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Repost : Vatican Council II is a legitimate,dogmatic,pastoral,exclusivist and traditional Council : it is a rupture for Schneider, Burke, Kohl and Kasper


AUGUST 15, 2017

Vatican Council II is a legitimate,dogmatic,pastoral,exclusivist and traditional Council : it is a rupture for Schneider, Burke, Kohl and Kasper

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Vatican Council II is a legitimate Council says Bishop Athanasius Schneider.The SSPX agrees. Archbishop Lefebvre was present at the Council.The SSPX accepts 90% of it said Bishop Bernard Fellay.
Schneider says Vatican Council II was a pastoral Council and the SSPX agrees here too.
He said Vatican Council II was not dogmatic since it did not put forward any new dogmas and the SSPX says the same.
But Archbishop Augustine di Noia says that the Council was dogmatic and cites Lumen Gentium which calls itself dogmatic.Fine. Since Lumen Gentium 16(LG 16) has a continuity with the past there is no problem here.It is dogmatic  for me, since it affirms the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) as it was known to St. Maximilliam Kolbe or the missionaries in the 16th century.For them EENS was Feeneyite.In the sense that the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I) refer to invisible people.So they are not exceptions to traditional EENS which they endorsed.
But for Archbishop Augustine di Noia and Mons. Guido Pozzo at Ecclesia Dei, Vatican, EENS is Cushingite.BOD, BOB and I.I refer to visible and known people saved outside the Church.They know people who will be going to Heaven and who are not Catholics.They can judge like Jesus.
The dogma EENS has changed for them.It changed in 1949 in the Fr. Leonard Feeney case.It has not changed for me.
The Catholic Church made a mistake in the Fr. Leonard Feeney case when it assumed BOD, BOB and I.I refer to visible people saved without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.
So when Cardinal Ladaria s.j as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith reads LG 16 ( invincible Ignorance) he refers to a visible person saved outside the Church.An exceptions to the dogma EENS as it was known to St. Ignatius of Loyola or St.Francis Xavier.
When I read LG 16( saved in invincible ignorance) it refers to an unknown person, someone who would be only known to God. It is a hypothetical and theoretical case for me.So this invisible person cannot be relevant or an exception to EENS( Feeneyite).
So Vatican Council II is dogmatic and pastoral for me and it is a legitimate Council when it is interpreted with the theology of Feeneyism( invisible cases of BOD, BOB and I.I are not visible and so there is no known salvation outside the Church).
For Cardinal Ladaria and all at the CDF/Ecclesia Dei Vatican Council II can only be interpreted with the theology of Cushingism( invisible cases of BOD, BOB and I.I are visible exceptions to the dogma EENS.There is known salvation outside the Church). This is irrational and heretical and creates a rupture with Tradition.Cushingism is a false theology.
So it is the opposite for both of us.
For me, according to this legitimate Council  which is dogmatic, exclusivist and traditional all non Catholics are oriented to the fires of Hell without 'faith and baptism'(AG 7, LG 14).Most people are on the way to Hell since they die without ' faith and baptism' in the Catholic Church.This is Vatican Council II and not just the dogma EENS.
Catholics are the new people of God, the Chosen People(NA 4). They have the Promised Jewish Messiah in the only Church God the Father founded through His Son outside of which there is no salvation.This is Vatican CouncilII and not just traditionalism.
This is the Vatican Council II not being affirmed by Cardinal Raymond Burke,Bishop Athanasius Schneider and the Society of St.Pius X.
Feeneyism is the key.To have a Catholic identity one must be a Feeneyite.
St.Maximillian Kolbe was a Feeneyite.
St.Thomas Aquinas, St.Augustine, St. Anthony Claret and St. Ignatius of Loyola were Feeneyites since BOD, BOB and I.I for them were hypothetical cases. They were invisible people.
The interpretation of Vatican Council II by the two popes, cardinals Koch and Kasper, the Leftist socialist media, the SSPX , sedevacantists , Rorate Caeili, Remnant News, Chris Ferrara, Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Cardinal Raymond Burke is not legitimate, dogmatic, pastoral and exclusivist.Since they use a false premise to elicit a non traditional conclusion.This cannot be the work of the Holy Spirit.The Holy Spirit cannot make an objective mistake and violate the Principle of Non Contradiction.
-Lionel Andrades

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