Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Catholic Theology 9 : The seminarian can do a lot today





In 2003 I had to leave two seminaries in Rome and live at a Home for the Shelterless of the Missionaries of Charity (Contemplative) Men, in Rome. It is called Casa Serena. I had breakfast and dinner with the poor and I did my share of the cleaning.

Fr.Sebastian Vazhakhala M.C , at Casa Serena. He is the Founder along with Mother Teresa of the Missionaries of Charity Brothers ( Contemplative ) in Rome

 While there, for a year,  I was still a student of philosophy at the Pontificial Maria Mater Ecclesia University, of the Legion of Christ off Via Aurelia. It was a long walk from Largo Preneste, to Termini, then Cornelia and then near the Via Aurelia train station. In the evening it was a long walk back on the same route. At the university many knew that I would be sleeping under some staircase. They would keep quiet about it.

There were many seminarians who had to leave and had no place to stay. Some began to work and gave up their studies and  vocation. Those who finished their theology-studies, even though they were not living in the seminary, could return home.After two years work in the parish, they could be ordained priests.

There are many ex-seminarians today who have a religious vocation and are potential priests but they have no place to stay in Rome. When Casa Serena ,of the Missionaries of Christ of Mother Teresa closed annually, I was literally outside.

San Giuseppe a Capo le Casa, Rome. My home outside the church for years.

 I then I slept every night outside the church San Giuseppe a Capo lr Casa in Rome. Those who lived in the neighborhood still remember me. 

Many would see me at morning Mass in Italian at the basilica of San Andrea Della Fratte, nearby. This is the church, where Our Lady appeared to the Jewish financier Alphonse Ratisbonne. She showed him the beauty of the Catholic Church and its importance for the salvation of all people. The Bible says the Church is the Mystical Body of Jesus. 

Ratisibonne became a Catholic priest and then was a missionary in the Middle East, where he founded two missionary religious communities.


Those were great peaceful days. I was free. I would put two cartons together, close them at one end, and place them along the front door of the church. I would cover the cartons with plastic.  I was at the top of steps and and had a parapet in front of me, which blocked my view of the road, and also others seeing me. Inside the cartons, I had my blankets. I would often at night greet Jesus who was alone all night in the tabernacle. In the morning I would have my breakfast oustide the Sister's back door. 

  Eucharistic Missionary Sisters of Nazareth.My life line.

Then I would walk to the public libraries, where the Internet was free. I would change the cartons every night.Since I would find new ones, at Piazza Spagna, nearby. In the evenings I would pray the Vespers with the Sisters and have my dinner, which they would prepare only for me. I would collect my baggage from them. Then I would go to the church nearby where the services would end by 10 p.m. On Saturday nights I would for the Neo Cathecumenal Way Mass at the basilica in front of the Victor Emmanuel monument. The present Vicar General of Rome, Cardinal Angelo Donatis was the Rector at that time.  It was like this for years. I forgot all about my studies, except  a few times, when my bishop, Anthony Lobo, would visit Rome.

Ex-seminarians today may not be able to live as I did. It was a new experience for me but Jesus and Our Lady were with me. My Guardian Angel protected me.


But seminarians today can have the assistance of a Canon Lawyer. There is a new discoverY. They can demand that the Rector of the seminary and the Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican, accept Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Both these Magisterial Documents have to be interpreted only rationally.The canonist can cite Canon Law which says that a Rector of a seminary has to be a Catholic.He must believe in the teachings of the Catholic Church.

The seminarian today can have access to a secular lawyer. Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, Prefect of the DDF, and the Rectors of the seminaries where I lived and studied, still interpret Vatican Council II irrationally. They use deception, when they assume what is invisible is visible, and then produce a politically approved break with Tradition. This is all hidden. The seminarian today has to quietly accept all this liberalism, or leave (or be asked to leave, as in my case).

When I was outside on the Rome streets, I would sometimes see another ex-seminarian from Romania. Sometimes I would have dinner for the poor at the San Egidio, in Trestevere. Once an English Sister came to servethe poor at San Egidio,  as I would do when I was a seminarian. I was eating there with the poor at Trastevere. It was nice talking to her. I don’t know if I told her that the only thing I really missed at the Beda English seminary, where she lived and worked, when I was there, was the tea, with bread, butter and jam.

Seminarians are told to leave when the Rector has to follow the poltiical Left agenda of the Vatican. I remember a young African seminarian at the Legian of Christ seminary, whom I thought would be a good priest. There was something exceptional and striking about him. Later I learnt he was out. He would read books published by  TAN.

                           Beda College today

One of my colleagues at the Beda seminary, was a middle aged English lawyer. We spoke often at the table and otherwise. He would later become a priest. He was well off financially and had a fax machine and other equipment in his room, overlooking the basilica of St. Paul Outside the Wall. During our conversations,  I once asked him to ask his bishop if outside the Church there is no salvation was a dogma or it was not a dogma. The dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus was not being taught at the Beda because of Vatican Council II (irrational).

He told me that he faxed his bishop and was waiting for a reply. I did not expect any answer and none came. His bishop in Birmingham, England was Vincent Nichols.

Those were good people at the Beda and today I would like to believe they are good priests, but liberals, because they have to interpret Vatican Council II, irrationally.

Fr. Andrew Faley was the vice Rector of the Beda Pontifical College, at that time. Today he interprets the Council dishonestly in ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue, approved by the English Bishops Conference.This is Masonic. 

There was an elderly Dominican priest at the Beda, a visiting professor who had a course at  the Beda-premises.He would encourage seminarians to be social-Masons. He was quite open about it in 2003.

When Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger opened up the Latin Mass and Cardinal Sean O’Malley and a Canadian priest-professor at the Pontifical Gregorian University, and others objected, Abraham Foxman of the Jewish Anti Defamation League was in Rome. At that heated time, I saw the Rector of the Beda College coming out of the Jewish Left synagogue near the old ghetto It was in the afternoon and I was walking fast. I did not want to be late for lunch at the convent, near Circo Massimo. Mons.Roderick Strange was probably heading for the bus stand which is on the Beda route. We looked at each. Neither of us said a word. Interesting, the place where I would go for lunch is alongside the Franciscan Conventual seminary where St. Maximillian Kolbe lived and studied philosophy. He would oppose the Masons and today’s B’nai Brith with which the ADL is associated. 

Daphne McLeod would tell me later how her group in England would follow Mons. Strange (real name) to the places where he would speak. They would  protest outside. His liberal views were strange for her. Strange, the rector at the Beda at that time had a book in the library, which he authored,  in which he was soft on homosexuality. He studied at Oxford University, England, along with Cardinals Vince Nichols and Murphy O’Connor.

It is the Masons who do not want the Councils, Creeds and Catechisms to be interpreted rationally. When the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican, supports Masonic theology, a seminarian in the past could do nothing.But today it is different.

We have a new discovery in the Catholic Church, I repeat.

We now know that Vatican Council II and the Creeds and Catechisms and old Councils can be interpreted rationally. We are not obligated to confuse what is invisible as being visible.

This is useful information for the canonist. In general, the seminarian and canonist can expect every seminary and pontifical university, rector and faculty,  to interpret all Magisterial Documents, traditionally.

The seminarian can do a lot today. - Lionel Andrades

MARCH 5, 2024

Catholic Theology 8 : No Catholic in New Hampshire is safe

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