Thursday, May 23, 2024

There was no unity on Catholic doctrine and so the Fisher-More College in the USA had to collapse.


There was no unity on Catholic doctrine and so the Fisher-More College in the USA had to collapse. It was the bishop who should have been held accountable. Legally, 1) he should have been asked to accept all Magisterial Documents  and interpret them only rationally.2) He should have been asked to identify the error in the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston and reject it in public.

With Vatican Council II rational he would be affirming the ecclesiology of the Roman Missal of the 16th century. - Lionel Andrades

There is no text in Vatican Council II which contradicts Feeneyism


Definition : fake premise, inference and conclusion and the rational premise, inference and conclusion.


The common fake premise is – invisible people are physically visible in 2024.

The common fake inference is – there are physically visible non Catholics in 2024 saved outside the Catholic Church without Catholic faith and the baptism of water.

So the conclusion; the expected false conclusion is that Vatican Council II is a rupture with the past ecclesiocentrism of the Church. This is a New Theology in the Church. It says outside the Church there is known salvation.

All this reasoning I call Cushingism. This process of bad reasoning is common among the Cushingite popes, cardinals and bishops.

The rational premise is – invisible people are invisible in 2024. Lumen Gentium 16 etc refer to hypothetical cases only.

The rational inference is – there are no physically visible non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church in 2024 without Catholic faith and the baptism of water.

The traditional and rational conclusion is that Vatican Council II is not a rupture with the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church. There are no objective exceptions for the Athanasius Creed, the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus of the Council of Florence (1441), the Catechism of Pope Pius X ( 24Q,27Q ) and the rest of Tradition.We are back to the old theology of the Roman Missal.

I call this reasoning Feeneyism.

Feeneyism and Cushingism, for me, refer to a way of thinking and not the two well known persons, Cardinal Richard Cushing and Fr. Leonard Feeney. 

I interpret the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance with Feeneyism. Cardinal Richard Cushing and the popes from Pius XII interpreted them with Cushingism.

I interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism invisible cases of Lumen Gentium 16 etc are invisible in 2024). Pope Paul VI and the popes who followed used Cushingism ( invisible cases of Lumen Gentium 14 are physically visible in 1965-2024).

In the 1920s and 1930's the Catholic Church was Feeneyite. Today it is Cushingite.

-Lionel Andrades

Mary, Mother of the Church

 NOVEMBER 3, 2020

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) was offiicially interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise and they wanted the faculty at the Fischer More College to accept it. Bishop Olsen interpreted Vatican Council II with the false premise and allowed the college to collapse suggesting that the issue was doctrinal.He had approved the FSSP priests who were also interpreting Vatican Council II with the false premise and were not rejecting the Council


The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) was offiicially interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise and they wanted the faculty at the Fischer More College to accept it. Bishop Olsen interpreted Vatican Council II with the false premise and allowed the college to collapse suggesting that the issue was doctrinal.He had approved the FSSP priests who were also interpreting Vatican Council II with the false premise and were not rejecting the Council.-Lionel Andrades



JULY 19, 2019

Repost : FIUV has been of no help to the Fischer More College and the Franciscans Friars of the Immaculate

MARCH 15, 2016

The FIUV has been of no help to the Fischer More College and the Franciscans Friars of the Immaculate

 The Foederatio Internationalis Una Voce (FIUVis recognised by the Vatican. To keep this recognition Prof.Joseph Shaw has accepted a lie as the basis of a new theology. He uses this false theology to interpret Vatican Council II as a break with the old ecclesiology. So the FIUV promotes the ancient liturgy with the new ecclesiology based on a LIE.
The FIUV like the Vatican, traditionalists and the liberals interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism. So it means all Jews do not need to formally convert into the Catholic Church for salvation. They can have a vague belief in Jesus.So even in general they may not need to convert.They can believe in Jesus in their religions and they will be saved.This is the conclusion of the the Cushingite theology used by the FIUV.
The FIUV has the choice of not using the LIE as the basis for its theology. This would be the theology of Feeneyism. Feeneyism does not claim there are known exceptions, past or present, to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). With Feeneyism we are back to the old ecclesiology which says alll Jews need to formally convert into the Catholic Church for salvation.
When the FIUV does not affirm Vatican Council II according to Feeneyism it does a dis-service to traditionalist and conservative groups.The FIUV for example, deserted the Fischer More College and did not support them doctrinally.They needed to explain to the FMC that Vatican Council II was not an issue, when it is interpreted with Feeneyism.There was no Position Paper issued at that time. Aside from its financial problems, FMC went down doctrinally since it was opposed by the local bishop who interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism.

Similarly the FIUV is of no help to the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate who are not allowed to offer the Traditional Latin Mass or affirm the old ecclesiology. At issue is Vatican Council II.
Instead the FIUV is presently  concerned with anti-Semitism and as always supports the Vatican and its innovative ecclesiology.The FIUV  does not come out doctrinally in  support of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate.
The FIUV is supporting a lie. According to even secular standards this is un-ethical.Like Gavin D'Costa , a Catholic the professor of theology at the University of Bristol,England , Prof. Joseph Shaw at the FIUV is pushing a factual lie.He is supporting an objective falsehood.
How can the FIUV promote a theology on human beings allegedly being able to see or know people in Heaven saved without the baptism of water?
The FIUV knows that we cannot see the dead-saved in Heaven. Yet they imply we Catholics can actually see these people now in Heaven saved without the baptism of water. They imply this when they state there are known exceptions to the dogma EENS or that in Vatican Council II there are known exceptions to EENS.
This is a LIE. It is subterfuge. May be they do this to please the local bishops and the Ecclesia Dei or to avoid charges of being anti-Semitic.
-Lionel Andrades

FIUV representing the ancient liturgy could interpret Vatican Council with Feeneyism instead of Cushingism
The voice of the Church, in the ancient liturgy, says there is exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church and there are no exceptions.
Traditionalist theology being controlled

Fisher More College discriminated against by other Catholic universities : forced to tell a lie


Fisher More College and the Franciscans of the Immaculate have to accept these lies to be allowed the Traditional Latin Mass.

Pope Francis, Cardinal Muller and Cardinal Ladaria are refusing to interpret Vatican Council II without the irrationality

Lay Catholics should contact the Auxiliary bishops of Rome : Vicariate teaches a falsehood
Fr.Marco Hausmann, Fr.P. Stefano Visintin OSB say there are no exceptions to the dogma, Cardinal Valliani's Vicariate says there are

There is no text in Vatican Council II which contradicts Feeneyism



Now, Fisher More is fighting an order from Bishop Michael Olson of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth prohibiting the traditional Latin Mass at the college.King told the Star-Telegram previously that the college has hired a canonical lawyer and is appealing the bishop’s order.If the college cannot conduct the Mass in Latin, it could end the mission and close down the school, King told the Star-Telegram.

Read more here:


Fr.John Hunwicke and participants at the Roman Forum Meeting this summer will be unaware of the Cushing-Jesuit Factual Error

Always in the interpretation of Vatican Council II we have to be aware of the Cushing-Jesuit Factual Error

Dr.Dudley would be saying that he could accept Vatican Council II if these passages refer to cases invisible for us

Dr.John Dudley and the schools in Dallas

Chaplains at FMC used the false premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II : cause of tension with faculty

Summorum Pontificum does not say if Vatican Council II is to be interpreted with or without the false premise
Bishop Michael Olson wants faculty and students to accept a lie ?  



Bishop Michael Olson has faculties to offer Holy Mass while denying the Catholic Faith in public

Bishop Michael Olson, the bishop of Fort Worth, Texas on a televised talk (1) has not affirmed Vatican Council II (AG 7), the Catechism of the Catholic Church (846), the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Nicene Creed. Neither has he proclaimed these magisterial documents with accompanying teaching, at any public forum. Yet he has faculties to offer Holy Mass and has used his office to ban the Traditional Latin Mass at the Fischer More College .
For example, I discern in the bishop’s second point, the one about his granting faculties, the possibility that the priest who had been saying Mass at Fisher More on a regular basis may not have had any faculties at all, from any bishop or religious superior. I suspect that there is more to that poorly phrased second point than meets the eye.-Fr.John Zuhlsdorf (2) 
According to Canon Law how can a bishop who denies teachings of the Catholic Church, which is obligatory to affirm, hold his office ? So how does the bishop still have faculties to offer Holy Mass?
Was the Traditional Latin Mass prohibited because the Fischer More College faculty  did not affirm the heresies of Bishop Michael Olson?
Fr.Zuhlsdorf writes:
  • In May a prof of FMC (Fisher More College) gave a talk and denied aspects of Vatican II
  • The FSSP priests withdrew their services at FMC some time ago.
  • Taylor Marshall, married with several children, resigned his job at FMC without another job.
  • At Thanksgiving, 2013, Fr. Nicholas Gruner, the suspended Fatima Priest, said Mass at FMC.
  • These things took place when the Diocese of Fort Worth was vacant.
  • “This is NOT about hatred for the TLM.”

  • 'In May a prof of FMC (Fisher More College) gave a talk and denied aspects of Vatican II' Bishop Michael Olson in the video distributed by a former board member of the FMC denies Ad Gentes 7, Vatican  Council II which says all need to enter the Church for salvation. All would include the members sitting at the Town Hall meeting with the bishop. He also did not affirm the Catechism of the Catholic Church 846 which states all need to enter the Church as through a door. There are no exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II or the Catechism of the Catholic Church to AG 7 and CCC 846 or the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
    In the video Bishop Olson is asking the Jewish professor sitting before him if he(Bishop Olson) had said the correct thing. He also made a gesture of helplessnes.It is possible that the TLM was stopped at FMC for political reasons. The traditional theology and doctrine, associated with the TLM , does not fit in with the future one world religion which will not have Catholic moral and faith teachings.

    In the Nicene Creed we pray, 'I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sin'. This was not told to the Jewish professor . Neither did he tell the Christians there that they need Catholic Faith (AG 7), the Sacraments  and the moral and faith teachings of the Catholic Church to avoid Hell . 
    Fr.Zuhlsdorf writes: 
    Canon 1225 states that “All sacred celebrations can be performed in legitimately established oratories except those which the law or a prescript of the local ordinary excludes or the liturgical norms prohibit.”
    How can a sacred celebration be performed by a bishop who in public denies the Catholic faith and has never affirmed it in the media ?
    -Lionel Andrades  


    Video : Bishop Michael Olson does not affirm exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church according to Vatican Council II

    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014

    They are trying to crush the old Mass, and disperse a group of people who are living the traditional faith- Robert Drumm, former Fischer More College Board Member

    My PhotoI’ll just close by pointing out again that this is really about the old Mass and the life that flows from it.  The diocese took no interest in the College until the Fort Worth Star Telegram feature ran and made it clear that the institution’s liturgical life is centered around the old Mass.  The old Mass has been the primary topic of its conversation with the diocese since then.  Whatever the other problems at the College, and whatever falsehoods and exaggerations they’re hearing from Dr. Marshall, the actions of Msgr. Berg and Bishop Olson (and presumably others above them in the hierarchy) leave no doubt that they are trying to crush the old Mass, and disperse a group of people who are living the traditional faith.  If the Bishop was just concerned about the speakers, he could have set parameters for future speakers.  If the Bishop was seriously concerned about the stability of the College, he would have ordered removal of the Blessed Sacrament and complete closure of the chapel, and forbidden the College from calling itself “Catholic.”  He didn’t.  What he did was attack the Mass and those of his flock attached to it. -Robert Drumm,
    former Board Member, Fischer More College, Fort Worth, USA
    Now, Fisher More is fighting an order from Bishop Michael Olson of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth prohibiting the traditional Latin Mass at the college.King told the Star-Telegram previously that the college has hired a canonical lawyer and is appealing the bishop’s order.If the college cannot conduct the Mass in Latin, it could end the mission and close down the school, King told the Star-Telegram.

    Read more here:


    Fr.John Hunwicke and participants at the Roman Forum Meeting this summer will be unaware of the Cushing-Jesuit Factual Error

    Always in the interpretation of Vatican Council II we have to be aware of the Cushing-Jesuit Factual Error

    • Dr.Dudley would be saying that he could accept Vatican Council II if these passages refer to cases invisible for us

    Chaplains at FMC used the false premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II : cause of tension with faculty
    Summorum Pontificum does not say if Vatican Council II is to be interpreted with or without the false premise



    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 2014

    Bishop Michael Olsen has to be asked if all salvation in Vatican Council II (LG 16 etc) when considered implicit and invisible for us, is no more a contradiction of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

    Most Reverend Michael F. Olson

    On the blog Creative Minority Report I posted a link which mentions three heresies.
    These errors are shared by correspondents of the National Catholic Register, the faculty of the Fischer-More College and the diocese of Bishop Michael Olson.
    When one assumes that the baptism of desire is visible for us and not invisible for us then it is a contradiction of the Nicene Creed. When we pray 'I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sin' , instead of meaning there is one known baptism, we are really saying there are three known to us baptisms. The Nicene Creed refers to the baptism of water.Three known baptisms would be the baptism of water, desire and blood.The baptism of desire and blood are known only to God. These persons are visible and known only to Him.

    When one assumes that being saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16) or imperfect communion with the Church (UR 3) are visible to us in the flesh and that they are really not invisible and unknown for us, then it is a rejection of Vatican Council II (AG 7,LG 16 etc). When we assume that LG 16, UR 3 etc contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus we are implying that there are known, visible to us exceptions to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.

    When we assume that all those who are saved through Jesus and the Church in their religion (CCC 846) are known exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 (and CCC 846) 'all', need 'faith and baptism' for salvation, then we are rejecting the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Vatican Council II. This is also a heresy.

    To deny or reject the Nicene Creed, Athanasius Creed and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (ex cathedra), is a first class heresy in the hierarchy of truths of Pope John Paul II.

    These three errors arise when we assume that salvation, be it with the baptism of desire or invincible ignorance, is a state visible to us on earth. Then this false premise (the visible -dead premise)  is used in the interpretation of Vatican Council II . The conclusion is a Vatican Council which is non traditional and suggesting there is a  New Revelation from God.
    This is not a New  Revelation from God as it is made to seem but assuming that the  invisible for us is visible on earth and then building a false theology upon it.The new theology, the new ecclesiology, rejects the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
    This issue has to be addressed by Patrick Archbald who has written to Bishop Michael Olsen, regarding the TLM  at Fischer-More College.
    Bishop Olson has to be asked if all salvation in Vatican Council II (LG 16 etc) when considered implicit and invisible for us, is not a contradiction to  the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?.

    He needs to clarify if Vatican Council II is in agreement with the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church?

    This would mean that the baptism of desire is not a known exception to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to Fr.Leonard Feeney of Boston.

    This would mean that those priests who offer the Novus Ordo Mass can also hold the 'rigorist' and traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus ,along with implcit for us baptism of desire, as did the saints Robert Bellarmine, Anthony Marie Claret, Francis of Assisi etc.

    If he says that the Holy Office 1949 excommunicated Fr.Leonard Feeney for heresy then it means Bishop Olson is also assumes there are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
     -Lionel Andrades
    Please find below the content of an email that I sent to Bishop Olson requesting clarification.

     Dear Bishop Olson,

    My name is..[Introduction Redacted]

    Pursuant to your actions vis-à-vis the prohibition of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite from taking place at the chapel of Fisher More College, I have the following questions:

    What problem is this prohibition intended to remedy?

    Is this prohibition the least restrictive measure possible to effect that remedy?

    What consultations, if any, were held with the school to avoid such actions?

    Are there clear criteria or actions set out which, if followed, would allow for the restoration of permission for the public celebration of the EF at Fisher More College?

    Since the offering of the Extraordinary Form is key to the mission of Fisher More College and is a particular attraction for many of its students and their families, is it of concern to you prohibiting the EF may undermine such attraction to the school and thereby precipitate its demise?

    Since no public communication regarding this matter has been issued by your office, is it your position that the prohibition of the ongoing public celebration of the mass in the Extraordinary form does not require a reasonably adequate public explanation?

    Pursuant to the rights and restrictions spelled out in the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, could you please cite the canonical authority you relied on to implement the prohibition of one form of the Roman rite?

    As this matter is of significant and legitimate concern beyond the campus of Fisher More College, any further information you could provide relevant to the questions above would be greatly appreciated.

    Patrick Archbold


    MAY 10, 2024

    The Fischer-More College interpreted Vatican Council II with Cushingism. The Latin Mass was not really the issue.Bishop Olsen was a Cushngite. Without the False Premise he would be a traditionalist


    JANUARY 6, 2022

    The Fischer-More College interpreted Vatican Council II with Cushingism. The Latin Mass was not really the issue.Bishop Olsen was a Cushngite. Without the False Premise he would be a traditionalist


    JUNE 16, 2017

    When we have a Catholic college which is Feeneyite, then we will have a truly Catholic college.It will have a Catholic identity

    For Deacon Edward Schaefer's traditional college to be Catholic its philosophy and theology would have to be Feeneyite and not Cushingite.They may not get accreditation but then they would still be affirming the old ecclesiology without rejecting Vatican Council II.
    With Cushingism you have known salvation outside the Church and so there is the new ecumenism.
    With Feeneyism you do not have known salvaton outside the Church so there is no salvation outside the Church. Protestants and Orthodox Christians need to convert.
    With Cushingism entering the Church is no more a priority so there can be a separation of Church and State and proclaiming the Social Reign of Christ the King is no more necessary for saving souls.
    With Feeneyism there is no salvation outside the Church and so saving souls is a priority.The non separation of Church and State and proclaiming the Social Reign of Christ the King is important.
    This concept of known salvation comes to us from Rahner and Ratzinger and it has to be discarded by the traditionalists.
    The concept of invisible baptism of desire being visible has to be rejected.There obviously are no practical exceptions to the dogma EENS in the past or present times.No one in the past saw a baptism of desire case in Heaven.
    Once this is understood Vatican Council II is no more a problem and we are back to the old ecclesiology, the Tridentine Rite Mass ecclesiology.
    So for now there is no real Catholic college.Instead there are modernist institutions which claim they are Catholic.1


    The Fischer More College 2 interpreted Vatican Council II with Cushingism.There had to be a rupture with Tradition. They wrongly traced the problem to Vatican Council II.Not aware of the difference between Vatican Council II Cushingism and Feeneyism. Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) is not a rupture with Tradition but they did know this.
    Update: March 4, 2014, 12:32 AM CST
     Pat Archbold reports that Fr. Nicholas Gruner, the leader of the International Fatima Rosary Crusade (Catholic World News says "self-styled", but I see no reason to call that item into question), spoke at FMC(Fischer More College), but reportedly did not act as a priest. The information was obtained through the Fisher More website, where they've listed their guest speakers since 2012.

    Image result for Photo of Fr.Nicholas Gruner
    Father Nicholas Gruner rejected Vatican Council II (Cushingite) while Bishop Olson and the USCCB affirm it.
    Vatican Council II(Cushingite) was an issue at Fischer More College and this can be avoided at the Collegium.

    Update: Same day, 10:05 AM CST
    Doctor Taylor Marshall, former chancellor at Fisher More College and TLM devoté, released his statement on the controversy through his Facebook page. At risk of making an outrageously long post longer, here are some salient quotations [bold type my emphases]:

    I resigned when moral, theological, and financial discrepancies came to light regarding the presidency of Michael King. I was an ex officio member of the Board so I knew what others did not. From May to early June of 2013, five of the eight College Board Members also resigned for two reasons:
    1) Mr. King refused to disassociate himself from the public statements of faculty member Dr. Dudley that claimed in his Year of Faith lecture that Catholic professors have the duty to teach young people that Vatican 2 is not a valid Council (he also endorsed other “resistance” positions regarding the Novus Ordo, John Paul II, etc.) 4
     Dr. Dudley did not differentiate between Vatican Council II Feeneyite and Cushingite and knew only one intepretation.
    Taylor Marshall and his wife were also Cushingites.

    FMC hosted a public repudiation of Vatican 2 and the Ordinary Form of the Mass in April of 2013 that was so offensive that my wife and I walked out of it before it’s conclusion. That did not do much to heal the breach with the local diocese or presbyterate and it contributed to the priests of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP) discontinuing their support and presence at FMC. The current FMC website advertises that the FSSP provides a chaplain, but this is not true.5

    Doctor Marshall also points out that Summorum Pontificum doesn't apply because a layman, not a priest, is requesting the permission, and that "Bishop Olson supports the FSSP in his diocese and has nothing against the Extraordinary Form."6

    The FSSP still cannot  interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism and then offer the Latin Mass.No priest in Rome can issue a statement saying there are no known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.He will get a warning from the Rome Vicariate.Permission is granted to offer the Latin Mass only with the new theology, Cushingite theology.Feeneyism is prohibited. They all know this. So Catholics have a new identity approved by the magisterium and the Left.

    Now Deacon Edward Schaefer's  is expected to make the same mistake at the Collegium Sanctorum Angelicum in  2019,when he will be faithful to  'the magisterium',like the FSSP priests.He will then get an accreditation for the college and also be approved by the diocese.
    The students will have to accept Vatican Council II Cushingite which will be a rupture with the dogma EENS and the Syllabus of Errors.But it will be magisterial and in continuity with the liberals at the Vatican. It will not in continuity with Tradition and the Mass of All Ages.
    They will have to accept EENS ( Cushingite) which Pope Benedict XVI affirmed in March 2016.They will have to proclaim Vatican Council II as a development of the dogma EENS, as Pope Benedict clarified heretically.

    So like the FSSP they will offer the Latin Mass at the Collegium Sanctorum Angelicum with the new ecclesiology.They welcome Vatican Council II and EENS Cushingite and then claim that this is the old theology of the Latin Mass. Pope Francis will approve this 'ideology'.
    They will be in line with the  Pontifical  Gregorian University in Rome .There they interpret Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with Cushingism and it is supported by the two living popes. 
    Image result for Photo of Most Holy Trinity seminary in Florida.Image result for Photo of Most Holy Trinity seminary in Florida.
    The Jesuits at the Gregorian have the same theology as Bishop Donald Sanborn's sedevacantist Most Holy Trinity seminary in Florida. Bishop Sanborn  interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism and then rejects the conclusion while the Jesuits accept the heretical conclusion.Both infer invisible people are visible. 
    Both Vatican Council II and the dogma EENS can be interpreted with Feeneyism and it will not be a rupture with Catholicism as it was known and taught in the 16th century and his makes a college Catholic and traditional.
    The Fischer More College, Most Holy Trinity seminary, the Gregorian University  and the future Collegium Sanctorum Angelicum in Florida are not Catholic since they are not Feeneyite.
    Instead they all follow the magisterium which is Cushingite. This is a theology which is irrational and heretical.
    When we have a Catholic college which is Feeneyite, then we will have a truly Catholic college. There will be unity and harmony in Church doctrine even if the college is refused accreditation.The students will interpret all magisterial documents without using an irrational premise and the whole world will come down upon them as being 'haters', 'rigid'... and will demand that the institution be closed down.But they will be a Catholic college.There will be mission based on sound traditional doctrine.They will have a Catholic identity.-Lionel Andrades







    Lionel Andrades

    Promoter of the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Vatican Council II.Vatican Council II is dogmatic and not only pastoral.

    Catholic lay man in Rome,

    Writer on the discovery of the two interpretations of Vatican Council II, one is rational and the other is irrational, one is interpreted with the false premise and the other without it. One is Magisterial and the other, the common one, is non Magisterial.

    It is the same for the Creeds and Catechisms.There can be two interpretations.

    Why should Catholics choose an irrational version which is heretical, non traditional and schismatic, when a rational option is there which is traditional ?

    Blog: Eucharist and Mission (eucharistandmission )



    OCTOBER 23, 2021

    Vatican Council II is dogmatic and ecclesiocentric

     JUNE 11, 2021

    Vatican Council II is dogmatic





    1.What's so special about the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Vatican Council II ?

    It does not use the common fake premise.It's a simple, rational and different way to read Vatican Council II.


    2.What's so special about the Lionel Andrades interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS)?

    It does not use the common false premise to interpret the baptism of desire(BOD), invincible ignorance(I.I) and the baptism of blood(BOB).So there are no practical exceptions for EENS.EENS is traditonal and BOD, BOB and I.I are interpreted rationally.It's not EENS or BOB,BOB and I.I. Since the latter are not exceptions for the former.


    3.Is the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Magisterial documents copy writed or trademarked? 

    No. Any one can use it. There is no charge.It is simply going back to the traditiional interpretation of Church documents, without the false premise. The false premise came into the Church in a big way, with the Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston relative to Fr. Leonard Feeney(1949).


    4.How did the Lionel Andrades interpretation of VC 2 emerge?

    He kept writing on his blog on EENS and then discovered that Vatican Council II does not really contradict EENS if the false premise is avoided.


    5.Is the LA interpretation of VC2 a new theology?

    No. It is going back to the old, traditional theology of the Catholic Church by avoiding the false premise.It is the false premise which has created the New Theology.Without the false premise there cannot be the New Ecumenism, New Evangelisation, New Ecclesiology etc.The New Theology is Cristocentric without the past ecclesiocentrism of the Church.Since exceptions were created to EENS, the Athanasius Creed, the Syllabus of Errors etc, by projecting a false premise.The error was overlooked by the popes.


    6.What about traditional, 16th century Mission doctrine?

    With the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Vatican Council II we return to traditional Mission doctrine. It is no more 'only they need to enter the Church who know about it', who are not in invincible ignorance(LG 14) Instead, it is all need to enter the Catholic Church with no known exception.Invincible ignorance is not an exception to all needing to enter the Church with faith and the baptism(LG 14).So we evangelize since all non Catholics are oriented to Hell without faith and the baptism of water( Ad Gentes 7/Lumen Gentium 14, Vatican Council II. The norm for salvation is faith and baptism and not invincible ignorance.When I meet a non Catholic, I cannot assume or pretend to know, that he or she is an exception to the norm. If there is an exception it could be known only to God.I know that the non Catholic before me, is oriented to Hell( Athanasius Creed, Vatican Council II(AG 7, LG 14),Catechism of the Catholic Church(845,846,1257),Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, etc).


    7.What about the hermeneutic of continuity or rupture with Tradition ?

    With the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Vatican Council II there is no rupture with past Magisterium documents and neither do they contradict each other.We have to re-interpret past Magisterial documents though, which mention the baptism of desire(BOD) and invincible ignorance(I.I), as being hypothetical and invisible always.Being saved with BOD and I.I are always physically invisible, when they are mentioned in the Catechisms( Trent, Pius X etc) and encyclicals and documents of the popes(Mystici Corporis etc).They always refer to hypothetical cases only and are not objectively known non Catholics.If someone is saved outside the Church he or she could only be known to God.This has to be clear when reading also the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston.There is also no confusion when reading the text of Vatican Council II.LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3,NA 2,GS 22 etc, refer always to only hypothetical cases and so they do not contradict the Athanasius Creed.


    8.Should the popes use the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Vatican Council II ?

    YES! Since presently the two popes are schismatic, heretical, non Magisterial and non traditional on Vatican Council II.It has to be this way since they use the false premise.It is only with the false premise, inference and conclusion that they interpret Magisterial documents. This can be avoided with a rational premise, inference and traditional conclusion.The result is a hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition.


    9.What other advantage is there in knowing the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Vatican Council II ?

    We read the text of Vatican Council II in general differently with the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Vatican Council II.

    ’The red is not an exception to the blue’.The hypothetical passages( marked in red on the blog Eucharist and Mission, are not practical exceptions to the orthodox passages in Vatican Council II which support EENS, and are marked in blue.

    For the present two popes and the traditionalists the red is an exception to the blue. This is irrational.


    10.What bearing does it have on the liturgy ?

    Without the false premise the Council is traditional. Vatican Council II is in harmony with extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to the missionaries in the 16th century.So we are back to the past ecclesiocentric ecclesiology of the Catholic Church. When the Council is traditional there is no 'development of doctrine' or 'sprit of Vatican Council II'. Collegiality, Religious Freedom and ecumenism are no more an issue. So receiving Holy Communion on the hand can no more be justified with Vatican Council II.Neither can the Eucharist be given to the divorced and re-married, in the name of the Council.

    Neither can the German Synod be justified by citing Vatican Council II.There is no theological basis in the Council, any more, for given the Eucharist to Protestants during Holy Mass.


    11.What is the essence of this interpretation?

    It is the listing of the rational and irrational premise, inference and conclusion. It identifies  two different premises with two different conclusions. So the rational premise produces a traditional conclusion and the Vatican Council II is in harmony with Tradition. It has a hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition even though Rahner, Congar, Rarzinger and Cushing were present at the Council in 1965.

    Collegiality, ecumenism and religious liberty are no more an issue for the conservatives , when Vatican Council II is traditional.  

     Lumen Gentium 8, Lumen Gentium 14, Lumen Gentium 16 ecc. oin Vatican Council II refer to only physically invisible cases in 1965-2021.

    12.Vatican Council II is dogmatic ?

    Yes. Pope Paul VI and the liberals call Vatican Council II "pastoral" and not dogmatic. Since they do not want to affirm the rigorous interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). 

     Ad Gentes 7 (all need faith and baptism for salvation) supports the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) while the hypothetical cases mentioned in LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NS 2, GS 22 etc.  cannot be objective exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 in 1965-2021. So there is nothing in the text of the Council that contradicts 16th century EENS or the Athanasius Creed or the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX on there being exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.

    The Second Vatican Council affirms the dogma EENS with Ad Gentes 7 and Lumen Gentium 14 .While the Council does not contradict EENS or Ad Gentes  7 and Lumen Gentium 14, with LG 8, LG 16, UR 3, GS 22 etc. Since if someone was saved outside the Church, he would be known only to God. They are not part of our reality. They are invisible in 1965-2021.

    When Pope Francis says that the Second Vatican Council is the Magisterium of the Church he must refer to a pro-EENS dogmatic Council with the hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition.

    Without their false premise the Council is dogmatic. It supports the rigorous interpretation of EENS.This was EENS according to the missionaries and the Magisterium of the sixteenth century. LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NS 2, GS 22 etc., in the Second Vatican Council, if interpreted rationally, cannot be practical exceptions to EENS. Invisible cases in our reality cannot be objective exceptions to EENS. For example, to get on the bus you have to be present at the bus station. If you are not physically at the bus stop it is not possible to get on the bus.

    Another example is, if there is an apple in a box of oranges, the apple is an exception since it is there in the box. If it was not there in that box it would not be an exception. Similarly LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3 etc.,refer only to hypothetical cases. We cannot meet or see anyone saved outside the Church, without faith and the baptism of water. So the Council is not referring to real people, known people in the present times.

    Unknown and invisible cases of the baptism of desire (LG 14) and of being saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16) cannot be objective exceptions for EENS, the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.There is no conflict.

    So when Vatican Council II is interpreted rationally it is dogmatic. -Lionel Andrades

    Fake premise

    Lumen Gentium 8,Lumen Gentium 14, Lumen Gentium 16 etc in Vatican Council II refer to physically visible cases in 1965-2021.


    Fake inference

    They are objective examples of salvation outside the Church.


    Fake conclusion

    Vatican Council II contradicts the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).The Athanasius Creed(outside the Church there is no salvation) and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX ( ecumenism of return) were made obsolete.



    Here is my interpretation of Vatican Council II in blue.


    Rational Premise

    LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc in Vatican Council II refer to physically invisible cases in 1965-2021.They are only hypothetical and theoretical. They exist only in our mind and are not solid bodies at Newton's level of time, space and matter.


    Rational Inference

    They are not objective examples of salvation outside the Church for us human beings.


    Rational Conclusion

    Vatican Council II does not contradict EENS as it was interpreted by the Jesuits in the Middle Ages.It does not contradict the strict interpretation of EENS of St. Thomas Aquinas( saved in invincible ignorance is invisible), St. Augustine and Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston.

    The Letter of the Holy Office(Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) 1949 made an objective mistake.-Lionel Andrades   

    Image result for Photo of CushingismImage result for Photo of Cushingism

    Image result for Photo of CushingismImage result for Photo of Cushingism


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