Friday, May 10, 2024

We have a Cushingite Catholic Church. Over the centuries it was Feeneyite. Cushingism is irrational, heretical, non traditional and schismatic. It is the norm in the Church today


 MAY 9, 2024

Cardinal Sean O Malley interprets the Nicene, Apostles and Athanasius Creed with Cushingism and I choose Feeneyism. We are both in the same Novus Ordo main line Catholic Church.


Fr.Georges  Laire, Judicial Vicar, in the diocese of Manchester in New Hampshire, USA, is  still not clarifying the diocese doctrinal position on Vatican Council II( rational) and extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( rational) yet he maintains a Decree of Prohibitions against Brother Andre Marie micm, at the St. Benedict Center in New Hampshire, USA.

Bishop Peter Libasci, the bishop of Manchester, USA, interprets Vatican Council II and EENS with Cushingism. For Brother Andre Marie Vatican Council II and EENS are Feeneyite.
  • Cushingism confuses what is invisible as being visible
  • Feeneyism sees what is invisible as being only invisible in 2024.

Cardinal Sean O Malley interprets the Nicene, Apostles and Athanasius Creed with Cushingism and I choose Feeneyism. We are both in the same Novus Ordo main line Catholic Church. - Lionel Andrades

 MAY 7, 2024

Cardinal Sean O'Malley must avoid schism


                                                                                -Lionel Andrades

MAY 6, 2024

Bishops Robert McManus and Bishop Peter Libasci must interpret the Creeds rationally


                                                            - Lionel Andrades

AY 6, 2024

The Novus Ordo bishops would be Feeneyite like the traditionalists


                                                                                                                             - Lionel Andrades

The red is not an exception for the blue. But when Pope Francis issued Traditionis Custode he interpreted Vatican Council II with the red being an exception for the blue. This was a public mistake.He is a Cushingite. We can correct the error.


JULY 4, 2023

The red is not an exception for the blue. But when Pope Francis issued Traditionis Custode he interpreted Vatican Council II with the red being an exception for the blue. This was a public mistake.He is a Cushingite. We can correct the error.


The red is not an exception for the blue. But when Pope Francis issued Traditionis Custode he interpreted Vatican Council II with the red being an exception for the blue. This was a public mistake.He is a Cushingite. We can correct the error.

When what is invisible is seen as being visible, I call it Cushingism.

When what is invisible is seen as being invisible I call it Feeneyism.

Here we have Cushingism and Feeneyism as a philosophy, an observation, a way of looking at things. Cushingism if used is irrational but the popes from Paul VI to Francis have been only Cushingites. )

Their irrational premise is that invisible cases of LG 8, 14, 16 etc are visible.

Their inference is that invisible cases of LG 8,14, 16 etc are visible and so practical examples of salvation outside the Church in the present times.So they are objective exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).Invisible people are projected as known examples of salvation outside the Church, without faith and baptism.

They conclude that LG 8,14,16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, in Vatican Council II , contradicts EENS and the Council is  a rupture with Tradition.

So with this Cushingite reasoning Pope Francis rejects the ecclesiology of the 16th century Roman Missal - there are visible exceptions for him.

So Traditionis Custode sees the Novus Ordo as the unique expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite.But how can there be a lex orandi based upon Cushingim?

Traditionis Custode is Cushingite for Pope Francis and so is the baptism of desire and Vatican Council II itself. So the Roman Missal is rejected with the Cushingism of Vatican Council II, the physically visible cases of the baptism of desire etc.

But there cannot be a lex orandi with heretical Cushingism. It means the Nicene Creed is also Cushingite (‘I believe in three or more baptisms for the forgiveness of sins and they exclude the baptism of water.’ If the three baptisms included the baptism of water, they would be Feeneyite).This is not Catholic.

If Pope Francis would interpret the baptism of desire (BOD) and being saved in invincible ignorance (I.I) and also LG 8, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, and the Creeds, Councils and Catechisms with Feeneyism, instead of Cushingism, then the lex orandi would be Feeneyite at Mass in Latin and the vernacular. The theology would be traditional at every Mass, including the Byzantine Mass and the Syro Malabar  or Melkite Mass.

So here we have Feeneyism and Cushingism as a theology.

So there no more would be ‘a new magisterium’ for Cardinal Arthur Roche, based upon irrational and heretical Cushingism. It would be a return to the centuries old Magisterium of the Church which has always been Feeneyite. The popes and saint were Feeneyite. They did not use the irrational premise, inference and non traditional conclusion to interpret Church Documents (Creeds and Catechisms etc).

If we use the model of the Two Columns, we can further see how a deceptive theology was being used (and still is) within the Church to reject Tradition. This is political. It is not Catholic. We now have identified the error. We can correct it and then the whole Church returns to Tradition.

Let me repeat:

Feeneyism and Cushingism are a philosophy, an observation, a way of looking.

Feeneyism and Cushingism then become a theology in the present times. It says outside the Church there is no salvation (Feeneyism) or outside the Church there is salvation, known salvation (Cushingism).

Cushingism as a philosophy produces a New Theology. This New Theology is based upon the false premise, inference and conclusion. It is Cushingite. So the liberalism in the Church, the Cushingism, comes from the false premise, inference and non traditional conclusion.

Pope Francis, the cardinals and bishops choose Cushingism as a philosophy and theology. I choose Feeneyism. The Magisterium over the centuries was Feeneyite.

When we read Vatican Council II with the red not being an exception for the blue, we are left with only Feeneyite passages. Since the Cushingite passages (BOD and I.I) are null and void, they do not exist in our human reality. Vatican Council II emerges Feeneyite. We have only one option. It is the rational option. We can only accept a Feeneyite Vatican Council II, a Feeneyite Nicene Creed, a Feeneyite Catechism of the Catholic Church, a Feeneyite Catechisms of Pope Pius X etc. - Lionel Andrades

JULY 29, 2019

Dietrich and Alice von Hildebrand, Paolo Pascualucci, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Roberto dei Mattei, Fr. Nicholas Gruner, Christopher Ferrara, Mons. Ignacio Barreiro and others were all interpreting Vatican Council II with Cushingism.So this line of traditionalist writers had it wrong on the Council.Their premise was wrong and so their conclusion was wrong



Roberto dei Mattei will not announce that he made a mistake on Vatican Council II all these years

JULY 27, 2019

JULY 3, 2023


We have a revolution in the interpretation of Vatican Council II. There is a re-interpretation. It takes the Church back to the past ecclesiology. This is a new discovery. It will come as a surprise to many. It is simple.The red is not an exception for the blue. The baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance is not an exception for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) according to the Fourth Lateran Council (1215), the Council of Florence(1442) and the Athanasius Creed. This was not known to even the traditionalists like the SSPX, CMRI,MHT, MHFM etc. They were interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally like the popes from Paul VI to Francis

The bishop of Listowel,Ireland, Ray Browne is offering the lex orandi with irrational and heretical Cushingism at the Novus Ordo Mass.The popes, cardinals and archbishops are doing the same and so he is not being cancelled.There cannot be a lex orandi with Cushingism.Since this would be interpreting the Creeds, Catechisms, EENS, the baptism of desire and Vatican Council irrationally to create mortal sins of faith


NOVEMBER 8, 2022

The bishop of Listowel,Ireland, Ray Browne is offering the lex orandi with irrational and heretical Cushingism at the Novus Ordo Mass.The popes, cardinals and archbishops are doing the same and so he is not being cancelled.There cannot be a lex orandi with Cushingism.Since this would be interpreting the Creeds, Catechisms, EENS, the baptism of desire and Vatican Council irrationally to create mortal sins of faith

From Twitter.

The bishop of Listowel,Ireland, Ray Browne is offering the lex orandi with irrational and heretical Cushingism at the Novus Ordo Mass.The popes, cardinals and archbishops are doing the same and so he is not being cancelled.There cannot be a lex orandi with Cushingism.Since this would be interpreting the Creeds, Catechisms, EENS, the baptism of desire and Vatican Council II with irrational Cushingism to create mortal sins of faith.


The division in the Church with reference to the Society of St.Pius X and the Franciscans of the Immaculate - or the lex orandi of Catholics in general- comes with Cushingism.We have identified the precise cause of the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition.We can avoid it always by replacing Cushingism with Feeneyism, as a philosophy and theology.

The interpretation of Vatican Council II, the Creeds, Catechisms, EENS etc.,with Feeneyism, changes during the lex orandi.

The issue now before us to see which of the two interpretations of Vatican Council II, did Traditionis Custode choose.


We now know that the lex orandi has to be with Feeneyism as a philosophy and theology.Since Feeneyism is rational, traditional and orthodox.Cushingism is irrational. It has its foundation on the Irrational Premise.So the people cannot use it as the lex orandi.The theology of extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) etc, must not be irrational.

The Rational Premise says invisible people are invisible.So the Rational Inference says Lumen Gentium 16 etc.,does not contradict Feeneyite EENS.So the Traditional Conclusion is that Vatican Council II does not contradict Feeneyite EENS.Feeneyism is the Rational Premise, Inference and Traditional Conclusion.


Since Vatican Council II is Feeneyite, Traditional Custode has to be interpreted with Feeneyism.It must say that the lex orandi can only be Feeneyite.So with Feeneyism the lex orandi is traditional and orthodox at every Mass,
  in all liturgies and rites.

Feeneyism says what is invisible is invisible. So the baptism of desire (LG 14) refer to an invisible case in 2022.Vatican Council II, the Creeds and Catechisms can only,morally, be interpreted with Feeneyism- so also Traditionis Custode.

The lex orandi at Mass must only be Feeneyite.


The ecclesiology of the Roman Missal ( 1870) is the only lex orandi possible since its theology and philosophy is Feeneyite.Vatican Council II can only ethically be interpreted with Feeneyism.Cushingism is modernism.

There cannot be a lex orandi with Cushingism since Cushingism is heretical and dishonest.Ethically we can only choose Feeneyism to interpret Vatican Council II.So the lex orandi can only be the old Roman Missal with the old theology.

When Vatican Council II is interpreted with Cushingism then there is a break with the ecclesiology of the old Roman Missal.So only the Novus Ordo Mass is left with the New Theology created with Cushingism.


Archbishop Carlo Vigano still doesn’t get it. He is interpreting Vatican Council II with the Irrational Premise, like Pope Benedict.It is Cushingism which creates the break with EENS and so also the non separation of Church and State.


At the University of St.Thomas Aquinas ( Angelicum ) Rome, the professors who interpret Vatican Council II with the Irrational Premise, with Cushingism,include Michelt,Stancati,Weimann,Destivelle,Keramidas,Buckles, Bonino, Sullivan, Blankenhorn and Giordano.

At the John Lateran University, Rome the professors who interpret Vatican Council II etc., with the Irrational Premise, with Cushingism, include, Tangorra, Fuss, Nardi,Zak,Ferri, Viola and Chenaux.


Fr.Fessio and Mark Brumley do not deny it.Books published by Ignatius Press only interpret Vatican Council II etc with Cushingism.Since they are unethical with Cushingism there distribution must stop. These books are obsolete.-Lionel Andrades

SUNDAY, MAY 21, 2023

The Cushingite version of the Nicene Creed is not our Catholic Faith!!


Yesterday evening at Mass in Italian for the feast of the Annunciation at the church San Giuseppe a Capo le Case, near Piazza Spagna, Rome, the priest had the faithful affirm the Creed in a question and answer form. It is common in this church.

Then the priest concluded by saying that this is our faith. This is our Catholic Faith.

But there are two interpretations of the Creed- Feeneyite and Cushingite. The Nicene and Apostles Creed can be interpreted with an irrational or rational premise and the conclusion is non traditional or traditional. With the irrational premise the conclusion is non traditional with the rational premise it is traditional.

So there are the four marks of the Church or there is a rupture.

It is the same with Vatican Council II. There can be two interpretations. It depends upon the premise and inference chosen.

So without clarifying the difference between a Feneeyite and Cushingite version of the Nicene Creed, for example, it is meaningless to say that this is our faith. Since the Cushingite version of the Nicene Creed is not the faith!!

Presently we do not have unity on the Creeds at church. Pope Francis interprets the Creeds irrationally to support his liberalism. Pope Benedict did the same.

Even the sedevacantists and the SSPX choose Cushingism to interpret the Creeds etc.-Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 9, 2021

Vatican Council II can be interpreted with Feeneyism. This is great discovery

 Vatican Council II can be interpreted with Feeneyism. This is great discovery. -Lionel Andrades