fourth Lateran Council (1215). He had accepted the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Bishop of Boston which confused invisible cases of the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance as being visible exceptions for Feeneyite EENS.This would also change the interpretation of the Creeds for Catholics.


The pope's plans for the Second Vatican Council, which surprised the cardinals gathered that day at the chapter room of the Benedictine abbey attached to the basilica, set into motion what would later be recognized as a historic turning point in relations among Christians, where unity was identified as a top priority...

Lionel: The Second Vatican Council II when interpreted rationally only supports an ecumenism of return to the Catholic Church.-Lionel Andrades


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