Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Emeritis Archbishop Joseph Fiorenza of Galveston-Houston,USA, states that Pope John Paul II says that Jews are the people of the Old Covenant never revoked.Jews do not have to convert.(See Catholic Apologetics International, Archbishop Fiorenza Preaching Heresy About the Jews by Robert Sungenis)

That Jews do not have to convert is heresy. It contradicts the Bible and the Catholic Church dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus,i.e. everyone needs to enter the Catholic Church with no exception. It also contradicts Vatican Council II, Ad Gentes 7.

The Covenants God made with Abraham, Moses and the other Jewish Prophets were fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Jews need to believe in the New Covenant in Jesus Christ, to be saved.

The old covenants in a sense were never revoked even for Catholics. Catholics accept the promised Jewish Messiah the fullfilment of the Covenants with Yahweh.

Jews rejected the New Covenant and the New Messiah and His Church - they are no more the Chosen People of God.

Bishop Fiorenza in a Holocaust address to Jews says that Nostra Aetate is a revolutionary document. In which way is it revolutionary?

Nostra Aetate in fact states that the Jews at the time of Jesus were responsible for his death and do not blame the present Jews. This has always been the Catholic posiiton.

He also says that there is the fear that Catholics will try to convert Jews. He assures the Jews that there are no plans for their conversion..

The teaching that Jews need to convert is a solemn dogma of the Catholic Church.The teaching extra ecclesiam nulla salus is also shared by the Orthodox Churches.

The Orthodox Churches alongwith Islam  teaches exclusive salvation and unlike the Jewish Left there are also Jewish organisations which also teach exclusive salvation.
This is a new doctrine that Jews do not have to convert. It is supported by many pro-Israel Catholic cardinals like Bertone, Kaspar, Bagnasco, Cormac Murphy O Connor and US Cardinals.
Jesus in the Bible says that Jews need to convert for salvation.This has been the teaching of the Catholic Church for 2000 years.
The US Archbishop contradicts the Catholic Church's teaching on the Eucharist.How can he be in first class heresy and also celebrate Holy Mass or receive the Eucharist?
Also if Jews do not have to convert can they receive the Eucharist?

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