Friday, April 5, 2024

It was reasoned, with the false premise and inference, that Vatican Council II was a revolution in the Church, a new revelation and an opportunity to change faith and morals.So there is a ‘new magisterium’ in the Church which approves Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally and not rationally.It interprets the Creeds, Catechisms and Councils, irrationally and not rationally. This is often considered ‘magisterial’ even by the SSPX, when it really is heretical and is produced by dishonest reasoning, which is not corrected by even the SSPX

The Doctrinal Errors of Vatican Council II come from the public mistake made in the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston (LOHO). So there was a New Theology at Vatican Council II which said outside the Catholic Church there is known salvation.The dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus is obsolete. Before the 1949 LOHO, the Church taught that outside the Church there is no salvation, there is no known salvation.

Since Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, among others accepted the mistake in the 1949 LOHO and at Vatican Council II.There  was a break with the infallible teaching on outside the Church there is no salvation.

So the infallible teaching, of three Church Councils, which defined extra ecclesiam nulla salus, was put away.

It was reasoned, with the false premise and inference,  that Vatican Council II was a revolution in the Church, a new revelation and an opportunity to change faith and morals.So there is a ‘new magisterium’ in the Church which approves Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally and not rationally.It interprets the Creeds, Catechisms and Councils, irrationally and not rationally. This is often considered ‘magisterial’ even by the SSPX, when it really is heretical and is produced by dishonest reasoning, which is not corrected by even the SSPX. - Lionel Andrades

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