Monday, January 29, 2024

The Synod Synthesis is based upon Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally. We now know that the Council can be interpreted rationally and the conclusion is ecclesiocentric and orthodox.

 The entire journey, rooted in the Tradition of the Church, is taking place in the light of conciliar teaching. The Second Vatican Council was, in fact, like a seed sown in the field of the world and the Church. The soil in which it germinated and grew was the daily lives of believers, the experience of the Churches of every people and culture, the many testimonies of holiness, and the reflections of theologians. The Synod 2021-2024 continues to draw on the energy of that seed and to develop its potential. The synodal path is, in fact, implementing what the Council taught about the Church as Mystery and People of God, called to holiness. It values the contribution all the baptised make, according to their respective vocations, in helping us to understand better and practice the Gospel. In this sense, it constitutes a true act of further reception of the Council, prolonging its inspiration and reinvigorating its prophetic force for today's world.

The Synod Synthesis is based upon Vatican Council 

II interpreted irrationally. We now know that the 

Council can be interpreted rationally and the conclusion is ecclesiocentric and orthodox.- Lionel Andrades

Synod report has wide-ranging implications for church governance, ministry

Philadelphia Archbishop Nelson Pérez joins college students, other young adults and ministry leaders during a synodal listening session at La Salle University April 4, 2022, whre they interpreted Vatican Council II irrationally to justify their liberalism and innovation. (CNS/ Webb)

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