Saturday, May 18, 2024

Since the archbishop would be changing the interpretation of the Creeds, Councils and Catechisms with his Cushingism, should the excommunication be applied to him? Is he automatically excommunicated ?


When the Archbishop of Palermo, Italy interprets Vatican Council II rationally and not irrationally the conclusion has to be tradition. It would support Don Alessandro M. Minutella whom he has excommunicated. So Archbishop Corrado gets his liberalism from Vatican Council II, irrational and not Vatican Council II, rational.

So his excommunication of Minutella was political. It was approved by political Left. They get support for their progressivism by interpreting the Council irrationally.

Since the archbishop would be changing the interpretation of the Creeds, Councils and Catechisms with his Cushingism, should the excommunication be applied to him? Is he automatically excommunicated ?- Lionel Andrades

MAY 16, 2024

The Archbishop of Palermo, Italy is a Cushingite


e verified objectively. Simply ask a question.

The Archbishop of Palermo, Italy is a Cushingite.His excommunication of Fr. Alessandro M. Minutella was political. This is not just my opinion.Cushingism and Feeneyism can be verified.

Simply ask a question.

 "Does Lumen Gentium 16 refer to a physically visible or invisible case in 2024". 

The Archbishop and priest will have to say YES, an invisible case.This is Feeneyism.What is invisible is not confused as being visible.

When they both interpret Vatican Council II and other Church Documents with Feeneyism there is unity in doctrine and theology in the Catholic Church.

-Lionel Andrades

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