Tuesday, February 6, 2024

We have to go back and nullify Pope Paul VI’s innovation on marriage, annulments, divorce etc when he interpreted Vatican Council II irrationally and no one corrected him. Pope Francis’ ‘quick divorce’ also comes with a fake interpretation. There was a change of governance too in 1965. The Papal States were allowed to secede with a bogus interpretation of Vatican Council II.


We have to go back and nullify Pope Paul VI’s innovation on marriage, annulments, divorce etc when he interpreted Vatican Council II irrationally and no one corrected him. Pope Francis’ ‘quick divorce’ also comes with a fake interpretation. There was a change of governance too in 1965. The Papal States were allowed to secede with a bogus interpretation of Vatican Council II.

We now know that Vatican Council II is no more a revolution, or new revelation in the Church. Since LG 8, 14, 15, 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, always refer to hypothetical and physically invisible cases in 2024. They are not known examples of salvation outside the Church in the present times. So they do not contradict the past ecclesiocentrism ; the past exclusivist ecclesiology and the rest of Tradition.

The Catholic Church today in Vatican Council II is saying outside the Church there is no salvation (AG 7, LG 14, CCC 845, 846, 1257 etc).The Magisterium in Vatican Council II, in the text of the Council, interpreted rationally (invisible cases are invisible only) is the same as in the past .It is the same as the missionaries in the 16th century. We are back to the EENS of the 16th century, the EENS upon which faith, morals, mission, marriage, Governance of Papal States and the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King in all political legislation, was based.

There is no divorce in the Catholic Church. The new marriage tribunals based upon Vatican Council II (irrational) are now obsolete with Vatican Council II (rational), which has taken us back to the past.

The Marriage Tribunals over the last 60 plus years supported liberal Protestant theology to grant annulments. In the name of Vatican Council II (irrational) they allowed Catholic families to break.

Also the New Theology produced from the alleged exceptions for EENS says outside the Church there is salvation. So Catholics today say outside the Church there is salvation since UT 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are seen as visible and not invisible cases in the present times ( 1965-2024). Without ‘the exceptions’ created by confusing what is invisible as being visible to produce a nontraditional conclusion, there would be no  New Theology, New Ecclesiology, New Ecumenism, New Evangelisation, New Moral Theology, New Canon Law etc. There could not be new marriage laws which approve quick divorces .Marriage is forever, for good or for bad, for better or for worse. But now there is a Protestant-like ‘annulment factory’. The liberalism is justified with claims of Vatican Council II being a break with Tradition (exceptions for EENS etc).

So all change is possible for the liberals, since the Council interpreted dishonestly, is a model for the liberals.

It was not known to Pope Paul VI, Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and others, that Vatican Council II was not a break with the dogma EENS and the rest of Tradition. All they had to do was correct the objective mistake in the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office (CDF) to the Archbishop of Boston and then interpret LG 8, 14, 15, 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, as being invisible cases. For me invisible cases of the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance, mentioned in the 1949 LOHO, are not visible exceptions for Feeneyite EENS. There is no seen-in-the-flesh case of the baptism of desire to contradict the St. Benedict Center, when Boston College wrongly Catholic professors who held the traditional interpretation of EENS. It was political.

Similarly, it was wrong to claim, after 1965, in the name of an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II, that Catholic States no longer need to hold their allegiance to the pope. The liberals at the Vatican allowed secular states to approve abortion, as in Italy. Faith ( exclusive salvation), morals ( abortion, new moral theology), governance ( Catholics States allegiance to the pope), marriage and Traditional Mission ( membership in the Catholic Church is necessary for salvation) were changed with the irrational interpretation of LG 8,14,15,16,UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc. -Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 5, 2024

Every Catholic can affirm ‘the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus based upon the rational interpretation of Vatican Council II


JANUARY 24, 2024

Individual Catholics or groups can now go out on the streets on mission, since Vatican Council II does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (with no exceptions) and the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church. We are back to the mission doctrines of St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis Xavier and St. Robert Bellarmine



NOVEMBER 29, 2021

Vatican Council II was not dogmatic for Pope Paul VI since he used the False Premse and created exceptions for EENS, the Syllabus of Errors and Athanasius Creed


                                                                      -Lionel Andrades

OCTOBER 7, 2018

The entire theology of Pope Paul VI and the USCCB on Mixed Marriages was wrong.It was based upon an irrationality.The result is non traditional and heretical. It is the 'smoke of Satan' within the Catholic Church stoked by Pope Paul VI.

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In addition to the sacred character of all valid marriages, still more must be said of marriages between a Catholic and another baptized Christian. According to our Catholic tradition, we believe such marriages to be truly sacramental.-Statement on the implementation of the Apostolic Letter on Mixed Marriages,USCCB(1970).
This is heretical but it must be expected since the USCCB and Pope Paul VI interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism.
There there is known salvation outside the Church for Cushingites.Theoretical cases are assumed to be objective. This is a typical Cushingite Reading. 
So the USCCB rejects  the Catechism of Pope Pius X which says Protestants are outside the Church and all need to be Catholic to be saved.
So how can a marriage to a Protestant or Orthodox Christian be a sacrament ?
This is an attack on the family and marriage.Sr. Lucia at Fatima predicted that in the end times, in the battle Satan will attack the family.

'The Apostolic Letter states that there exists between persons united in them a special "communion of spiritual benefits".These spiritual bonds in which couples are united are gounded in the "true, though imperfect, communion" which exists between the Catholic Church and all who believe in Christ and are properly baptized ( Decree on Ecumenism,n.3).'-- Statement on the Implementation of the Apostolic Letter ( Matrimonia Mixta),USCCB, ,p.17, St Paul's Books and Media, Boston, MA).

Cushingites at the USCCB, like Pope Paul VI, see the Decree on Ecumenism n.3( Unitatitis Redintigratio 3) as saying there are Christians saved outside the Catholic Church.They are saved without Catholic Faith.For Cushingites these are personally known people.So they become exceptions to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS),Since they exist in our reality they become exceptions.If they did not exist and were invisible they would not be exceptions to traditional EENS.
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So the USSCB like Pope Paul VI takes it for granted that UR 3 refers to objective examples of salvation outside the Church. They are projected as exceptions to the past exclusive ecclesiology on salvation. So Protestants, Orthodox Christians, Pentecostals and Evangelicals do not need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation.
They are not outside the Church and so the mixed marriage is considered to be a Sacrament.
There is an imperfect communion between Protestants and Catholics, according to the USCCB and this is sufficient for salvation.
Feeneyite Reading of Vatican Council II would say the Decree on Ecumenism n. 3(UR 3) refers to theoretical and hypothetical Christians, saved outside the Catholic Church. Practically there are no such people in 2018. No human could detect and judge such a case over the last 50 years or during Vatican Council II.This is something obvious.
We cannot know of any Protestant, Orthodox Christian or Baptist saved in imperfect communion with the Catholic Church.
So the Catholic spouse in a mixed marriage is living in adultery.His spouse is outside the Catholic Church, the Mystical Body of Jesus, and so is oriented to Hell at the time of death.The marriage is not a Sacrament.

A marriage is a Sacrament only between two Catholics. There are only Catholics in Heaven.
So we see that the entire theology of Pope Paul VI and the USCCB on Mixed Marriages was wrong.It was based upon an irrationality.The result is non traditional and heretical. It is the 'smoke of Satan' within the Catholic Church stoked by Pope Paul VI.-Lionel Andrades

 OCTOBER 6, 2018

Smoke of Satan of Matrimonia Mista ( Mixed Marriages ) of Pope Paul VI  http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2018/10/smoke-of-satan-of-pope-paul-vi-mixed.html

OCTOBER 6, 2018

Image result for USCCB logo on marriages Photos

USCCB interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism. So mixed marriages are not adultery   http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2018/10/usccb-interprets-vatican-council-ii.html

 OCTOBER 6, 2018

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The moto proprio of Pope Paul VI on Mixed Marriages is Cushingite.Since he did not know of a Vatican Council II, Feeneyite



Pope Paul VI who overlooked an objective mistake in the text of Vatican Council II which comes from the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 and did away away with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) by interpreting Vatican Council II with irrational Cushingite theology, instead of the rational and traditional Feeneyite version is to be canonized tomorrow.

Pope Paul VI who overlooked an objective mistake in the text of Vatican Council II which comes from the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 and did away away with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) by interpreting Vatican Council II with irrational Cushingite theology, instead of the rational and traditional Feeneyite version is to be canonized tomorrow.

Since he believed there was known salvation outside the Catholic  Church even though there were no practical cases, he permitted Mixed Marriages and did not consider the Catholic spouse as living in adultery. He permitted dispensations to be given for Mixed Marriages.
The pope did not support Fr.Leonard Feeney on outside the Church there is no salvation and allowed the Church to believe that invisible cases of the baptism of desire, baptism blood and invincible ignorance were physically visible exceptions to the traditional teaching on all needing to be members of the Catholic Church for salvation.
Based on unknown cases being known exceptions to the general rule on salvation and faith there was new Mortal Theology introduced into the universities with this error.
So presently the traditional teachings on faith and morals have been changed. It is with a new ecclesiology and theology based on unknown non Catholics being saved outside the Church being known, that Catholics have to offfer/attend Holy Mass.
His 'revolutionary' world was appreciated by the World Council of Churches and the Jewish Left organisations. Pope Francis is to canonize him tomorrow.-Lionel Andrades
Image result for Graphics Vatican Council II  Feeneyite and Cushingite
Image result for Graphics Vatican Council II  Feeneyite and Cushingite

OCTOBER 9, 2018

Image result for Photo of Pope Paul canonised

Image result for Graphics Vatican Council II  Feeneyite and Cushingite
Image result for Graphics Vatican Council II  Feeneyite and Cushingite

OCTOBER 8, 2018

Matrimonia Mixta of Pope Paul VI has become an attack on the family and marriage. The pope interpreted Vatican Council II with Cushingite theology ( Graphics)   https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2018/10/matrimonia-mixta-of-pope-paul-vi-has.html

Image result for Graphics Vatican Council II  Feeneyite and Cushingite
Image result for Graphics Vatican Council II  Feeneyite and Cushingite


Image result for Pope Paul VI on Mixed Marriages Photos

Smoke of Satan of Matrimonia Mista ( Mixed Marriages ) of Pope Paul VIhttps://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2018/10/smoke-of-satan-of-pope-paul-vi-mixed.html

OCTOBER 4, 2017

Image result for Photo of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

Michael Voris says Pope Paul VI asked Lefebvre to affirm Vatican Council II (Cushingite) in exchange for permission to consecrate bishopshttps://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2017/10/michael-voris-says-pope-paul-vi-asked.html

FEBRUARY 21, 2016

Pope Paul VI offered the Novus Ordo Mass with Cushingism and the new ecclesiology  https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2016/02/pope-paul-vi-offered-novus-ordo-mass.html


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