Saturday, March 23, 2024

They are teaching error at First Holy Communion and Confirmation classes to avoid being Anti Semitic



From the parish priest to the pope they teach error at First Holy Communion and Confirmation classes throughout the world to avoid being Anti Semitic. So Pope Francis, the cardinals and bishops interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and not rationally and permit this error to be taught to children and adults.

This is political deception. It is ideological.  The children are taught to interpret Vatican Council II as a break and not continuity with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors. So the children do not believe there is exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.

LG 8, 14, 15, 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II are projected as physically visible people; known non Catholics, saved outside the Church in 1965-2024. The children are taught not to be exclusivist.So the position of the religious sisters and priests teaching them Catechism is not Anti Semitic.

The children are not taught, for example, to read the book The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi. This book’s moral theology is not contradicted by Vatican Council II. But for the bishops Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally is a break with the moral theology of St. Francis of Assisi and the saints and popes of the Middle Ages.

 St. Francis of Assisi believed in Hell, mortal sin and apostasy. He believed that outside the Catholic Church there was no salvation, when he met the Muslim Sultan. He sent his Friars to Muslim countries. Some were martyred and became the First Franciscan martyrs.

The Sultan converted on his death bed when friars mysteriously appeared to him.

When the children today become adults they must not be taught the new moral theology of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.Since it  based upon Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally i.e. for the cardinals and bishops today , LG 8, 14, 15, 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc,  are explicit . They are objective cases of salvation outside the Church. They are objective exceptions for the dogma EENS according to the old Catechisms. For me they are implicit, non objective and hypothetical.

 The new moral theology, like the new ecumenism, is now obsolete. Since we have discovered how to interpret Vatican Council II rationally and so in harmony with Tradition.

 Italian children here do not know about Vatican Council II rational and it being in harmony with Feeneyite EENS. This is EENS according to the Church Councils which does not mention any exceptions.

This is EENS according to the Catechisms, which do not mention any exceptions.

It is EENS according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church ( 845,846,1257) which does not mention any exceptions.

It is EENS according to Vatican Council II ( AG 7) which does not have exceptions in LG 8,14,15,16,UR 3, NA 2, GS 22.

 At religion classes in the secular and Catholic schools, the teaching is political on Vatican Council.So EENS has exceptions in Vatican Council II.

 So the interpretation of the Creeds, Councils and Catechisms is irrational. It is political.

Catholic journalists adapt what they write to avoid being Anti Semitic and so they allow the children to be taught error. 

  Diana Montagna, Edward Pentin, Michael Voris and John Henry Weston are prudent on Vatican Council II. 


At Life Site News John Henry Weston and Steve Jalsevec, avoid the Anti Semitic charge by  interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally i.e. LG 8,14,15,16 refer to visible cases. The deception helps them maintain their tax exempt status. It is the same for Michael Matt, Christopher Ferrara and Roberto dei Mattei and the editor of Crisis magazine- they do not even want to talk about this , in case someone misunderstands. It is the same for Peter and Michael Dimond of the Most Holy Family Monastery, NY. They do not want restrictions placed upon them because of their traditional Catholic beliefs. The SSPX bishops and priests also play it safe by interpreting Vatican Council II , irrationally, like the Left. The reports on Vatican Council II in LifeSite News are vague and omit this point about the Council being interpreted irrationally and not rationally.1

The liberals say the Church cannot go back to the past. They mean there is an automatic and easy way for the Church to go back to Tradition and

they don’t want it. The traditionalists want the Church to go back to the past but they do not want to be Anti Semitic.  - Lionel Andrades


Was Vatican II a valid ecumenical council?

Jewish podcaster Eric Weinstein says ‘Vatican 2 may have been a big mistake’ in discussion about Latin Mass

MARCH 21, 2024

Catholics avoid Anti Semitic charge and remain politically correct with the Left

MARCH 20, 2024

Fr.Georges de Laire, the Judicial Vicar, in the diocese of Manchester in New Hampshire, USA escapes : no Decree issued against him. He issued a Decree against the St.Benedict Center

MARCH 15, 2024

In the diocese of Manchester in New Hampshire, USA everyone is interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally to avoid affirming extra ecclesiam nulla salus like Brother Andre Marie micm, Prior, Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, at the St.Benedict Center, Richmond, New Hampshire.

MARCH 15, 2024

Bishop Libasci and Fr. Georges de Laire interpret Vatican Council II with the Fake and not Rational Premise.If they used the Rational Premise it would mean that they affirm the same interpretation of EENS as Brother Andre Marie micm and the St. Benedict Center.

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