Monday, October 5, 2009

Medugorje-visionaries change in residence needed for approval?

The Bishop of Mostar-Medugorje recently said he did not think the apparitions of the visionaries are supernatural. He has not approved them.

The bishop however would not object if Catholics go to the Church at Medugorje for Mass. They could also visit the church nearby at Mostar, near where he lives.

Medugorje itself, the area, is peaceful and beautiful and one can go there for a quiet pilgrimage with Mass at St. James Church.

I believe that wherever Jesus is-Our Lady is there too. She is there at every Mass worshipping Our Lord, her Son. Also at Medugorje and Mostar.

The Church has discouraged official pilgrimages but permits Catholics to go there privately. The Conference of Catholic Bishops there has not condemned Medugorje and prohibited pilgrimages.

(I write this report at the Church of Santa Anastasia, Rome where an elderly lady has just come in and is seated in a pew nearby. She is reading a Medugorje publication which has the approval of the senior exorcist of Rome, Fr. Gabrielle Amorth.)

Recently there was a report that Vatican Authority has been de centralized. The report quoted Rabbi Rosen saying that the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal William Levada told him that the Note of the American bishops(USCCB) was respected and in a sense, independent. The USCCB issued a Note indicating that Jews need to convert, Catholics have an obligation to baptize them and that inter-religious dialogue can be a part of Catholic Mission.

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