Monday, December 21, 2009


Last Friday morning I saw Maria receive the Eucharist at a funeral Mass in Rome. She is an active old-member of the San Egidio Community (SEC) in Rome. I saw her after a few years. I once told her in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere, Rome that the SEC does not follow the teachings of the Catholic Church. They are in sin and yet receive the Eucharist.

Through Cecilia- a volunteer friend of Maria and member of the SEC I had been trying to ask the founder of SEC Andrea Riccardi to answer basic questions.He would not. Neither would the SEC Deacons.

Try and imagine Andrea Riccardi saying-the Catholic Church teaches and so I also proclaim that de facto, all persons with no exceptions need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation.

The Jewish Left and their supporters would stop his money-supply.

He would have to stop the three- days- a -week food San Egidio gives the poor.

His annual world conference of Christian religious and Catholic Bishops in dissent (all expenses paid by San Egidio) would end.

How do Andrea Riccardi, the San Egidio Deacons and volunteers like Maria and Cecilia receive the Eucharist?

According to Cecilia, she knows what the teachings of the Catholic Church are and does not believe in them. The Church needs to change according to her.

Neither does Andrea Riccardi consider the teachings of the Church as sacred-but open to change, like something you buy and sell.

He has never affirmed the dogma extra ecclsiam nulla salus nor Vatican Council II, Ad Gentes 7 - instead he has taught otherwise.

I once participated in one of their peace walks from Santa Maria in Trastevere to the nearby Jewish Ghetto. Just before the walk began I met an African seminarian friend from Maria Mater Ecclesia, the Legionaries of Christ seminary in Rome. He was also known to a Deacon of the San Egidio community who came up to us. The Italian Deacon said to the seminarian seriously and sardonically aloud, “What are you doing talking to him?”, “Why are you with him?” The seminarian smiled. The walk in the name of tolerance, peace etc had begun.

At the end of the walk, Andréa Riccardi on the microphone asked the Jewish Rabbi to say a prayer. He obliged. I waited but there was no Christian prayer.

It was at Santa Maria in Trastevere that I first began distributing leaflets quoting Dominus Iesus and the CDF Notification on Fr. Jacques Dupuis S.J. I could see the reaction of the SEC members. It was sad. These highly tolerant and peaceful Catholics were probably afraid they would lose their precious careers and lifestyles. There is a dislike of the Catholic Church among the San Egidio community members in Rome.

The Church has also been criticized at the conference for Christian religious. I was present at one of them when Bishop Paglia was officiating. Andréa Riccardi has also criticized the Church in public asking the Vatican to listen to popular dissent and heresy and oblige. (Avvenire).

Andrea Riccardi accompanied the Italian Jewish Left Rabbis to the Urbaniana Pontifical University, Rome and at a programme organised by the B’nai Birth. The Urbaniana was warned that Catholic Mission in its traditional form must end. Or the University could be hit by hate laws (anti Semitism, racist laws) placed in Italy by the Jewish Left minority (ADL etc) for the Catholic majority population.

Now on Dec.27,2009 the Holy Father will be present at a Christmas lunch for the poor organised by the Sant Egidio community within the Basilica Santa Maria in Trastevere. Did their Jewish Left friends make the phone call inviting the pope?How can San Egidio support Rabbis who are in favour of abortion and yet also campaign for an end to the death penalty??

How can the San Egidio community Deacons conduct prayers and a healing service at the Church of San Francesco Saveiro in Garbatella, Rome, when they cannot affirm an ex cathedra dogma and the Council (Ad Gentes 7) regarding Jews and non Catholics needing to convert for salvation? This is contrary to the Creed.

Why is Andrea Riccardi given the Eucharist in Rome?

1 comment:

  1. We already know why they contiue to do what they do- they are lost, weak souls burying their heads in the sand.
