Monday, October 5, 2009


Imagine you are dead. Now you are before the Judgement of God. It’s the Particular Judgement. You see signs. You are about to go to Hell forever. You start shouting and calling out to the saints. You call out to your Mom and Dad in Purgatory. You scream, “I do not deserve to be in this place. Get me out of here!”

And then you scream, “I am a Catholic! I am a Catholic!”

It is the serious story of Gloria Polo a young dentist, who was struck by lightening, literally. The metal birth control device she had fixed on was the lightning conductor. The picture of her body appeared like burnt ‘toast’ in the newspapers and on television. Many were touched by this true story of a young medico. People who did not know her even prayed for her.

Rcently I could not put down the book of the description of the incident and her life that followed.

The book is titled ‘Dall Illusione della Verita’-Testimonianza di Gloria Polo. It is translated into Italian by Padre Leone Orlando from a talk by Gloria in a Church in Caracas, Venezuela, May 5, 2005.

After she died clinically but was aware, she began to sink lower and lower into a tunnel and was helpless to stop the movement. She stood at the door of Hell. Many people young and old were screaming and grinding their teeth. Before her was an abyss which was incredibly frightening. One could not feel the love of God there. She sensed there was no hope.

She began screaming like a mad person. She began calling out to the saints and to souls in Purgatory.

She saw a large number of young people in Hell. They had killed themselves through suicide.

God allowed her to see her mother and father in Purgatory. They were crying and suffering tremendously. They were full of remorse. There were demons there to taunt and trouble them. The conversion of their souls begins there says Gloria .They are allowed to do acts of charity. They cannot help themselves. It is through Masses offered for them on earth, Gloria observed, that they are helped.

These souls could not help her. So she started screaming again “There is a mistake here!” “You can look I am a saint!” “I have never robbed!” “I have never murdered!” “I have never done evil to anyone!” “I have helped the poor as a dentist!”

“I want my rights!! I, who was good, need to go directly to Heaven. What am I doing here!”. “ Take me out of here! Take me out of here!”

She continued to shout while seeing horrible creatures. She saw people who hated her and realized that one has to pay for every sin on earth. Times when she could not love.

“I am a Catholic! I am a Catholic! Please take me out of here!!”

When she shouted I am a Catholic she saw specks of light. It was her parents in Purgatory.

She heard a beautiful voice which made the demons prostrate with fear. It was the voice of God. It was full of love and peace.

The Voice said, it is very well that she was a Catholic but: “Tell me what are the Ten Commandments of the Law of God?

She was afraid. All she remembered was there were 10.

She tried to fake it. She said that the First Commandment was to love God before all else and to love your neighbour as yourself.

"And did you do this?". She was asked.

"Yes" she replied.

"No" came the answer and it felt like the lightening bolt she had received earlier. It was painful.

Then Jesus showed her the Book of Life. It was a record of all that she did on earth. When they came to the end and it was closed she was terrorized.

She felt she was about to descend and called out to her mother and father in Purgatory.

“Mother what a shame I am condemned! Where will I go?! I will not see you any more!”

In that moment Jesus allowed her a beautiful grace. She was allowed to see her human mother in prayer. He mother signalled her to look heavenwards. And then Gloria saw clearly and said,

"Lord, Jesus Christ have pity on me. Forgive me. Lord forgive me give me a second opportunity!

Jesus taught her many things and then gave her this mission. “You will return back to give your testimony .You will repeat it not 1000 times but 1000 X 1000 times. Woe to those who listen to you but do not change because they will be judged more severely. This applies also to you in your second return."

Jesus told her it also applied to consecrated people and to priests.

Jesus told her that she returns back because of the many people who prayed for her after learning about it through the media.Especially a poor farmer in her country who interceded for in a simple prayer. Jesus told her this was love of ones neighbour.

The farmer saw her picture in a previous days newspaper and went on his knees crying and pleading for Gloria’s soul.

Gloria now continues to work as a dentist and travels giving her testimony to many people. According to the priest who translated her book she has the approval of the Church.

The book is very interesting to read. Her story is known to many Catholics here in Rome. She sees a link between salvation for people and the Eucharist; Holy Mass.

You can read her testimony here in English:

English translations of her talks are available on the following videos:

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