Wednesday, March 27, 2024

We are all saying the same thing when Vatican Council II is interpreted rationally : Brother Andre Marie micm, Fr. Georges de Laire and the correspondents of the National Catholic Reporter : All are Feeneyites on EENS


We are all saying the same thing when Vatican Council II is interpreted rationally


- Lionel Andrades

from The National Catholic Reporter

In that dispute, the Diocese of Manchester had accused the Saint Benedict Center in Richmond, New Hampshire, of violating canon law, according to Todd & Weld. The Saint Benedict Center and its members, who call themselves, Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, had promoted the position held by their founder, a Jesuit priest named Leonard Feeney, that salvation is only possible through the Catholic Church.

Feeney, who died in 1978, was excommunicated for this view, though he was later reconciled to the church.

The Southern Poverty Law Center also added the center to a list of hate groups in 2007 for its members' antisemitic beliefs.

In 2019, the Diocese of Manchester forbade Catholics from participating in activities with the center and the center from calling itself Catholic because they said that they had warned the group that their position is contrary to Vatican teaching.Right-wing Catholic outlet Church Militant to close in April

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