Monday, September 16, 2024

Dustin Olson, Kara Dansky and Gary Michael Voris on State of the Nation – 16 August 2024

 Dustin Olson, Kara Dansky and Gary Michael Voris on State of the Nation – 16 August 2024

GUEST OVERVIEW: Gary Michael Voris is the Content Director for Souls and Liberty, as well as the Host of “In Depth.”

Souls and Liberty are devoted Catholics working together to protect our American Constitutional, Democratic Republic. Our Faith Based Media Outlet believes that if a Communist, totalitarian state takes over, many will abandon their faith in Christ. Souls and Liberty believes it’s our patriotic duty, driven by our love and honor for Almighty God, to resist the growing threat that could engulf and enslave the world. We will not surrender to this darkness.

Mr. Voris holds a graduate degree, Cum Laude, from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. Voris earned multiple awards for 40+ years of news media experience for writing, producing, and investigative work from the Associated Press, Detroit Press Club, and Michigan Broadcasters Association, as well as four news Emmys in multiple categories. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1983 with an undergraduate major in Communications and a minor in History.

In 2006, exhausting more than $1 million dollars of his own life savings, he began Saint Michael’s Media, blazing the trail and setting the standard in the Catholic media world for video presentations with the mission of bringing Christ to the internet. Voris has also authored multiple books and is perhaps most well-known for writing almost 4,000 scripts for his daily program, The Vortex.

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