Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Basic Course on Catholic Mission (with doctrine)

Part 1, 2.3

Easy to learn and apply. Beware of the 4 DEMON ERRORS you hear from Catholics. Learn the 4 STEPS TO CLEAR THINKING: Discover that the Catholic Faith is logical, symmetrical and beautiful. AT YOUR FINGERSTIPS, the ABILITY to correct HERESIES and SAVE SOULS from HELL. It’s FREEeee!



Vatican Council II says outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus.


The Catholic Church teaches after Vatican Council II (1965) that all people need to enter the Catholic Church to go to Heaven (Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II).

Catholic Faith with the Baptism of water is the normal, ordinary way of salvation for all people (Lumen Gentium 14, Vatican Council II).The Catholic Church is the ordinary way of salvation for all people (Lumen Gentium 14).Non Catholics however can be saved through the extraordinary means of salvation (Lumen Gentium 16).Only God knows who are the non-Catholics saved through the extraordinary means of salvation; the exceptions. We do not know who the exceptions are. We cannot judge. Jesus, the Church, Scripture and Vatican Council II indicate that the priority is Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water for all people.

So everyone needs to enter the Catholic Church which is the like the only Ark of Noah that saves in the Flood (CCC).Non Catholic religions have good things in them. However they are not paths to salvation. All salvation comes through Jesus and His Mystical Body the Church. Those non-Catholics who know the above information and yet do not enter the Church are oriented to Hell (Ad Gentes 7, Lumen Gentium 14).Those non-Catholics participating in inter religious dialogue, are educated. They know. They are oriented to Hell.

So evangelise!

Outside the Church there is no salvation. Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water are needed for all people. This is Vatican Council II.

No where in Nostra Aetate, Vatican Council II is it said that non Catholic religions are paths to salvation.

Vatican Council II is in harmony with John 3:5, the Church Fathers, Council of Florence, Evangelii Nuntiandi, Redemptoris Missio, Catechism of the Catholic Church, Dominus Iesus, Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, Notification on Fr. Jacques Dupuis etc.

Don’t let people fool you about Vatican Council II. Check the details and affirm the Faith which does not change.

Jesus called the Catholic Church “…my church…” He told St. Peter that it would prevail against Satan and be there for all time.

Let's begin by using the terms used by the Church.

In the Introduction to Dominus Iesus there is a reference to: dejure and de facto.

In Redemptoris Missio 55 there is the reference to the ordinary way of salvation. Let’s continue with the understanding of the Catholic Church.

In the Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston relative to Fr. Leonard Feeney (1949) the Church affirms 'the dogma', the 'infallible' teaching.

The dogma according to the Council of Trent, ex cathedra, was that de facto all persons need to enter the Catholic Church, there are no exceptions. This was the teaching of Church Councils and popes. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

Now let's try and remove some potential BLOCKS.

1) Fr. Leonard Feeney was not excommunicated for heresy as it is often reported. It was for disobedience.

2) The Letter of the Holy Office was critical of Fr. Leonard Feeney, for disobeying the Archbishop of Boston who it was assumed, affirmed the dogma. The issue was discipline.

3) The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has reported often about the 'Vatican Council II reforms'. It is never specified which document refers to these 'reforms'.

4) The ADL says that the Church has changed its teaching after Nostra Aetate. Jews do not have to convert anymore. There is no such reference in Nostra Aetate, which says that Judaism is a path to salvation or that Jews can be saved in Judaism through the ordinary means of salvation.

5) Two of Fr. Leonard Feeney's communities have been granted canonical status by the Catholic Church. They affirm their founders teaching. De facto all people need to enter the Catholic Church through the Baptism of water and Catholic Faith. De jure there can be the exceptions of invincible ignorance, baptism of desire etc, known to God only. So Muslims can be saved through the extraordinary means in Islam even though the ordinary means of salvation is the Catholic Church (Redemptoris Missio 55).

6) Catholic seminarians are taught the Principle of Non Contradiction. For example we cannot say that Judaism is the ordinary means of salvation and also say that the Catholic Faith is the ordinary means of salvation.

7) Wikipideia, the encyclopaedia on the Internet refers to the 'strict interpretation' of the dogma. This implies that there are two interpretations of the dogma. This cannot be true. Wikipidia also suggests that Catholics can judge who is in invincible ignorance or has a genuine baptism of desire. Only Jesus is the Judge. Only He can judge.

Finally we accept the dogma of extra ecclesiam nulla salus just as we accept the Immaculate Conception. It is heresy, a mortal sin to reject a dogma.

The Church's teaching on outside the church no salvation is consistent from the Council of Florence to Ad Gentes7, Vatican Council II.

So it would be useful answer questions with reference to the de jure and de facto level and the extraordinary and ordinary means of salvation. It important for precision on this subject.

On the internet a Catholic sister is asked if all people need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation. Since St. Maximillian Kolbe taught extra ecclesiam nulla salus.


She answered no.

She said that there were people who were in invincible ignorance. So they could be saved.

The sister was rejecting a dogma of the Catholic Church. It was a heresy. It was contrary to the Letter of the Holy Office (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican) to Cardinal Cushing (1949) relative to Fr. Leonard Feeney. It is contrary to the teachings of St. Maximillian Kolbe.

She was mixing de jure and de facto salvation .She was confusing the ordinary and extraordinary means of salvation. This is the teaching of St. Maximillian Kolbe, Vatican Council II, Church Councils and popes.

Also there is no Church document which says that all non Catholics no more need to enter the Catholic Church since those in invincible ignorance can be saved without the baptism of water and Catholic Faith.

St. Thomas Aquinas mentioned the exceptions (those in invincible ignorance etc). Yet he also taught that everyone needs to enter the Catholic Church for salvation without an exception. Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II refers to ‘all people’.

Lumen Gentium 16 refers to the exceptions (de jure). So Vatican Council II did not make a major change in Catholic teaching. The exceptions are mentioned in the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas, the saints and the Church Fathers.

Vatican Council II was not the first time that the exceptions are mentioned. De jure there can be exceptions (invincible ignorance, baptism of desire etc) known only to God. De facto everyone without exception needs to enter the Catholic Church for salvation. The Church is the Mystical Body of Jesus.

Subjectively in general one knows that there can be exceptions. Subjectively in particular one does not know any exception (baptism of desire etc).Objectively there are no exceptions known to us even though there could be exceptions known to God. This is the teaching of Catholic Sacred Tradition and there is no Magisterial Church document to refute it.

The Sister said that in Jesus is the fullness of salvation. Yet this could mean all Muslims and Jews are saved in general in their religion through Jesus and His Mystical Body the Catholic Church. This would be heresy again.

Though Jesus and the Catholic Church have the fullness of truth, the issue is - do all people need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation?

Yes, says Vatican Council II, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and St. Maximillian Kolbe.

The good sister says that there is no salvation outside of Jesus. This suggests that Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water are not needed for all people. Muslims and Jews are saved in general by Jesus. So they do not have to convert is the implied heresy.

These are theological potholes we avoid.


Where is the proof for her statement?

She could cite Lumen Gentium 16. Fine. However there is no reference to dejure or defacto salvation in LG 16. There is no reference to extraordinary or ordinary means of salvation. So how does she assume that LG 16 refers to de facto salvation?

She could quote the Catechism 1257 that salvation is not limited to the Sacraments. Fine. However where does 1257 mention that this is a reference to de facto salvation or the ordinary means of salvation for non Christians? It does not. So she has created a new doctrine. Since no where does it say in a Church document that de facto there are exceptions to salvation like invincible ignorance etc.

She could ask me in turn where is your proof?

I would say that the Church Councils and popes have always taught that de facto all people need to enter the Catholic Church with Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water for salvation, there are no exceptions. The Letter of the Holy Office (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) 1949 to Cardinal Richard Cushing, Archbishop of Boston called this de facto teaching a dogma and an ‘infallible' teaching. It is indicated in Dominus Iesus and the CDF Notification on Fr. Jacques Dupuis S.J (2001) etc.

So here is my proof.

This teaching has been repeated in Ad Gentes 7, CCC 1257, Dominus Iesus.

According to the Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston 1949, the Catholic Church has not changed its ‘infallible' teaching and the ‘dogma’.

The excommunication was lifted against Fr. Feeney, during his lifetime, even though he never retracted his belief in Outside the Church There Is No Salvation.’(Sullivan, Salvation Outside the Church? p.203).

When Fr. Feeney died on January 30, 1978, he died as a son of the Church’ (Hogan, p.303.)

The epitaph on his gravestone remains: EXTRA ECCLESIAM NULLA SALUS. (Outside the Church No Salvation.). ‘Is his epitaph, then, a heresy, or a dogma of Catholic faith? It is not a heresy, of course...’ (Sullivan.p.204).

(Ref: Salvation outside the Church? By Francis A Sullivan, S.J. Paulist Press. p.203 (1992) and Dissent from the Creed, by Richard M .Hogan, Our Sunday Visitor Books.p.301 and 304(2001).

Contrary to the secular newspapers Fr. Leonard Feeney was excommunicated on a technicality. He made charges against Rome and did not go to Rome to defend himself. He was not excommunicated for doctrine. The excommunication was lifted without him having to recant his position on outside the church no salvation.

We now have these familiar four false statements:-

1) Lumen Gentium 16 refers to the ordinary means of salvation for non Catholics.

2) Ad Gentes 7 says ‘all people’ need to enter the Church for salvation. This is now meaningless.

3) De facto non Catholics need to enter the Catholic Church, but not all, since those who have the baptism of desire and implicit faith; can be saved.

4) De facto only those people need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation who know about the Church. Those who do not know, do not have to enter, they will be saved implicitly.

(How can non-Catholics need to convert in general (John 3:5, Mk.16:15-16, Dominus Iesus etc) and also be saved implicitly in general in their religions? How can one say extra ecclesiam nulla salus as the popes and Councils taught and also say de facto non Catholics are saved? How can the Church be the ordinary way of salvation de facto and also non Catholic religions also be the ordinary way of salvation, de facto? Is this not contrary to the principle of non contradiction?)

To summarize: Once you have removed the blocks, got past the theological potholes and are able to distinguish between de facto, de jure, ordinary and extraordinary means of salvation, you could answer the following four questions to clarify your thinking.

1) Does the Catholic Church teach that non-Catholic religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam etc) are not paths to salvation (to go to Heaven and to avoid Hell)? Yes or No.

2) Does the Catholic Church teach that Catholic Faith and Baptism are needed for all people in general, barring the exceptions, for salvation? Yes or No.

3)When I meet a Jew in Boston I can tell him that the Catholic Church teaches that he needs Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water to go to Heaven and avoid Hell? Yes or No.

4) The Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston 1949 said de facto Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water are needed for all people with no exceptions( ‘dogma’, ‘infallible' teaching). However de jure non Catholics can be saved through the baptism of desire and implicit faith? Yes or No



1) How can you judge that Jews, Muslims etc are going to Hell? How do you know?

Answer: The Catholic Church says certain persons are oriented to Hell. The Catechism of he Catholic Church (CCC1257) says that the Catholic Church knows of no other means to salvation, other than baptism.
So the baptism of water is the normal, way to go to Heaven...
CCC1257 also says God is not limited to the Sacraments. So though the extraordinary means a non Catholic can be saved without the baptism of water.
However Catholic Faith and the Baptism of Water is the normal, ordinary way for all people to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.

2) Father Leonard Feeney was excommunicated for saying all Jews need the baptism of water to avoid Hell?
Answer: Fr. Leonard Feeney was not excommunicated for heresy. However the excommunication was disciplinary and not doctrinal.



Since the priest Leonard Feeney, a resident of Boston (Saint Benedict Center), who for a long time has been suspended a divinis for grave disobedience toward church authority, has not, despite repeated warnings and threats of incurring excommunication ipso facto, come to his senses, the Most Eminent and Reverend Fathers, charged with safeguarding matters of faith and morals, have, in a Plenary Session held on Wednesday 4 February 1953, declared him excommunicated with all the effects of the law.
On Thursday, 12 February 1953, our Most Holy Lord Pius XII, by Divine Providence Pope, approved and confirmed the decree of the Most Eminent Fathers, and ordered that it be made a matter of public law.
Given at Rome, at the headquarters of the Holy Office, 13 February 1953.
Marius Crovini, Notary ,AAS (February 16, 1953) Vol. XXXXV, Page 100- Decree of Excommunication, 13 February 1953 – Excommunicating Leonard Feeney

The priest, who conducted the negotiations on behalf of the Church, with Fr. Leonard Feeney, said in a press statement that Fr. Leonard Feeney was not expected to give up his original belief and teaching on outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation (Salvation Outside the Church, Sullivan, Paulist Press).

The Letter of the Holy Office to Cardinal Richard Cushing (1949) says all Jews de facto need the baptism of water to be saved (dogma). However there are de jure exceptions.(implicit faith).

The exceptions were also mentioned in the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas. It is there in Vatican Council II. It is there in the book The Bread of Life, which is a compilation of the talks given by Fr. Leonard Feeney. The book was published after the excommunication.

Now, in the first place, the Church teaches that in this matter there is question of a most strict command of Jesus Christ. For He explicitly enjoined on His apostles to teach all nations to observe all things whatsoever He Himself had commanded (Matt. 28: 19-20).
…Now, among the commandments of Christ, that one holds not the least place by which we are commanded to be incorporated by baptism into the Mystical Body of Christ, which is the Church, and to remain united to Christ and to His Vicar, through whom He Himself in a visible manner governs the Church on earth.
Therefore, no one will be saved who, knowing the Church to have been divinely established by Christ, nevertheless refuses to submit to the Church or withholds obedience from the Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Christ on earth.
Not only did the Savior command that all nations should enter the Church, but He also decreed the Church to be a means of salvation without which no one can enter the kingdom of eternal glory…Pius XII – Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston, August 8, 1949
 However the Letter also mentions the exceptions. In ‘certain circumstances’.

In His infinite mercy God has willed that the effects, necessary for one to be saved, of those helps to salvation which are directed toward man’s final end, not by intrinsic necessity, but only by divine institution, can also be obtained in certain circumstances when those helps are used only in desire and longing.

The same in its own degree must be asserted of the Church, in as far as she is the general help to salvation. Therefore, that one may obtain eternal salvation, it is not always required that he be incorporated into the Church actually as a member, but it is necessary that at least he be united to her by desire and longing... (Emphasis added)
This is the exceptional, extraordinary way.

The Letter to Cardinal Cushing indicated that he needed to make a clarification. Since the newspapers were reporting that the Catholic Church has changed its teaching. They reported that now all non Catholics do not need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation and that Jews, in general, in Boston do not need Catholic Faith to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.

The Cardinal did not make the clarification. Instead his old decree suppressing Fr. Leonard Feeney and the St. Benedict Center was maintained.

Rev. Leonard Feeney, S.J., because of grave offense against the laws of the Catholic Church has lost the right to perform any priestly function, including preaching and teaching of religion.

Any Catholics who frequent St. Benedict’s Center, or who in any way take part in or assist its activities forfeit the right to receive the Sacrament of Penance and Holy Eucharist.

Given at Boston on the 18th day of April, 1949. - Decree of Archbishop of Boston, April 18, 1949 – Suppressing Feeney and SBC Richard J. Cushing, Archbishop of Boston – Decree Regarding Leonard Feeney, April 18, 1949

3.The teaching outside the Catholic Church comes from medieval times?

Answer: No .It is mentioned in the writings of the Early Catholics(Christians), the Church Fathers. It was taught by Jesus and the Apostles. In John 3. 5 we have the reference to the need of baptism. In Mark 16: 15-16, Jesus says whoever believes will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.

When Jesus said,“ Saul, Saul why do you persecute me?” Jesus identified with the new Church. Me?!
There is only one Church that Jesus founded and it still exists with the same doctrines on mission, salvation, the Eucharist etc.

4.So all non Christians are going to Hell?

The Church says that non-Catholics who know the truth about the Catholic Church and yet do not enter are oriented to Hell. God the Father wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church (CCC).Finally only God, will judge. However the Church says that they are oriented to Hell. So does the Bible. We do not say that all non-Christians are in Heaven or Hell.

So de facto everyone needs to enter the Catholic Church and there are no exceptions.

An ecumenical point we have in common with the Orthodox Churches is that defacto everyone needs to convert, without exception. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

Lionel Andrades Catholic Layman  in Rome .

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