Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Courses and educational programs are being offered by Jewish Left organisations which distort the teachings of Vatican Council II. They are being repeatedly thrust upon Catholics, as if Catholics do not know their faith. Also the information is not factually correct and carries a political bias. They have the approval of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops(USCCB)

It is claimed Nostra Aetate implies that Catholics now have a new relationship with Jews and this means there should be no attempts to convert  Jews.

For instance there are the Nostra Aetate Petitions on the Archdiocese of Boston website

Nostra Aetate 40th Anniversary Observance Prayers of Petition

READER: We ask our Catholic brothers and sisters to stand and join in the sung response to these prayers of petition. Our friends from other religions may remain seated in silence.

CHOIR: (sung) “O God hear us, hear our prayer.”

READER: That the members of the Church, through dialogue and collaboration, carried out with prudence and love and in witness to the Christian faith and life, may recognize, preserve and promote the good things, spiritual and moral, as well as the socio-cultural values found in other religions, we pray …(sung) “O God hear us, hear our prayer.”
- Adapted from Nostra Aetate, #2

READER: That the Christian faithful, recognizing as foreign to the mind of Christ any discrimination against others based on race, color, condition of life, or religion, may “maintain good fellowship among the nations”(1 Peter 2:12) and live in peace with all people, we pray ... (sung) “O God hear us, hear our prayer.”

- Adapted from Nostra Aetate, #5
If Catholics say that Jews need to convert to go to Heaven and avoid Hell (Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II) Jews will protest, break down dialogue, create tension. So for good relations with Jews, Catholics must distort their faith.Then only the Jewish Left will promise peace.

READER: That people of faith may place at the service of humanity their religious conviction, founded on the daily practice of listening to God’s message and encountering him in prayerful worship, we pray …(sung) “O God hear us, hear our prayer.”

–Adapted from Pope John Paul II’s address to a group of Christians, Muslims and Jews, Feb. 26, 1986
This is Jewish Left syncretism. It is saying that all religions are equal and only working for humanity counts. This is the political position of the Jewish Left who are pro abortion,homosexuality and other things evil. Catholics teach that everyone needs to enter the Catholic Church to go to Heaven and avoid Hell. And out of love for Jesus Catholics love everyone and work along with them in the service of humanity in a pluralistic society-without watering down their faith.

READER: That through respectful interreligious dialogue, our youth may be taught the ways of respect and understanding, so that they will not be led to misuse religion to promote or justify hatred and violence, we pray ... (sung) “O God hear us, hear our prayer.”

–Adapted from Pope John Paul II’s address on his visit to the Umayyad Great Mosque, May 6, 2001
When the Revised Good Friday Prayer was announced by Pope Benedict XVI the Jewish Left issued an ultimatum to the Vatican. Later there was a threat of an end to dialogue and the beginning of hostilities over the Bishop Williamson case. When the Vatican Secretary of State assured the Chief Rabbi of Israel that doctrine would be changed  there was no threat from the Jewish Left.So these ‘educational resources’ are part of the propaganda.

READER: That as members of the one human family and as believers, we will realize our obligations to the common good, to justice and to solidarity, and that interreligious dialogue will lead to many forms of cooperation, especially in responding to the duty to care for the poor and weak, we pray ... (sung) “O God hear us, hear our prayer.”

–Adapted from Pope John Paul II’s address on his visit to the Umayyad Great Mosque, May 6, 2001

For Catholics the common good is a Government with a Catholic Constitution and which is not secular Zionist. Also the common good is that all Jews and other non Catholics go to Heaven by converting. This is objectionable to the Jewish Left who do not represent all Jews.

READER: That the Church will continue to build bridges of friendship with the followers of all religions, in order to seek the true good of every person and of society as a whole, we pray ... (sung) “O God hear us, hear our prayer.”

- Adapted from Pope Benedict XVI’s words of appreciation to the ecumenical and interreligious guests who attended his inaugural Mass, April 25, 2005

Nostra Aeatte must be accepted with Ad Gentes. The priorities are not syncretism and falsehood.

READER: That the memory of our beloved, late Holy Father John Paul II may be honoured through the ongoing work of ecumenical and interreligious outreach, dialogue, and cooperation, to which the Holy Father witnessed with such dedication and vigor throughout his pontificate, we pray ... (sung) “O God hear us, hear our prayer.”
Pope John Paul II’s teachings are being distorted or not reported by the Jewish Left. In the Notification on Fr. Jacques Dupuis S.J , the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith stated, that Judaism is not a path to salvation and Jews need to convert. In Dominus Iesus Pope John Paul II  said that Jews need to convert(N.20,21). This message must also be included in the educational resources prepared by Jewish Left sources.

READER: That, during this anniversary year, God will bless the recommitment of the Archdiocese of Boston to the teaching of Nostra Aetate, so that, at every level in our church, we may live what we profess, we pray ... (sung) “O God hear us, hear our prayer.”
The Archdiocese of Boston is a long time in heresy.They also present Nostra Aetate without Ad Gentes. This is a distortion of Vatican Council II and the teachings of the Catholic Church.

READER: That the members of the Massachusetts Interreligious Leaders Group will continue to work together to enhance mutual understanding and respect, support one another in matters of particular concern, collaborate on issues affecting the common good, and cooperate on relief efforts for the needy, we pray ... (sung) “O God hear us, hear our prayer.”
Dialogue must not be based on military, economic and political threats. They need to be honest. The Massachusetts Interreligious Leaders Group could  publicly state that the Catholic Church teaches that Judaism is not a path to salvation and that Jews need to convert .Holding on to this  teaching and their Catholic Faith, Catholics  work in the service of all, along with Jews and others.

The following is from the Ecumenical and Inter Religious Affiars Office of the Archdiocese of Boston website.

How can I be involved

How can I be involved in Catholic-Jewish relations?

Work with your pastor to establish a Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations for your cluster of parishes. A collaborative effort will make for a more effective outreach and more efficient use of resources. For training sessions and/or for advice on appropriate and helpful resources, contact the Archdiocesan Office for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs.

Offer to work with interfaith clergy associations in your area. Local clergy are always busy with their own congregational responsibilities and would welcome the assistance of trained helpers, especially on occasions like Thanksgiving, which is often an appropriate opportunity for interfaith prayer and action.

Encourage relationship-building between your parish and your local synagogue. Offer to assist your pastor in his own work of outreach to members of other religions.

Set up a study group to learn more about the Church and interreligious relations. To see one such curriculum, click here .

Organize a New Directions Program for the religious educators in your parish religious education program or school. Reach out to other parishes in your vicinity. The New Directions Program, co-sponsored by the Archdiocese of Boston and the Anti-Defamation League, has been highly successful in teaching Catholic religious educators how to teach about Judaism with accuracy and respect. In addition to the basic workshop, New Directions also provides higher level workshops.

Organize a local dialogue using Walking God’s Paths. This six-part video/ multimedia program has been produced by the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning at Boston College on behalf of The National Council of Synagogues and the Bishops Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops). Contact the Office for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs for advice.

Invite speakers to address your parishioners, religious education program, or RCIA. Contact the Office for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs for advice.

New Directions Program for Teachers

Jewish Affairs

New Directions Program for Teachers


Workshop FAQ

Resources for teachers relating to the film The Passion of the Christ

New Directions is sponsored by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston and the Anti-Defamation League of New England. The Archdiocese of Boston has, for many years, enjoyed a positive working relationship with the Jewish community. This ongoing collaboration has created a broad educational initiative jointly sponsored by the Archdiocese and the Anti-Defamation League. For more information, contact: The Office of the Secretary for Education

Where We Have Come From

In 1965 the world's Catholic bishops, gathered at the Second Vatican Council, issued the Declaration on the Relationship of the Church to Non-Christian Religions, Nostra Aetate. Section 4 of that document was a landmark in Catholic-Jewish relations. In a few forceful words, the bishops renounced almost two thousand years of anti-Jewish teaching, repudiated anti-Semitism in all its forms and urged Catholics to recognize and to reclaim their common heritage with the Jewish people. Today, dialogue is the hallmark of Catholic-Jewish relations.

Note: There is no common heritage since the Jewish Left reject the fulfillment of the covenants with Abraham, Moses and the other Jewish prophets.They reject the New Covenant made by Jesus who was the Jewish Messiah.
Also the Jewish Left rejects the teachings of Moses and the Old Testament since they are pro homosexuality; pro-Sodom and Gommorah.
Jews themselves claim that the ADL etc are anti-Semitic and do not represent all Jews. They say Jews  do not oppose Catholic Mission since they themselves work for the conversion of everyone into Judaism.
The Jewish Left goals harmonize with those of Supremacists with an international agenda similiar to groups that are prohibited for Catholics to join.
Dialogue  for the Jewish Left means that the Catholics have accepted their terms on what should be acceptable to the Jewish Left Catholic doctrine and so now there is no threat of war or political and economic sanctions againsts the Vatican and Catholic interests, and so dialogue can continue peacefully.

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