Thursday, April 4, 2024

Who knows of a Dismas in 1965-2024?


 APRIL 3, 2024

We do not know of any Dismas or St. Emerentiana in 2024.Dismas is not an exception for Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation. Dismas is not an exception for the Catechism of the Catholic Church 845,846,1257. Dismas is not an exception for the Athanasius Creed which says all need to be Catholic for salvation. Dismas is not an exception for the exclusivist Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX. Dismas is not an exception for the Catechism of Pope Pius X ( 24Q,27Q). LOHO wrongly assumed that invisible people are visible exceptions for Feeneyite EENS

Saint Dismas: the Good Thief -- by Roberto de Mattei


APRIL 3, 2024

Fr.John Zuhlsdorf still uses the LOHO irrational reasoning to misinterpret Vatican Council II and EENS

25 March – Feast of the Thief who “stole heaven”: St. Dismas


FEBRUARY 9, 2015

The Letter of the Holy Office is irrational and has no magisterial precedent for this new doctrine

There have been many comments on ASK FATHER: Salvation “outside” the Church by Fr.John Zuhlsdorf (Feb.5,2015) and links have been provided by commentators to support Fr.Z.

FEBRUARY 9, 2015

Response to Fr.John Zuhlsdorf's article on extra ecclesiam nulla salus

Fr.John Zuhlsdorf interprets Vatican Council II with Marchetti's theory so the Council for him is ambigous and a break with extra ecclesiam nulla salus-1

Fr.John Zuhlsdorf interprets Vatican Council II with Marchetti's theory so the Council for him is ambigous and a break with extra ecclesiam nulla salus - 2

Fr.John Zuhlsdorf interprets Vatican Council II with Marchetti's theory so the Council for him is ambigous and a break with extra ecclesiam nulla salus - 3

FEBRUARY 10, 2015
Fr.John Zuhlsdorf made an objective mistake : irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II

FEBRUARY 10, 2015

Featured Image

What about the dogma on salvation which has 'evolved' for Fr.Zuhlsdorf ?

FEBRUARY 10, 2015

Extra ecclesiam nulla salus is linked to Vatican Council II. Louie Verrechio and Fr.Zuhlsdorf have still to discover it.

MARCH 17, 2015

Fr.John Zuhlsdorf does not believe in the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus : advice on interfaith marriages

Vatican/Vicariate is not allowing priests in Rome to interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism : incardìnation prohibition

OCTOBER 1, 2015

Risultati immagini per Photo of Fr.John Zuhlsdorf with the pope and cardinals

Fr.John Zuhlsdorf is in material heresy

NOVEMBER 17, 2015

Fr.Zuhlsdorf defends not giving the Eucharist to Lutherans , but does this without any reference to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

Pressure on SSPX priests to say Dismas is an exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus

APRIL 3, 2024

For political reasons the SSPX is not clarifying Catholic doctrine

APRIL 3, 2024

SSPX needs to issue a clarification

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