Saturday, March 2, 2024

Catholic Theology 5 : Pope John XXIII did not lift the excommunication of Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston. Pope Paul VI did it. But it was only after Vatican Council II. Right through Vatican Council II he allowed the excommunication to remain. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and the SSPX bishops were excommunicated for not excepting the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II which produced exceptions – and contradicted, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). Pope John Paul II did not tell them they could accept Vatican Council II, rational





Pope John XXIII did not lift the excommunication of Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston. Pope Paul VI did it. But it was only after Vatican Council II. Right through Vatican Council II he allowed the excommunication to remain. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and the SSPX bishops were excommunicated for not excepting the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II which produced exceptions – and contradicted, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). Pope John Paul II did not tell them they could accept Vatican Council II, rational.This is the unofficial narrative. You will not read it on Wikipedia.

Cardinal Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani was not excommunicated. His 1949 Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston says everyone does not need to be a Catholic for salvation. For him invisible cases of the baptism of desire (BOD) and being saved in invincible ignorance (I.I) were visible exceptions for the dogma EENS and a change in the understanding of the Nicene Creed. This was heresy and schism and it was approved by Cardinal Cushing, the Archbishop of Boston and the American Jesuits. They were not corrected by Pope Pius XII and neither Pope John XXIII. Instead Fr. Karl Rahner sj placed the 1949 LOHO in the Denzinger and Fr. Joseph Ratzinger approved it. Ratzinger was made the Archbishop of Munich, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and then pope. He supported the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II and that of the BOD and I.I. He praised the 1949 LOHO in two papers of the International Theological Commission, Vatican. He maintained the false narrative on Vatican Council II and EENS and considered it ‘a development of doctrine’.


There are no literal cases of the baptism of desire said Bishop Athanasius Schneider in an interview with Dr. Taylor Marshall. There are no explicit cases of St. Thomas Aquinas’ implicit baptism of desire confirmed Marshall. But for Cardinal Selvaggiani in Rome, Archbishop Cushing, Pope Pius XII and Pope John XXIII implicit BOD was always explicit.

There is no book written on this dark issue. Instead the books on Ecclesiology written by Cardinal Kasper, Cardinal Semararo and Archbishop Bruno Forte maintain the Ratzinger political narrative.

With Ratzinger’s liberal theology, Massimo Faggioli would say, it is the end of the theology of the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX. Traditionalists had to live with this. Even Archbishop Guido Pozzo, a member of the International Theological Commission, did not tell the Ecclesia Dei communities that they could interpret Vatican Council II rationally and so get back to Tradition, on the issue of the Council. Cardinal Muller as the Prefect of the CDF also supported the Ratzinger ‘hermeneutic of discontinuity’ with EENS, when interviewed on EENS by Edward Pentin.


The issue was complex. Even the communities of Fr. Leonard Feeney, the St. Benedict Centers in the USA, in their books and articles were interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and not rationally. There was no correction even from Fr. Leonard Feeney himself. The St. Benedict Centers supported the liberal theology on Vatican Council II as did the Society of St. Pius X and Ecclesia Dei communities. Even at the Most Holy Family Monastery, New York,  where they call the popes from Paul VI to Francis, ‘anti-popes’,they still interpretg Vatican Council II like the liberals.


Now we know that we can reconcile Pope Francis with Pope Pius X and the secret lies in Vatican Council II (rational). Pope Francis has to come back to Tradition with Vatican Council II, in which LG 8,14,1,5,16,UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 refer to invisible cases. He has to put aside the mistake of the 1949 LOHO.

All future popes will have to do the same. All cardinals at conclaves must only interpret Vatican Council II rationally. All bishops have only one ethical option – the rational one.

Rome has come back to the faith, at least theoretically in doctrine and theology, as Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre wanted. Theoretically we now have unity in doctrine and faith. There is no rupture between faith and reason. There is no rupture with the popes and saints over the centuries.

 The Church returns to traditional faith, morals and mission and the liberals and Left can no more cite Vatican Council II to support their liberalism. Liberalism is disunity in the Church. It is a sin.

In the name of Vatican Council II-liberalism,  Pope Francis has given offices at the Vatican to the Rotschilds and Jewish Left organizations. According to Vatican Council II rational, they all are outside the Church  ( AG 7, CCC 845, 846 etc) and are oriented to the fires of Hell.


Also the Jubilee 2025 is being celebrated with the Rome Mayor and Masonic organizations who interpret Vatican Council II dishonestly. The President of Lazio, who is part of the organization of the Jubilee, belongs to the political party of Georgia Melloni which supports the pro- abortion law 194, homosexual unions and funding the war in Ukraine. Abortion and homosexual acts are mortal sins. We are back to traditional faith and morals with Vatican Council II, rational. -Lionel Andrades

 MARCH 1, 2024

Catholic Theology 4 : It seems as if Pope John XXIII called up Vatican Council II to implement the error of the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston. This was political.Neither did Pius XII or John XXIII correct the mistake in the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office (LOHO).

 FEBRUARY 29, 2024

Catholic Theology 3 : The liberalism of Pope Paul VI after Vatican Council II is not magisterial since it is based upon Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally. Vatican Council II is magisterial only when it is interpreted rationally

 FEBRUARY 28, 2024

Catholic Theology 2 : We can now reconcile Pope Francis with Pope Pius X

 FEBRUARY 27, 2024


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