Sunday, November 29, 2009


Tomorrow at the Basilica of St. Andrea della Fratte, Rome they celebrate the feast day of St. Andrew, the Apostle. There will be Holy Mass probably at the Altar of the Miracle.Bishop Earnesto Mandera, Auxiliary Bishop of Rome, Central, is the chief celebrant.

At the Altar of the Miracle at 7 a.m a Minim Father celebrates Holy Mass and uses the altar rails to distribute the Eucharist to people kneeling. I assisted as an altar server but after the Eucharist was given to a woman during Holy Mass, who was wearing shorts and not much above, I quit. Fr. Giacomo, the Minim Father,does not think immodesty is a sin or a mortal sin. Immodesty unlike other mortal sins is a sin a priest can see.

Liberal Protestant theology says we cannot judge a person. Catholic moral theology has not changed. The outward action indicates the internal intent (Veritatis Splendor).Fr. Giacomo will celebrate Holy Mass there at the same time throughout the week except Sundays.

On Sunday mornings when another priest celebrates Holy Mass I attend but do not go up to receive the Eucharist. I feel uncomfortable. The Minim priests, of St. Francis of Paola, (founder and layman) do not affirm teachings on exclusive-salvation and modesty.

The sister from a parish church nearby who teaches Catechism at St. Andrea della Fratte wears the popular knee high boots and  dyes her hair.Mercifully she has stopped using red rouge on her cheeks. When she sees women dress immodestly in church she does not think it is a mortal sin. Someone important could have given her a talk on vanity and the religious life so she gave up the rouge. Or, probably, on how the rouge does not suit her complexion.

She prepares children for their First Holy Communion. She says non-Catholics can be saved who have a good conscience and so everyone does not have to enter the Catholic Church to go to Heaven. “Sister, do you know any one in particular who has a good conscience?” I asked. She would not reply.

Another sister from her community reminded her, “So everyone needs to enter the Catholic Church for salvation. This is why evangelization is important.”

These are all nice people. I wish I could also call them my friends. How can I judge who has a good conscience? How can I judge how Jesus will judge on the Last Day? De facto everyone needs to enter the Catholic Church with no exceptions. In principle (de jure) there can be people in good conscience known only to God.

If I could ask three questions on mission tomorrow, Bishop Earnesto Mandera would refer me to Mons. Marco Gnarvi, at the Vicariate Office, where the Bishop also has his office. Mons. Gnarvi, at the Ecumenical and Inter religious Affairs Office would refer me to Mons. R. Fisichella, the Rector of St. John Lateran University, Rome, who also oversees Mons. Gnarvi’s Office. He has never responded in the past.

Why after 2000 years the Catholic Church only has to give up its teaching on extra ecclesiam nulla salus while the Orthodox Churches still teach that de facto, everyone needs to enter the Church for salvation with no exceptions, extra ecclesiam nulla salus?

When did Jesus give us this new doctrine being taught at St. Andrea della Fratte?

The website of the Jewish Anti Defamation League (ADL) is often critical of the Catholic Church but there is never mention of the Orthodox Churches and Islam which also teach exclusive salvation?

Jewish Masons and Communists know that the Catholic Church is the one, true Church of Jesus Christ. Their goal is a pope who can change church teachings and cause the maximum confusion.

At the Altar of the Miracle at the Church, which will be full of people tomorrow evening, the Jew Alphonse Ratisbonne, in a flash saw Our Lady. She showed him the beauty of the Catholic Church and its importance for the salvation for all people. He converted and became a Catholic missionary-priest.

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