Tuesday, June 25, 2024

June 25, 2024 Reflection – The 43rd Anniversary of Our Lady of Medjugorje


June 25, 2024 Reflection – The 43rd Anniversary of Our Lady of Medjugorje


June 25, 2024

Dear Family of Mary! God bless us all on this wonderful day, the 43rd Anniversary of Our Lady’s coming to Medjugorje!!! The Lord sent His Mother to the little town of Medjugorje on this day in 1981 to begin a great work of His Mercy in our time. Our Lady came to 6 young people, who ran away the day before, but stayed on this day and spoke to her!

Here is their conversation:

Thursday, June 25, 1981
(The date of the first apparition for the group of six visionaries, who see Our Lady nearby on the hill.)

Our Lady said: “Praised be Jesus!”

Ivanka asked: “Where is my mother?” (Her mother had died two months previously.)

Our Lady said: “She is happy. She is with me.”

The visionaries asked: “Will you return tomorrow?”

Our Lady answered with a nod of her head.

Mirjana said: “No one will believe us. They will say that we are crazy. Give us a sign!”

Our Lady responded only with a smile. Mirjana believed she had received a sign.
Her watch had changed time during the apparition.

“Goodbye, my angels. Go in the peace of God.”

From this simple encounter, a strong relationship developed between the six young people and Our Lady. A relationship that has lasted 43 years!!!!

Let us not forget that Our Lady has not changed. She is gentle, patient, kind, and loving to each one of us! She comes to us, though we cannot see her, in a special way in Medjugorje. She is mothering each one of us, and she is also preparing us to help her with her magnificent plan to save her children throughout the world.

If we stay in that relationship of a child with Our Lady, she will be able to work in us and through us for the greater good of the whole world!!

Last night, June 24, Our Lady came for the 9th time on Apparition Hill, where Marija and Ivan were waiting for her. We had prayed three sets of mysteries of the Rosary together in anticipation of her coming and as a response to her desire that we pray for peace! She came to Ivan and Marija, simultaneously! They both looked up indepentently, but at the same time when she came! It was so moving to see them both converse with the very Mother who came to them 43 years ago on the same hill!!!

Here is what Our Lady said to us through the visionaries last night:

Maria and Ivan – June 24, 2024
At the time of the apparition when Gospa came, Ivan and I offered up this novena. Gospa smiled and she was very joyful, and she thanked us for our prayers and sacrifices and she said “continue!” Gospa came dressed in a golden dress, standing on a cloud with a crown of stars on her head! We recommended to Gospa all of us, all of our intentions, and everything we have in our hearts. Also today Gospa prayed in her motherly language Aramaic. She prayed for a longer time and blessed us all.

Let’s continue, just as Our Lady asked! Continue to pray, fast, offer up our sacrifices, and yearn for peace! Continue to respond to Our Lady’s call from Medjugorje!

Have a wonderful and celebratory 43rd Anniversary of the coming of Our Lady, the Queen of Peace!!

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
(c)Mary TV

Here are some pictures from the prayer gathering last night! No one wanted to leave! Joy abounded!! Mother Mary is with us! I can’t wait for the message we anticipate tomorrow!






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