Thursday, June 20, 2024

I have received an e-mail response from the U.S State Department media relations regarding President Joseph Biden being dishonest on Vatican Council II like the Archbishops of Washington and New York.


I have received an e-mail  response from the U.S State Department media relations regarding President Joseph Biden being dishonest on Vatican Council II like the Archbishops of Washington and New York. 

There is a general consensus that the U.S President, a Catholic, chooses an irrational premise and inference, to interpret Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. So Vatican Council II wrongly emerges as a break with Tradition. Phillip Pullela (Reuters) and Nicole Winfield (Associated Press) see this as the revolution of Vatican Council II. They  refer to Vatican Council II, irrational, of course. This deception is also not noticed by the Jewish Anti Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center. They need to clarify that LG 8,14,15,16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, refer to invisible cases in 1965-2024.The AP and Reuters concept of Vatican Council II, is factually incorrect. They have an objective error. I have e-mailed Nicole Winfield many times on this issue but there has been no reply – neither on Twitter, too.

The Archbishop of New York, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, cannot follow the error of the Jewish Left organizations in New York. He has to tell them the truth about Vatican Council II.

Cardinals Timothy Dolan and Wilton Gregory would be holding the strict interpretation of the dogma outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation, if they interpret Vatican Council II, with LG 8,14,15,16, UR 3, NA 2, and GS 22 referring to only hypothetical cases. This would be the interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Catechism of the Catholic Church 845,846 of the St. Benedict Center, Richmond, New Hampshire, USA. It would be the interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus of the St. Benedict Centers in Worcester and New Hampshire, USA.

As part of his religious formation as a Catholic President Biden interpreted Vatican Council II irrationally and unethically. This was used to justified liberalism in faith and morals. 

There  is no denial from the Vatican, the bishops conferences in the USA and Italy, the American Rectors of the Pontifical North American College ( seminary) and the University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome. Neither there a  denial from the Vicar General and Auxiliary bishops of Rome, the Paulist Fathers at St. Patrick's American Parish, Rome and Mr. Joe Donnelly the U.S Ambassador to the Holy See. 

So the U.S State Department is expected to confirm that President Joseph Biden is unethical on this issue as are the cardinal-archbishops in Washington and New York. 

-Lionel Andrades

JUNE 19, 2024

There is a general consensus that President Joseph Biden is interpreting Vatican Council II dishonestly. It means the Archbishop of Washington D.C, USA, Cardinal Wilton Gregory is doing the same. He is unethical when he confuses what is invisible (LG 16 etc) as being visible.

JUNE 18, 2024

There is a general consensus among the informed: President Biden is dishonest on Vatican Council II

JUNE 17, 2024

The Rector of the North American College (seminary), Rome, the American Rector of the Angelicum University, Rome and the Paulist Fathers in Rome are unable to defend President Joseph Biden’s interpretation of Vatican Council II. It is irrational and dishonest.

JUNE 16, 2024

The Italian Bishops Conference (CEI) and the USCCB have not come to the support of President Biden: charges of dishonesty on Vatican Council II

JUNE 15, 2024

President Joe Biden, a Catholic, interprets Vatican Council II irrationally and unethically.There is no denial from the United States State Department and the U.S embassy in Rome. They agree with me.

JUNE 14, 2024

The United States State Department must clarify that LG 8,14,15,16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II refer to hypothetical cases only. They are not physically visible cases in 1965-2024 for President Biden.

JUNE 13, 2024

Pope Francis and Joe Biden are interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and dishonestly

JUNE 12, 2024

Pope Francis has simply to announce that there are no literally known cases of the baptism of desire etc and he becomes Magisterial on Vatican Council

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