Saturday, July 13, 2024

Why should someone convert into the Catholic Church?


 JANUARY 1, 2024

Why should someone convert into the Catholic Church?


Why should someone convert into the Catholic Church?

Since there is no known salvation outside the Church in 1949-2024. We cannot see or meet someone saved without ‘faith and baptism’ (AG 7). The baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance refer to hypothetical and invisible cases. If anyone was saved as such it could only be known to God.

The ordinary way of salvation is faith and baptism and we humans cannot know of an extraordinary means of salvation in the present times.

There is no extraordinary means of salvation known to us in real life.

All non Catholics are oriented to Hell without Catholic faith and the baptism of water in the Catholic Church. Membership in the Catholic Church is necessary for salvation from Hell ( AG 7, LG 14, Athanasius Creed, Catechism of Pope Pius X, 24Q,27Q etc). - Lionel Andrades

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