Thursday, March 14, 2024

Activist judges in New Hamsphire close down Church Militant TV


Leftist activist judges in New Hampshire, USA, with an agenda to close down ‘the right wing’ Church Militant TV  did not allow correspondence between Fr. Georges de Laire and Brother Andre Marie micm, Prior, St. Benedict Center, New Hampshire, to be made public. If there was a sexual charge against a priest the same judge would call the bishop to court. But now the aim was: GET MICHAEL. The correspondence would show that the bishop and judicial vicar were unethical and political, like the judges.

The media does not report that the judges , like the bishop and his Curia in New Hampshire, use a fake premise and inference, to interpret Church Documents. Otherwise, they would be affirming the same doctrine on exclusive salvation as the St. Benedict Center in New Hampshire (NH), for which a legal Decree of Prohibitions and Precepts  was issued by Fr. Georges de Laire , Bishop Peter Libasci, the bishop of Manchester, NH and the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican.

The judges also did not want to keep the sources of information, of CMTV, confidential. Instead the canonists, known to Marc Baliestieri, had to be brought into the court personally, to testify against Fr. Laire, a millionaire priest, who has inherited a large fortune, which he does not give to the poor but uses for personal litigation.

CMTV cannot match his funds, to take the case to another Court or pay legal fees. It is reported that CMTV is to be sold by late April to pay for the legal fees of Fr. Laire.

I have been sending these blog posts to the Curia of the Diocese of Manchester NH, including Fr. Georges de Laire. They also have been sent to Damien Fisher, correspondent Union Leader and his wife Simcha on her media.They all seem to agree with me – that if they interpret Vatican Council II rationally then they hold the same understanding of the dogma outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation ( extra ecclesiam nulla salus), as Brother Andre Marie micm and the St. Benedict Centers in the USA.There is no denial from Simcha and Damien Fisher and neither Fr. Laire.They are actually saying that they must interpret Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church rationally.Then there is a continuity  with Tradition as held by the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in NH.

But Bishop Peter Libasci and Fr. Georges de Laire are unethical.They have interpreted Vatican Council II and the Catechism of Pope John Paul II irrationally, producing a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus of the old Church Councils, which did not mention any exceptions. Then they issued a coercive Decree of Prohibitions, against the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, demanding that they interpret Church Documents  irrationally and create exceptions for the dogma EENS, which is made obsolete, through this ruse.

This was the reason Michael Voris went to New Hampshire where Fr. Laire declined to be interviewed.Brother Andre Marie micm was interviewed by CMTV. No clarification followed from the Diocese of Manchester.They maintained their unethical and political position in their correspondence  with Brother Andre Marie micm.The judges did not allow this correspondence to be cited in the court.

Brother Andre Marie micm, placed his Doctrinal Statement on the website  and there was no correction or clarification from Bishop Peter Libasci.

Today the Decree is still maintained against the religious community at the St. Benedict Center and

1)         All the religious communities in New Hampshire have to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally to avoid a Decree being issued against them.

2)       The bishop and judicial vicar and the rest of the Curia in New Hampshire have to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally to avoid a Decree being issued against the diocese.

       If Fr. Georges de Laire used his money to fundect pro lifers or against Leftist issues in general,  he would be blocked by the judges, as they blocked a lawyer who represented Trump from representing Michael Voris.Voris was deserted by four lawyers during the trial.

       The diocese Tribunal in Manchester  issues judgements based upon only the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II when it is approved by the political Left.Pope Francis also approves quick divorces and Protestant like annulments, which he justifies with the general liberalism of Vatican Council II. - Lionel Andrades


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