Wednesday, April 3, 2024

You are either a Feeneyite or a Cushingite.


AUGUST 24, 2013

You are either a Feeneyite or a Cushingite.


If someone says  criticially "Your a Feeneyite" it would indicate that he or she is a Cushingite and is not aware of it. This has been my experience.One is either a Feeneyite or a Cushingite in the interpretation of  the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Cushingism is irrational and something new added to the Deposit of the Faith.Feeneyism is traditional and does not claim that we can see the dead on earth saved with the baptism of desire and who are supposedly  visible exceptions  to the need for all to convert visibly into the Cathoic Chruch in 2013.

 A Feeneyite is in prefect agreement with Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church -without the Cushing error of being able to see the dead.

Pope Benedict,Archbishop  Gerhard Muller , the SSPX bishops and priests ,the sedevacantists(CMRI,MHFM) and Pontifical Univferity professors are Cushingites.

 Pope Francis was a Feenyite when he said that we cannot find Jesus outside the Church.He also cited St.Ignatius of Loyola , a Feeneyite.

 However he was a Cushingite in the last joint encyclical with Pope Benedict , when he stated Christians (Protestants and Orthodox Christians) have ecclesial faith.

Cushingism is heresy since it rejects the thrice defined dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, it changes the Nicence Creed  to 'I believe in three known baptisms  for the forgiveness of sin' and it rejects the Athanasius Creed with the new understanding,'Outside the the Church there is known salvation'.

 It changes the Catholic teaching on morals by assuming that 'deliberate consent' and 'full knowledge ' are factors in rejecting and identifying mortal sin in general.
Lionel Andrades

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