Saturday, December 19, 2009


Urbaniana University, the Catholic Pontifical University in Rome which focuses on Mission has accepted the Jewish Left instructions and recognized the threat- they have officially and publicly given up the Catholic ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. This was evident in the Edinburgh 2010 conference they organised this month at the Urbaniana which was also addressed by the Rector of the Urbaniana University Father Cataldo Zuccaro.

The Conference made important theological changes in Catholic teaching.

It recognized that the centre of Catholic Mission must be Jesus and must exclude the Church. This means  Christians who believe in Jesus are saved in general and do not have to enter the Catholic Church, Jesus’ Mystical Body for salvation.This would include the Jehowahs Witnesses who claim Jesus and St.Michael the Archangel are the same and that the Godhead has not Three Pesons but Two.

Two thousand  years of teaching were put aside which said that de facto everyone with no exception needs to enter the Catholic Church for salvation.

Secondly the conference had Cardinal Walter Kaspar a member of the Vatican Curia as a speaker. The cardinal in a front page article in the L'Osservatore Romano indicated that Vatican Council II (Lumen Gentium 16, 20) referred to the ordinary way of salvation and were not the exceptions to the ordinary way of salvation, which is the baptism of water and Catholic Faith. So Jews and other non Christians are saved in general in their religions and do not have to convert.

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